Evil Sister
I have always been fasciated by the witches in Macbeth.
Act 1, Scene 3
[A wasteland near the royal castle at Fores. Thunder and lightning, enter the three Witches.]
First Witch
Where hast thou been, sister?
Second Witch
Killing swine.
Third Witch
Sister, where thou?
First Witch
A sailor’s wife had chestnuts inher lap,
And munched, and munched, and munched. ‘Give me,’ quoth I.
Aroint thee, witch’ the rump-fed
ronyon cries.
Her husband’s to Aleppo gone,
master o’ the Tiger.
But in a sieve, I’ll thither sail,
And, like a rat without a tail,
I’ll do, I’ll do, and I’ll do.
The witches go on to casually plot havoc, misfortune and suffering for the innocent husband. The scene ends in a joint chant.
The weird sisters, hand in hand,
Posters of the sea and land,
Thus do go about, about,
Thrice to thine and thrice to mine,
And thrice again to make up
Peace, the charm’s wound up.
I was reminded of Macbeth as I watched Hillary Clinton on the Rachel Maddow (of Trump’s tax returns and Russian Dossier fame) program, repeatedly dehumanize and defame Donald Trump and his supporters, notwithstanding he had almost been assassinated for the second time not 25 hours earlier.
I looked at pale, lank haired, sunken eyed, agitated Hillary and thought “Why is she doing this? She should be in a boat on Lake Como enjoying the view and a glass of Chardonnay.”
Why, indeed?
Was it rage, envy, greed, fear?
Maybe the answer is none of the above and like Macbeth’s witches she just wants to play with human life.