Electing ANY Democrat-POTUS Empowers Gomer-tose Biden – Part III: Bannon (2)
The first essay on this blog-site invoked Biden’s disastrous appearance with Charlamagne Da God because it illustrated Trump’s ability to trigger conservatives to lead a revamped Civil Rights Movement; although current polling is only of registered voters, it nevertheless prompts revisiting the contributions of Stephen K. Bannon: pre-Trump (as Breitbart editor), Trump (the good with the blemishes), and post-Trump (pushing popular populism globally, particularly in Europe).
The second essay on this blog-site focused on how Biden/Trump contrast dramatically (such as on Invaders) and invoked personal observations to illustrate linkages of Bannon/Trump worldviews; particularly potent was the referenced conclusion that the USA will be in a Kinetic War with China if we don’t win the Information and Economic Wars for “If We Blink, We’re Heading On a Path to War.”
This follow-up explores why Bannon seems indefatigable and unhesitatingly tackles the greatest cultural challenges in the post-modern era; he instilled his philosophy within The Donald’s campaign and initial Administration [recalling how he crossed-off assiduously “Promises (as they were being) Kept” on his white-board, pre-“relocation”]; Bannon presciently concluded Dems hate Trump because he’s an “existential threat to the Democratic Party.”
{When scrutinizing Bannon, ignore the hit-piece cinéma vérité documentary “The Brink” c/o Philadelphian Alison Klayman, with whom I had a brief-chat [@ the opening @ Philly’s Ritz]; I confirmed presence of her pervasive venom to explain the lack of true-content.}
He remains highly-relevant, both in America and globally (particularly in Europe), prompting the NY-Times to wonder aloud whether Steve Bannon can realign American Politics; for example, he feels polls consistently miss silent Trump support.
He also feels the 2020 Election is All About China and that Biden Can’t Beat Trump with his terrible record on China, explaining again why Dems will “Look Seriously at replacing him”; ultimately, he avers elites have no one to blame for [Positive] Populism but themselves, and he is doubling down on the urgency of defeating the Deep State via his new organization (Citizens of the American Republic).
His speech to a newly revived cold war-era advocacy organization [The Committee on the Present Danger] characterized China as “an aggressive totalitarian foe” and, thus, he has Trump’s threat to increase tariffs on Chinese imports; along with bass and the CPDC, he has even called on Mnuchin to BAN China from US Markets.
Steve Bannon unloaded on Kissinger’s ongoing desire for a “New World Order” [a.k.a. “globalism”], for it has entailed having functioned as an apologist for the ChiComs [for more than a half-century]; this podcast includes former Claremont President Brian Kennedy, who has been warning against the dangers of an EMP (by China, Russia, North Korea, Iran) for at least a decade, when I heard him in Philly.
Bannon has even claimed Fox News host Tucker Carlson has “more influence” on Trump’s national security policy than do his own advisers; his impact is global, noting that a London School of Economics Analyst Pushed CCP Propaganda Attacking Bannon.
Most recently, he expressed relief when his friend Michael Pack, a conservative filmmaker, was confirmed to head the U.S. Agency for Global Media (a government-funded but editorially independent organization that oversees Voice of America, Radio Free Asia, and Radio Free Europe, among other networks); as critics rage, Pack aims to pierce China’s info firewall.
The National Security Council senior director for strategic planning (Air Force Brig. Gen. Robert Spalding) who wrote a memo (circulated to several federal agencies) proposing nationalization of the development of a 5G wireless network (to build out part of the nation’s wireless infrastructure in order to ward off threats from China) left the White House; he was sent back to the Air Force when his detail was not renewed.
His having been purged was explored earlier in my two carefully curated documents (written in 2017 and in 2020) as a McMaster opponent; Spalding, previously the U.S. defense attaché at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, was viewed as brilliant by Steve Bannon [listen @ 7-minute mark], although he was panned by telecoms.
{It’s unclear why Trump has yet to replace the FCC-Chair for comparable reasons, for Ajit Pai opposed a plan under consideration by Trump to build a 5G mobile network, nationalizing what has long been the role of private wireless carriers like AT&T and Verizon; it is agreed that privatization is preferred, but it may be necessary to unify the USA’s opposition to Huawei.}
Bannon’s initiatives have been noted [Chinese Soccer Legend Denounces Communist Party, Backs Bannon & Guo’s Calls for Chinese Federation], and he has encouraged The Chinese People to Be Whistleblowers; needless to say, Chinese State Media was in a Complete Meltdown when attacking Bannon and Pompeo and, not surprisingly, Twitter inexplicably suspended Bannon’s “War Room: Pandemic” account.
Lib/progressive Fareed Zakaria interviewed Bannon years ago (although I had disagreed with his having opposed the Comey firing, the rest constitutes a machine-gun delivery of what animates The Donald); his CNN/Newsweek 6/28/2020 commentary constitutes a condemnation of China’s confrontational foreign policy (although he couldn’t get himself to congratulate the Trump/Pompeo foreign policy that has aggregated US support from all major countries surrounding China, except Russia).
