Coping In This Stressful Situation
This past week and a half has probably been the most stressful time for me since moving to Israel and making Aliyah.
It has taught me the importance of giving to others and not taking things for granted. It has also taught me about dealing with stress and coping in a stressful situation.
Everybody deals with stress differently and everyone is in a different situation. I want to clarify that this is a general guide to dealing with stress.
People deal with stress differently. Some people do yoga classes, meditation or jogging in the park. Any form of exercise is good for dealing with stress.
After reading and watching the news incessantly, I decided that it was enough and decided to limit my time doing this. It is probably the best thing I have done and my stress levels have gone down. I talked with somebody yesterday who was watching the news all the time at work and it is driving her to anxiety.
I would set myself certain times during the day to read, watch and listen to the news. This has really helped me a lot.
Last week I had a Nefesh b Nefesh zoom webinar on dealing with stress and they told us to do things you enjoy and spend time on your hobbies. Taking time to do something you enjoy is very relaxing.
Charity and volunteering are also very important at this time. This week I went to Dizengoff Centre and donated some socks to soldiers. Helping and giving to others is critical at this time. I am moved by how much time and effort people in Israel are spending volunteering. It really shows me how much people care about each other and that there is a real sense of purpose and belonging in the country. There are so many people and organizations that are doing their best to volunteer and help others less fortunate. This is very moving.
At this difficult time, it is important to reach out and stay in touch with friends and family but also make time for yourself.
Keep calm and carry on.