From the Ten Divine Commandments to the Ten Divine Blessings
The Ten Divine Commandments
The Ten Commandments of G-d, given to Moses on the Holy Mount Sinai, are one of the greatest spiritual events in the history of humankind and constitute the basis of the outgoing Indo-European cycle. From a Kabbalistic point of view, each of the Ten Commandments has a direct relation to one or other Sefirah in the Kabbalistic Tree. For example, in the book Kabbalah and Exodus by the great Kabbalist Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi (Peace and Light to His Soul), under the Figure 11. Ten Commandments, Halevi writes: In this scheme are shown the Commandments related to the Divine at the top triad, those appertaining to the individual, in the Soul triad, and those concerned with society in the lower Face of the Tree. Each Commandment relates to a particular Sefirah, like not murdering one’s own self as well as somebody else (p.116).
Below (with some abbreviations), I will quote the Ten Commandments of God from the book of Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi, Kabbalah and Exodus, where they are explained by the author in the special section Initiation (pp. 118-119, 121-123):
- No other Gods. This says that only the Absolute must be acknowledged as God (p. 118). This is the great Monotheistic revelation in the Hebrew spiritual tradition!
- No Graven Image. This commandment means that Divinity is not held in an image nor is it to be mistaken for Existence itself because the Absolute is above, below, before and beyond Existence. Even the image of God is only a reflection. God is God and there is no ‘thing’ like unto God (p. 118).
- No Name taken in vain. Here we have the last of the three commandments concerned with Divinity itself. In this instruction the Names may not be used for any purpose other than addressing oneself to God. Any other use devalues the intimate connection now established between God and man (p. 118-119).
- Sanctify the Sabbath. The Fourth Commandment, ‘Remember the Sabbath, to keep it holy’, is placed upon the sefirah of Heced or the Attribute of Mercy. Thus, after a week of labour the event of the Creator’s rest is recognized and set aside as a day to contemplate the purpose of man, the wonders of Creation and to worship God (p. 121).
- Honor Thy Father and Mother. This commandment is not only a sign of external respect that creates stability which is the basis of an ordered social community; it is also an acknowledgment of the sefirot of Hokhmah and Binah, Wisdom and Understanding, known in Kabbalah as the great father and mother. This commandment, associated with the sefirah Gevurah, states that Judgement should be with its judicial power the defender of Tradition and Revelation which are the parents of the Spirit (p. 121).
- Do not Murder. Besides its obvious social reasons, the esoteric meaning becomes plain when this commandment is seen to be placed at the Tiferet of the Tree. Here the Teaching shows that one may not destroy one’s own or another’s self (p. 122).
- Do not commit Adultery. The commandment against adultery is to guard against improper use or mixing of levels as well as sexual irresponsibility. The misuse of acquired powers to bring about a desired effect is a case. Magical charlatanism is a form of esoteric seduction or psychological adultery (p. 122).
- Do not Steal. The commandment upon stealing refers to thievery of ideas or emotions as well as physical goods… Many people have destroyed their own and others’ possibility of spiritual growth by breaking these two commandments in the upper worlds (p. 122).
- Do not bear False Witness. ‘Do not bear false witness’ means to shun lying not only about one’s neighbor, but also to oneself. This phenomenon is seen in the ego’s relationship at Yesod to the self above at Tiferet. Thus, the ego, perhaps inflated by an image of its spirituality, stands before the world and God as a false witness to the Truth. This commandment is as important as the injunction not to murder, and it is set upon the central column, which is always related to will. Thus, any intention upon this axis of consciousness directly affects the connection with the Divine (p. 123).
- Do not Covet. The last commandment at Malkhut is in esoteric terms concerned with the grave sin of denial of the Holy Presence. The bottom-most sefirah is the Kingdom, and as such contains all the Grace that has come down from above… An individual who believes he is the owner of his property, or even of his body, is deeply mistaken… This is in Kabbalistic work one of the most dangerous misdemeanors, because it generates the evil of spiritual pride, which caused Lucifer’s fall (p.123).