In conjunction with his having won the 2nd Annual Orwell Award, Bannon recognized that Italy’s Catholics are deeply divided between traditionalists and supporters of Pope Francis’s Liberation Theology; he has been promoting positive-populist/popular-nationalist Matteo Salvini (who Bannon feels could be elected as the next PM with ~40% of the vote).
He just won a legal Fight to create the “Dignitatis Humanae Institute”], a Western Judeo-Christian Academy that will give the Vatican’s (and the EU’s) detractors a new political home; just for example, Marxist Pope Francis appears not to be content to accuse Christians FALSELY of Fictional Atrocity, for he celebrated the Jihadis’ favorite holiday, Ramadan (“a month of holy war and death for Allah … a month for fighting the enemies of Allah and God’s messenger, the Jews and their American facilitators”).
To be clear, Jesuit Pope Francis has pushed a far-left (“woke”) political philosophy, having: [1]—called on nations to invest more in Healthcare; [2]—named Virgin Mary the “Comfort of Migrants”; [3]—composed a controversial letter that shaped climate politics and the Biden 2020 campaign; [4]—called for relaxed sanctions at Iran’s behest; [5]—thanked China but Not Taiwan for Donated Medical Supplies; [5]—advocated for a universal basic income in “this time of danger”; and [6]—prompted Trump to praise a controversial bishop (Carlo Vigano, former papal nuncio to the United States) who said Francis should resign.
Also, his expressed-opinions regarding domestic issues are legion, such as when he claimed Dems indulge in a Death Wish, having descended to depths of mudslinging, demagogy, and indulgence of racial violence and national self-hate never before plumbed in a U.S. presidential election; in the national interest and for their own sake, he hopes that wish must be granted by the voters.
Typical of the prototypic CNN “interview” was how the interviewer consciously morphed into being the interviewee; after Bannon explained why Trump was investigating corruption by Biden, Anderson Cooper exclaimed, “That’s Just Bull”!
He is also among those shunned by The Academy for, after Bannon was announced as a speaker at the University of Chicago, some of its students demanded his talk be shut down (recalling this aggregate manifestation of the Cancellation Culture).
Although I feel her recent podcasts regarding Floyd may be accurate but are over-the-top, it is notable that Candace Owens interviewed Bannon on the day when the 9th Circuit OK’ed wall funding by failing to enjoin its construction; recall this was his (and Trump’s) signature issue, for “a nation without borders isn’t a nation.”
His commentaries regarding Trump’s personnel included condemnation of Eric “Whistleblower” Ciarmella (note Photo of Whistleblower Grinning with Obama), who had been a ‘Bro-like’ friend of a Schiff aide in the Obama White House; that was but one reason why Bannon wanted removed from the NSC.
His prescient political activities (congruent with Trump’s) included efforts to forestall the Hatch retirement because his likely replacement, Romney, had said he may not endorse Trump for re-election in 2020; subsequently, Romney’s vote to convict Trump during impeachment served already to validate these concerns.
Bill Maher thanked Bannon for appearing on his show (“says volumes why Republicans are in power and we have none”) and Bannon was grilled on whether his activities to cultivate international right-wing movements have really had any results; documented previously are his successes, such as Brexit.
“Rhyming” with this broadside was an effort to pressure Steve Miller to resign after allegedly sharing white nationalist websites with “Jew-hater” Bannon; irony drips from this mindset that ignored inconvenient/ignored factoids, for Bannon (whose “Breitbart” website was/is the go-to site for news/analysis and whose Jerusalem focus—hosted by Aaron Klein—was/is unassailably pro-Zionist) was accused of providing an alt-right platform (whatever that may be).
Such memes have lived on, noting how the (anti-Jewish) Jewish Forward has defamed inter alia Bannon (and the ZOA’s Mort Klein); his activities were corrupted by Lefties, such as when they claimed that Bannon said Jewish Leaders support Nationalism and praised the Nazi-Friendly AfD Party.
While serving as the Breitbart editor, his Saturday-a.m. Q&A show (on Breitbart-Radio, now expanded on SiriusXM to two three-hour periods M-F, 6-9 a.m. and 9-12 p.m. E.D.T.) was consistently mesmerizing, such as when he recited a litany of the Department of State’s flawed predictions; he also monitored Hillary Clinton (who is still “trying to decide how to fit her way in”).
Most recently, after Fauci had projected “100,000-200,000” American deaths (far lower than initial models had predicted), Bannon still challenged Fauci/Birx to “show us the metrics” behind quarantine decisions; his nightly commentaries (and occasional issues on FNC, such as with Maria Bartiromo) admix four major topics (the pandemic, the economy, China, the insurrection) within the worldview he has espoused.
When he was appointed prompted (failed) efforts to “Bork” Bannon, despite the admission that he had bested the New York Times’ Arthur Sulzberger; in reply to this and other broadsides, Bannon simply said McConnell was “Picking Up His Game” because of his “insurgent movement.”
Watch how Trump recapitulates the goals Bannon had articulated in 2017: National Security and Sovereignty, Economic Nationalism, and deconstructing the Deep State.