
Definition of the word evidence :
Character of that which imposes itself on the mind with such force that no other proof is needed to know its truth.
Let’s imagine that on October 8 all the Zionist parties had united to form a government of national unity. Wouldn’t our situation be dramatically better today? The answer to this question is obvious to the vast majority of citizens. In the relatively recent past, in dramatic situations, this is how we reacted.
On the eve of the Six-Day War, Israeli prime minister Levi Eshkol formed a national unity government on June 1, 1967. This decision was intended to strengthen unity and prepare the country for war. Eshkol, who was both prime minister and defense minister, agreed to appoint Moshe Dayan as defense minister.
During the Yom Kippur War, the main opposition parties, including Likud led by Menachem Begin, supported Golda Meir’s government. They recognized the importance of presenting a united front to maintain the morale of the public and the armed forces.
On October 7 the Israeli population was stunned and many months later we are still reeling from shock and disbelief. Since October 8, one key word has been on everyone’s lips, regardless their political views, and that word is UNION. In our towns and cities, we’ve seen posters blossom: Let’s be united and nothing can defeat us! Unity in the midst of turmoil is a survival instinct that we have not been deprived of in the dramatic circumstances of the past.
Why are we deprived of this basic common sense today? Is it not self-evident that a united government would have been much stronger in our defense and in resisting criticism from hostile powers and ill-intentioned international institutions? Above all, wouldn’t each and every one of us have felt stronger and more at ease knowing that we had a government that represented the whole nation? This union would have had a therapeutic effect on us, we would have been much stronger to resist the pressures of our enemies and sometimes those of our allies when they seem unjust. Why hasn’t this popular feeling been translated into political action? A united Israel is a force in itself as important as our armed forces. Consensus not only strengthens our cohesion but also acts as a shield against the outside world.
Instead, we are divided and it is clear that the current government does not enjoy the trust of the people. Outside, public opinion and governments criticize and sometimes lash out at the ‘Netanyahu’ government, making it even more uncomfortable for the mass of citizens who do not approve of the Prime Minister’s leadership but who know full well that it is Israel that is being targeted through Netanyahu.
Logically, the consequence of October 7 should have been unity, as was the case in 1967 and 1973. But it is disunity that has affected us, just as it affected the people of Israel during the great revolt against the Romans that led to 19 centuries of exile. Beware, we are in danger! ‘What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done.’ The same actions have the same consequences. We were warned on October 7 that if we don’t get our act together, an even greater catastrophe could befall us. We are driving a racing car against a wall; we can put on the brakes, but to do so we need to put the general interest first. Why not agree on a government of national unity headed by the current prime minister, who would run the country until elections are held in a few months’ time? Such a solution would spread a climate of confidence, make us stronger and enable us to tackle the security problems that surround us. Eight months have passed since we should have been united, there is still time, let’s not repeat the mistakes of the past. The trauma of October 7 has destabilized us, but isn’t it obvious that if we continue on the same path we could be faced with other, even harsher ordeals? Let’s learn the lessons from the past. Let’s unite, it’s obvious.