Electing any Democrat-POTUS empowers ObamaGate Grifters – Part XII – Prodrome
Already discussed have been ObamaGate issues, notably the most recent one that knit together articles spotlighting Obama’s immersion in fraudulent electioneering; with a cast-of-characters exceeding that of WaterGate, ObamaGate (a component of which was Crossfire Hurricane Corruption) was an all-government affair that included multiple Deep State plants in Trump’s campaign.
Emblematic is George Papadopoulos, the lower level campaign worker for the Trump campaign who appears to have been targeted by three individuals with ties to British and/or U.S. Intelligence (Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer and Stefan Halper); their interlocking roles will presumably be clarified as the incremental declassification process culminates in the Durham Indictments (+/- “Report”).
Although Papadopoulos feels justice is coming for the creators of the “Russia hoax,” there are many “levels” of knowledge that must be explored; for example, noting that Papadopoulos feels Jeffery Wiseman was the FBI informant in his case, it would then be desirable to know whatever else Wiseman might have been doing.
For starters, apparently, Halper tried to entrap Papadopoulos and bragged about contacts with Russian spies; now, Papadopoulos points to Downer and Mifsud as the “Next Clowns to be Exposed.”
Deep State FBI even asked Papadopoulos’s wife to spy on her husband; later, as soon as Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos testified that Mifsud worked For the Clinton Foundation, she was brutally targeted and harassed by the Left.
Curiously, newly released FISA documents of Deep State spying on George Papadopoulos have Seth Rich’s name redacted from the transcripts; although disregarded as a “conspiracy theory,” Julian Assange implied support for Seth Rich as the source of the DNC materials he released via Wikileaks, although he claims he doesn’t know anything for certain.
Curiouser is the revelation that the FBI’s Peter Strzok and the DoJ’s Lisa Page texted each other on the report WikiLeaks had acquired the DNC e-mails from a Democrat Insider (“suicidal” Seth Rich?); that, itself, meshes with awareness that the Office of DNI had communications between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks.
“Curious-est” is the fact that, despite these startling revelations, the DoJ again refused a request that it perform additional search to clarify these inter-relationships, a request that has currency, as the Mueller team will soon claim its (first/only) scalp for an election-related prosecution with the jailing of Roger Stone.
THEREFORE, if Assange is correct, then the case against Stone falls, for he would not have been “lying” about any linkage between the Trump campaign and the DNC documents (recalling that the DNC/Hillary never permitted the FBI to assess the server); this is likely, because (per its CEO) CrowdStrike (having reviewed all info privately) admitted there is “no direct evidence” Russia stole/exfiltrated e-mails from DNC servers prior to the 2016 Election.
[I just saw an ad on cable-TV for Crowdstrike; using its services is not advised because, among other things, Hillary’s lawfirm that paid for the Steele Dossier also recruited Crowdstrike to complete this cover-up task.]
In any case, as tempting as it certainly is, noting these profound aberrations, Trump can’t pardon him until after the election; noting Covid-19, it’s possible he’ll do some of his 40-month “time” prior to being transferred to home-confinement.}
To address these uncertainties, it’s desirable to discern why Rudy Giuliani has claimed that what Comey and Brennan [and don’t forget Clapper, see below] orchestrated what was “as close to treason as you can get”; Comey’s transgressions (internal deceit & external leaks) are legion, but there has been insufficient attention paid in the media to former CIA Director John Brennan’s machinations.
No one followed-up on the observation that Brennan created a bogus January 2017 Intel Report claiming Russia wanted Trump to win the 2016 election, having suppressed intel that said Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win; apparently, he buried high-quality evidence that Putin actually favored Hillary (overruling agency analysts, per a then-suppressed CIA watchdog report).
No one followed-up on the claim that Brennan’s Company may be linked to Deep State leaks and Spying; no one has challenged Brennan’s claims that subsequent Russia revelations “totally validated” his views.
No one followed-upon the report that Obama kept three key officials in the dark about bombshell Russia intelligence received in early August 2016 from John Brennan until after the presidential election; while the Obama administration coordinated a series of so-called “small group” meetings in response to Brennan’s information, three officials were excluded who would usually be involved in high-profile work on the topics: White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Michael Daniel, Senior Director for Russia and Eurasia Celeste Wallander, and Senior Director for Intelligence Programs Brett Holmgren.
No one followed-up on the claim that Flynn was targeted because “He Knew About the Billions Brennan and Company Were Running Off the Books”; perhaps this is because Dirty Cops Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka (who had “interviewed” Flynn) both worked for Comey’s FBI and Brennan’s CIA.
Furthermore, no one challenged how former DNI (and perjurer) James Clapper characterized the Mueller Report (“Mueller couldn’t find ‘active collusion’ but there was ‘passive collusion’“); and, despite what’s known about the DoJ’s prosecutorial malevolence, no one challenged his claim that President Trump is using the Flynn Case as a “distraction from COVID-19.”