The Ten Divine Blessings
The fundamental Kabbalistic book Zohar teaches that the first Tablets emanated from the Tree of Life, but that Israel, by worshiping the golden calf, ‘was judged unworthy of benefiting from them. Therefore, Moses, following the divine command, gave the people other Tablets, which came from the side of the Tree of Good and Evil’ (…this is permitted, this is forbidden). [Leo Schaya, The Universal Meaning of the Kabbalah, Unwin Paperbacks, 1989, p.15].
Naturally, when humankind enters into the new cosmic cycle of evolution, the Divine Tablets will come through the Tree of Life! Then they will receive the content of Ten Divine Blessings. They will be for all humanity and will bless us for life in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth!
According to the monumental scheme, Fig. 81 – EVOLUTION by Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi (quoted in my third Post), the new cosmic cycle has to develop in the World of Creation, i.e., between the Self (the reality of the human soul) and Metatron. Metatron is the place where Tiferet of the World of Emanation (Azilut) meets Keter of the World of Creation (Beriah). From a Kabbalistic point of view, this is the place of the manifested CREATOR; from Metatron upwards is the un-manifested essence of the Absolute. Therefore, humankind must raise its spiritual vibrations, establish itself at the level of the Self, in the reality of the human Soul, and continue on its ascent up to the reality of the Heavenly Jerusalem (i.e., to enter the Great Mysteries: The Schools of Spirit). The Heavenly Jerusalem is the functional place of the incarnate Messiah (CURRENT MESSIAH) and of Archangel Michael.
The two processes – the process of ascension of humankind from the level of the Self and the impulse from the CREATOR for the new cosmic cycle – are most closely, organically connected. They are realized by Ten Divine Blessings for the Sefiroth in the World of Creation! In this light, the Ten Commandments (coming from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and regulating the life of humankind in the lower two worlds, the World of Formation and the World of Making) have to be ‘elevated’ to Ten Divine Blessings, which are coming through the Tree of Life and develop the new cosmic cycle in the World of Creation.
Below I will informally use the Sefirotic Tree in order to present the Ten Divine Blessings in accordance with my spiritual journey, lasting more than 50 years and our collective work in the Mystery School of the Spirit for the past 20 years. The Ten Divine Blessings for the coming new Heavenly-Jerusalem cosmic cycle of evolution could be listed as follows:
Tifereth in the World of Emanation – Azilut ;
Keter in the World of Creation – Beriah
CREATOR The New Cosmic Cycle
Binah Hokhmah
The Divine Wedding The New Genesis
Gevurah Hesed
The Day of Resurrection The Second Coming
The New Heaven
Hod Nezah
The Seven Temples The Divine Rainbow
The New Earth
The New Humankind
The Kabbalah is a very accurate spiritual science, although there are many interpretations of the Sefiroth and the Paths in the Kabbalistic Tree. Naturally, the Kabbalistic correlation of the above Ten Divine Blessings is the subject of a special analysis. In this material I simply use some of the basic characteristics of the Kabbalistic Tree in the World of Creation to introduce the Blessings. If we delve into the Kabbalistic writings of Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi and Leo Shaya’s interpretation of the Sefiroth (in his book The Universal Meaning of Kabbalah), we can substantiate the new Ten Divine Blessings and their relationship to the legendary Ten Divine Commandments.
Nevertheless, the listed above Ten Divine Blessings emanated from the CREATOR in the World of Creation (Beriah) and have their own spiritual content. They are presented in more than twenty of my books, in fourteen international Assemblies on the sacred mountain Rila in Bulgaria, in our website (, in the documentary film Revelation (You Tube channel TheRevelation215), in hundreds of talks, meditations and celebrations of spiritual festivals, in articles, media activities, numerous plans and projects of the registered The Path of Truth Society and other materials. So, in the next Post I will briefly present the essence of the Ten Divine Blessings, which reveal the Heavens in the new Heavenly-Jerusalem cosmic cycle.