Eitan Chitayat

Yes, you can

There are people out there in the world who want to kill me because I’m Jewish. They would be happy to kill my wife. My sons. My family. My entire people.

It’s a crazy world.

Some are making a deal with a nation whose leadership wants to wipe my country off the map. (Their words, not mine). And I’m as baffled with the country making those statements as those leading the country who are pushing for a deal.

There is plenty of hatred and ignorance around the world about my heritage and my faith. Some try to disguise it as an Israel-problem thing, but it’s not.

It’s a hatred of the Jews thing.

And a world that tolerates it thing.

70 years have passed since the Holocaust and too many died then. But the rhetoric by the haters is, to me, feeling worse whenever I hear it now, given that there already was a Holocaust and the world saw what happened. A people were cherry-picked and targeted to be removed from the face of this planet. 6 million innocents were coldly slaughtered.

The incitement, the intolerance, the acceptance of evil – today – it astounds me. The deafening silence shocks me.

While there’s always the chance that something on a mass scale might happen to us again, I’m living proof of a people who will not retreat into the night. Who will not stay quiet. Who will not apologize for surviving. And who will not do anything but thrive, succeed, love, advance every industry on the planet and shove that in the world’s face.

Basically, I’m here and I’m here to stay, motherfuckers. And yes, you can stay quiet. But I won’t.

Never again.

Eitan Chitayat

About the Author
Founder of the Natie Branding Agency in Tel Aviv, Eitan has been delivering international brands for over 25 years and has lived in Hong-Kong, London, Tel Aviv, New York and Boston. He created "I'm That Jew" which has been viewed over 12 million times on various platforms and has been exhibited at the ANU Museum of the Jewish People. He also gave a TEDx talk about why he created it, and more recently co-created the viral video "She's that Woman". His clients have included Google, Apple, Facebook, YouTube, Medisafe, Nutrino and Waterlogic. He hosts the 'I'm That' podcast and has interviewed Rose McGowan, Rosanna Arquette, Rob Schwartz and William Green, amongst others. Eitan consults regularly, speaks at global conferences and has been a judge for the One Show.