“Furthermore-er,” no one followed-up on the query as to whether Clapper had leaked (after the broadcast signal had suddenly cut out; indeed, no one followed-up on the concern that, per subsequently released transcripts, Clapper may have lied to Congress about having briefed Obama on Flynn-Kislyak calls.
“Furthermore-est,” despite sweeping public statements, no one followed-up on evidence in a transcript that Clapper claimed there had been no direct evidence of Russia collusion, in 2017; in fact, no one followed-up on the observation, noting what he said under oath, that Clapper even lied in his memoir about Flynn being compromised by Russians.
Having addressed two obvious “enforcers,” it’s necessary to double-back to the use of the spy-triad that appears to have been linked to the Clintons; no effort will be made to probe either Bill’s perjury or other scandals (e.g., Clinton corruption and the Puerto Rican Terrorists).
In addition, assuredly others will probe why the FBI (during the Clinton Administration, as early as in 1996) remained inert despite knowing of allegations against Epstein Pedophile Recruiter Ghislaine Maxwell and whether Bill Clinton had an affair With Maxwell; it is “political” (perhaps) that Bill wasn’t depicted in the Netflix “Jeffrey Epstein” trailer (which shows Trump and Dershowitz) and that the Maxwell arrest has apparently spooked Prince Andrew.
Similarly, assuredly others will probe why Hillary resists a court order to produce a smoking-gun memo on the “search and review process” that led to deletion of her e-mails; it is “non-political” (it is hoped) that, via a filing snubbed by the State Dept. & the DoJ, an appeals court mulls making Hillary Clinton testify on emails (noting Hillary’s claim that this was harassment and that Clinton and Mills had no more to give, despite the fact that Judicial Watch’s subpoena issued to Google last March had turned up about 260 Clinton “missing” emails that appear to have been work-related and not among the roughly 30,000 pages of emails Clinton had turned over to her former agency in 2014).
And, of course, it’s hoped that the DoJ will probe why the Clinton Foundation Failed to Disclose 1,100 Foreign Donations; I was told by Mitch Album last year (during his book tour) that he had detected absolutely “0” evidence of the Clintons’ philanthropy in Haiti, despite his frequent trips to that island (perhaps providing another avenue of “research” beyond “Uranium One” and Benghazi Committee deceit).
It’s not widely known that Halper and Bill Clinton attended Oxford together, explaining his lifelong involvement with the Clintons; for example, the FBI utilized crack addict Stefan Halper As ITS KEY SOURCE to Spy Illegally on Trump, who had also overseen a CIA spying operation in the 1980 Presidential Election.
Indeed, an eye-opening exposé about the role of spy Stefan Halper includes how he lied about the Flynn Affair; these data aren’t “fresh” for, on May 17, 2018, these revelations were published, including the observation that Mifsud was connected with U.K. intelligence rather than with Rusia (per one of Assange’s Twitter Threads).
Tantalizing loose-end leads (demonstrating that Mueller consciously avoided addressing how Russia colluded with the DNC/Hillary) include the following: [1]—Steele Gave New Details About Clinton Ally’s Interest In The Dossier; [2]—Sen Ron Johnson Considers Subpoenas For Clinton Cronies Who Peddled A Second Trump Dossier; [3]—Ron Johnson claimed the FBI’s Clinton Email Inquiry constituted an ‘Investigation Designed to Cover Up the Truth and to exonerate’; [4]—Clinton Aides Joined Fusion GPS Pair After Election — to Re-Push Anti-Trump Dossier; [5]—Christopher Steele Had Previously Undisclosed Meetings With Lawyers For DNC and Clinton Campaign; [6]—Clinton/DNC-Funded Russian Disinformation Drove The Witch Hunt Against Trump; [7]— Clinton Campaign Attorney Mark Elias Admitted in Testimony He Sent the Bill from Fusion GPS for the Dossier Directly to Campaign Manager Robbie Mook; and [8]—Bewildered Robert Mueller Claimed He DID NOT KNOW Hillary Attorney Jeannie Rhee had Deep Ties to Hillary Clinton When he Hired Her.
Overall, lotsa moving parts in ObamaGate have yet to be probed herein (including Flynn/Sullivan follow-up and the 1/5/2017 Oval Office collusion-meeting with Obama/Biden); subsequent events may be affected by some tantalizing info, although not by info Schiff had coveted to rejuvenate impeachment [SCOTUS will hear case on sealed Mueller evidence after the election, as Trump requested].
To end on an encouraging note, it appears Former FBI General Counsel James Baker has flipped, cooperating because he was looking at a boat load of criminal charges; it also appears [surprise!] there’s a mole inside the FBI.