A Prayer For Rosh Hashanah
Oh G-d, how incredibly great are You:
Man fashions, but You create.
Man conceives, but You innovate.
Man emulates, but You are the original.
Man hopes, but You fulfill hopes.
Man laughs, but You give him what to be joyful for.
Man cries, but You console him.
Man desires peace, but You grant peace.
Man fights on Earth, but You fight in the Heavens.
Man worships, but You are worshipped.
Man strives, but You snap your finger and it is done.
Man is born, but You are his mother.
Man dies, but You are his father.
Man lives, but You are his sustainer.
Man wonders, but You know the secrets of the universe.
Man questions, but You have the answers.
Man is desperate, but You come to his aid.
Man sins, but You Judge.
Man repents, but You forgive.
Man is vengeful, but You are merciful.
Man is like dust, but You are the eternal flame.
Amen, Amen, Amen.