Are you Zionist?
A few days ago, I read a senseless statement on Tweeter: “Zionism is anti-Semitism”.
This comment attracted my attention. “Wow” I thought “what an absurd!”
After all, Zionism is a movement that was founded as a result of anti-Semitism.
The goal of Zionism was: the return of the Jewish people to their homeland-Israel where they would live without being persecuted.
I couldn’t stay silent so I replied:” It doesn’t make sense…”
The discussion continued while those who replied to my reply claimed that:” Zionism has been the major cause of anti-Semitism since it was founded in 1897?”.
The discussion went on. Of course there was no sense about those comments but the discussion about Zionism left me full of thoughts, and I want to ask:
What was Zionism then and what is it today? How can I make someone who was fed by propaganda against Israel and Zionism to see the real face of Zionism?
First, I searched on google for the definition of Zionism.
I found this:” worldwide Jewish movement that resulted in the establishment and development of the state of Israel.”
You know? I owe my life to Zionism; my whole family owes their life to Zionism.
My great grandfather left Germany back in 1933 with his family and moved to Israel (made Aliyah) because he was Zionist, because he was passionate to contribute to the establishment of the state of Israel or in Hebrew as he used to say:”Binyan ha’aretz”.
Thanks to their Aliyah they escaped from the Holocaust and here I am, here my family live in the state of Israel.
It does not sound to me as racism or anti-Semitism…
Although (with god’s help) the biggest dream of Zionism came true: the state of Israel was established, Zionism is still relevant.
And yup, it is still not racist.
According to the definition of Zionism, Zionism means development of the state of Israel.
I feel that Zionism is more than that. Zionism means loving our state, feeling connected to it.
Zionism means understanding we don’t have any other home, but Israel.
Because when we didn’t have our beloved Israel six million of us were murdered and being a Jew was a shame.
Every nation has his own land, his own flag, his own national anthem and his patriotism and it’s OK.
It’s the same as loving your family more than other people, the same like loving your home more than other places. It’s normal.
I believe that part of Zionism is patriotism and the connection to Israel and the Jewish nation.
Judaism and Zionism can’t be separated; they are attached to each other.
Since the destruction of the Jewish Temple when the Jewish people were exiled from the land of Israel throughout 2000 years, around the world, the Jewish people have always dreamed about one place-Israel.
But I also believe that Zionism doesn’t ‘belongs’ just to Jews.
You can be Israeli and Zionist but not Jewish because as I said, Zionism also means loving Israel and feeling connected to Israel.
Moreover, anyone who supports Israel and understands the importance of its existence as the only democracy in the Middle East, in this way or another, is a Zionist.
Before the establishment of the state of Israel, you were Zionist if you dried swamps, built new towns and fight for the independence of the Jewish people in Israel.
Nowadays, you are Zionist if you care about Israel, if you love Israel wholeheartedly and if you are active for Israel.
If you are serving in the IDF with a sense of mission, knowing you are defending your home, your land- so you are a Zionist.
If you made Aliyah and left your home and your family abroad so you are a Zionist.
If you advocates for Israel in social media because you are upset that Israel is being portrayed negativity in the world so you are a Zionist.
If you volunteers in Magen David Adom, Zichron Menachem, Kav La’haim and other Voluntary associations that have a goal, helping the society in Israel, so you are a Zionist.
Herzl,’the father of Zionism’, once said: “if you will it, it is no dream”.
Thanks God, it isn’t a dream anymore, the state of Israel was established. But we still have to develop it and defend it. We still have to be Zionist.