Lara Itzhaki

Why I moved to Israel

I’d like to share with you an email my brother, Rafi Shulman sent me to day

This is why we moved to Israel…

When my wife and I decided to make Aliyah a few years ago, many of our family and friends wondered why. They wondered why we’d want to leave our family and friends. They wondered why we wanted to leave such a comfortable lifestyle and the security of good jobs. They wondered why we’d want to move half way across the world and start a new life, a life that is more challenging in so many ways.

My response to them was that we’re moving to Israel because it’s a special country. People nodded their heads when I said this but I got the sense that they didn’t really understand what I was referring to.

So I’m going to try again and explain by sharing sharing a story with all of these people and all of you. This is s true story about something that that happened to me just a few days ago….

The story actually begins a few weeks ago when I was contacted by a friend of a friend whom I’ve never met. This person lives in Israel, about 45 minutes away from where I live and has a son who unfortunately has a medical condition that requires medicine that is available in the US. He was looking for someone to bring the medicine from the US back to Israel and our mutual friend told him that I was coming to the US soon. So reached out to me and asked me if I could bring the medicine back with me and of course, I said yes. We exchanged a couple of emails finalizing the details and that was it.

Fast forward to this past Monday, a very nerve-wracking day for many Israelis as the Israel was hit with a barrage of rockets from Gaza. I felt so guilty that I wasn’t around to protect and calm my kids. As I was on the phone with them trying to calm them down, I got a text message from the father. It said “Brad, I know that you’re in the US right now and I imagine that your family is worried about the situation. Do you want me to drive over to them and check in on them? Is there anything I can do to help them?”

I was blown away by the gesture and as I wondered what might have prompted a stranger to worry about my family, a thought crossed my mind.

I realized that this person is not a stranger. I realized that he is family and Israel is our home. This is why we moved to Israel.

Wishing you all a safe day. Peace ✌️✌️✌️

About the Author
I have a bachelor's degree in Social Work from Hebrew University. I chose that field because I love helping people. I am proud to be an Israeli and am grateful for the zchut to be living in Israel. I co-founded Olim Advisors to support, guide and advocate for individuals and families during their Aliyah process. I am thrilled to be combining my love of Israel and love of helping people through this organization.
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