Chef Ceaser

Eggs in a filo basket

Eggs in a Filo Basket

Here is a wonderful dish that can be used for breakfast, lunch or dinner. You are going to like this recipe. As Chef Justin Wilson used say, “I guarantee it!

Eggs in a Filo Basket


2 tbs. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 tbs. Vegetable Oil
2 large Potatoes, shredded
1 Onion, shredded
I package of Filo Dough about 3 sheets
8 Eggs
8 slices of Smoked Kosher Turkey Pastrami
1 Red Bell Pepper
1 Hot Pepper, seeded and minced
2 Scallions, thinly sliced ands a
Salt and fresh Ground Black Pepper to taste


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

Cut the two sheets filo dough into eight large squares. Brush the muffin cups with olive oil and line each with 1 square of filo dough. Brush the squares with a little olive oil place the second sheet of filo dough on top of the first. Again brush on a little olive oil. Bake for about 7 minutes until the filo dough has set and begins to brown.

In a large skillet add a little vegetable oil and the shredded onions and potatoes until they have browned. Drain and allow to cool. Season with salt and pepper.

When the hash brown have cooled add on top of the filo dough some of the hash browns into each cup. Using your fingers press the hash browns to follow the form of muffin cup. Add a slice of turkey pastrami into the muffin cup and again follow the form of the cup.

Break 1 egg into each muffin cup. Top some red peppers and scallions on top of each egg.

Sprinkle all with a little salt and pepper and place in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes, or until the egg white is firm but yolk still liquid. Remove from the oven and let sit 5 minutes before carefully removing the baskets from the tin. Serve 2 eggs for each person. Add some fruit and a salad and some fresh bread for a complete meal.

A special note. Whenever possible please purchase Kosher items that come from Israel especially those products that originate in Judea and the Shomron.

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About the Author
Chef Ceaser has been a kosher chef for 37 years.
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