David Margolese

Benjamin Netanyahu

I have never seen a situation so complex, so daunting, and so difficult, as the one Israel currently finds herself in.

Iran is the latest Nazi Germany, with its dictators bent on control over the Middle East. Domination over Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states would represent control over forty percent of the world’s energy, which would effectively transform Iran into a superpower. To achieve this Iran needs nuclear weapons. Simply possessing them will make Iran militarily untouchable.

Additionally, Iran’s dictators theologically view Jews in control of what they consider Muslim land (Israel) to be a cancer needing to be destroyed, and state their intention to destroy Israel. They are also doing everything they can to do so. Little wonder then that Israel is vehemently opposed to a nuclear Iran.

The Palestinians have nothing to do with Iran’s intent to destroy Israel. For Iran, Israel’s destruction is a religious obligation, and therefore Iran opposes any peace agreement between Palestinians and Israel.

To control the Middle East is to control the world’s energy, the economic blood of the West. Control of this energy can bring America and Europe’s economies to its knees, all the while with Iran protected by its nuclear umbrella. It can also provide Iran with the finances to arm itself and become a military global superpower.

Today we are witnessing the fruits of Iran’s efforts over the past thirty years. Its proxy armies are spread throughout the Middle East, its nuclear weapons program is nearly done, its ballistic missile program, including hypersonic, is well along the way.

Standing at the absolute center of all this — is Israel.

And at the center of this center stands one man — Benjamin Netanyahu.

From the very beginning thirty years ago, Netanyahu was the one who sounded the alarm to a world that didn’t want to think about an Iranian threat, let alone confront it. Year after year he explained the threat and admonished the world not to put off dealing with it.

And now the Iranian threat, the real cancer, has metastasised and we are dealing with a whole other ballgame. Yet, even now the world doesn’t want to think about the consequences of a nuclear Iran that controls the world’s energy, let alone confront it.

Netanyahu claimed from the beginning that Iran was developing nuclear weapons, which Iran always denied. He claimed Iran intended to use them both to destroy Israel, and to take over the Middle East and dominate the West’s energy lifeline.

At the center of the center Netanyahu has for thirty years tirelessly sounded this alarm. And now, at Israel’s helm, he is the one confronting Iran and her proxies.

I have run a major, highly complex organization, under enormous, unrelenting pressure. But the forces and pressures Bibi deals with from all sides each day this past year are unimaginable to me. And day in and day out he does so with composure, with brilliance, and with perseverance.

It is self-evident that his intellect is of a genius level. And it is also self-evident that he is an unrivaled statesman, communicator, and strategist.

Netanyahu has defied and even taken on American presidents when he believed they were acting against Israel’s interest. There is absolutely no other person with this capability. He has resisted ceasefire/hostage deals to date that he believes are not in Israel’s interest. And he has done so against all odds, standing firm against much of the Israeli public, his security chiefs, the American president, and the international community.

It’s easy to criticize him when we don’t know what he knows. Or when it comes from those who hunger for his position, or disagree with him. But I know of no other man or woman better suited for his unimaginable, unenviable, and at this time, most difficult position in the world.

It is possible that Benjamin Netanyahu will prove to be the greatest leader of our generation.

About the Author
David Margolese is the co-founder and former CEO of SiriusXM, America's largest radio broadcaster. Nominated by Harvard Business School as Entrepreneur of the Year, inducted into NASA's Space Technology Hall of Fame, he and his wife Michal and their six children live in Israel.
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