Aryeh Spero

Black and Muslim leaders must speak out against anti-Semitism in their communities

Jewish groups need to rise above their leftism and neighborhoods must practice self-protectiion

Virtually every recent stabbing and attack on Jews in New York City and the metropolitan area has been perpetrated by a black, Hispanic or sympathizers with jihad. It is time for leaders of those communities to admit to anti-Semitism within their midst and STOP it. Time for truth telling. Perpetrators must be punished.

New York’s leftist politicians speak about anti-Semitism, but are not using anywhere near the force of law to bring these perpetrators to justice. In fact, we’re hearing that last week’s attackers against Jews, who were black or Hispanic, have already been released and are back on the streets.

Much of the hatred against Jewish people is being fueled by jihadist talk, and yet, because of political correctness, authorities are not doing the pre-reconnaissance that common sense dictates.

We have heard the evasive platitudes about ‘extremism’, ‘intolerance’, ‘hate’, but what we are witnessing in these attacks is raw anti-Semitism, specifically against Jews. Call it what it is! New York’s leftist politicians want us to believe that this is coming from a climate of ‘extremism’ and ‘white supremacists’, whereas in the metro area it is a Jew-hatred being fomented within the minority communities.

The major Jewish organizations have failed the Jewish community by not calling out or pressuring the minority communities responsible for these attacks. They are wedded to leftist clichés and goals and, even now, routinely choose their sympatico with minority communities over the safety of Jewish individuals.

Unfortunately, the Democrat Party knows that the Jewish community will remain an enthusiastic constituency even though the Party is silent while anti-Semitism grows within its midst, as seen with Omar, Tlaib, Ocasio-Cortez and other outspoken members of their caucuses. The American Jewish Community is relinquishing its self-interest and leverage in service to its undying infatuation with leftism and the Democrat Party.

Many of the policies of the mainstream liberal/left Jewish organizations are militating against solving this crisis:

  • they have been backers of open borders;
  • they have been against necessary vetting of those coming from Muslim countries;
  • they are against what they call ‘profiling’;
  • they are for ‘bail reform’ leading to immediate release of suspects; and
  • they are the first to call ‘racist’ anyone who asks the minority communities to begin fighting the anti-Semitism in their midst.

Friends: the time for feel-good ‘dialogue’ is over.  Jewish organizations must get past worrying more about the sensitivities of other minorities and their leaders over the lives and safety of the Jewish people.

People ask: why is there not an outcry over the daily violence against Jews as there would be if the targets were black, Muslim, or LGTB? The answer is that the high-profile mainstream Jewish organizations that often spearhead public outcries when minorities are attacked are far less angered when similar attacks happen against Jews if the perpetrators are from minority groups. If these attackers in the NYC metro area had been white or Christian, the establishment Jewish organizations and political leaders definitely would be howling and using the opportunity to condemn America and its way of life.

Conference of Jewish Affairs is organizing a Summit of Jewish Leaders to address these issues. American Jews need to learn from the Israelis the importance of self-defense. Self-defense is a religious obligation as much as is putting on tefillin.   In communities with hundreds of thousands of Jews where many are healthy young men, we should be able to protect ourselves from marauders coming into the neighborhoods wherein we constitute a vast majority. The ethic of protecting one’s family must become a central part of our way of life.

About the Author
Rabbi Aryeh Spero, president of Conference of Jewish Affairs, is an ordained Orthodox rabbi, who served congregations in Ohio, Manhattan, and Long Island. His articles have been published in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, Human Events, American Spectator, Breitbart, American Thinker, Tradition, Judaism, and Jerusalem Post. He is a frequent guest on Fox News and other programs, and hosts “The Rabbi Spero Show” weeknights 8pm Eastern on CRN Talk Radio. He is author of "Push Back: Reclaiming Our American Judeo-Christian Spirit" and "Why Israel Matters to You."
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