Lori Prashker-Thomas

Lori Prashker-Thomas

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About Me
Lori Prashker-Thomas has always been a creative soul and free spirit, never imagining that “author” would one day grace her resume. An award-winning author, Lori released her memoir, From Mistakes To Miracles: A Jewish Birthmother’s Story of Redemption, Hope, and Healing, in October 2022. In addition to her writing, Lori has over 20 years of experience as a legal secretary and paralegal. She is the Co-Owner and Photographer at ShadowCatcher Photography, LLC, where she works alongside her husband, Michael. Lori also serves as the Owner and Certifed Professional Wedding Officiant of Ceremonies by Lori and is a passionate speaker, writer, and advocate, focusing on her experiences as a Jewish birthmother and challenging the stigma surrounding adoption, domestic violence and suicide survival. Lori is also director of her non-profit organization, I Picture Hope, a proud board member of the NEPA Pride Project, and the winner of the 2024 Ally of the Year award presented by the Rainbow Alliance
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