Yom Kippur – The Day of Atonement
Today, October 11th, the 371st Day of War in Israel is also the day that ends as Yom Kippur begins, it is the holiest day in the Jewish calendar.
Israel will shut down totally this afternoon. The airport will close, all public transportation with stop, restaurants will be closed, the media will go off the air and from sundown today until sundown tomorrow only emergency vehicles will be on the streets. Let’s hope we won’t need many of them.
This day, a day when we have a chance to apologize and ask forgiveness from our fellow human beings for any pain we may have caused them, is also traditionally when the good Lord makes the decision as to whether we should live or die in the coming year, and how. Our deeds for the past year, good and bad, will be weighed by the heavenly one and, if we are, God forbid, found wanting, the decision may not be favorable to us.
As we are alive today, clearly last year’s prayers were answered in the affirmative. However, not so for the thousands of Jews who were murdered this past year by terrorist incidents such as the massacre of last October, 7th; not for our brave troops who fought and died in the ensuing war to protect our country; and not for the tens of thousands who died in Gaza and lesser numbers in other places, many of whom were involved in a war they too did not ask for and did not want.
So, as we Jews enter synagogues around the world tonight and hear the opening words of the Kol Nidre prayer that begins with the words “All vows….” which, if we did not abide by them we ask for nullification, and as we continue to speak words of atonement for promises not kept and elucidate hopes for the future, we will be hoping and praying not only for the decision to live another year to be in our favor but also…..
…To end the war that has been raging on multiple fronts for over a year;
…To see the remaining 101 hostages still held by Hamas released from their illegal and inhumane captivity;
…To watch those who have been wounded to be blessed with a full and speedy recover;
…and to see the dawn of a new age where the biblical hope of the lion lying down with the lamb actually comes to pass.
May we be blessed to see all of this. If, in my columns, I offended anyone this past year I ask your forgiveness as well as we all strive to do what needs to be done to create the better world that all of us desire and deserve. May it be so.