Hamas terrorists must be placed on Interpol’s ‘wanted’ list
In an open letter to Jürgen Stock, Secretary General of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol), we urged the organization to put the leadership and operatives of Hamas on the “Red Notice” list of wanted terrorists.
Three months ago, on Saturday 7 October, Hamas perpetrated the deadliest attack on Jews since the Holocaust. The members of this criminal terrorist enterprise must be arrested, prosecuted and judged for inciting, glorifying and inflicting massive and premeditated murder, rape, arson, torture, kidnapping, desecration of corpses and so on, against babies, children, teenagers, women, men, elderly, the handicapped, Israeli citizens and foreign nationals…
Most of the instigators, leaders, financiers, and operators of this crime are known internationally. Not being identified as wanted criminals, gives them the delusion to be immune from justice. This creates a ripple effect, instigating lone-wolf terror and antisemitism worldwide.
Hamas abuses also Palestinian civilians as human shields, misappropriates hospitals, schools, refugee camps and UN facilities as tactical bases.
To date, on the Interpol list there is but one “Palestinian” national, wanted for “attempted arson.”
Hamas’ leadership – beginning with Ismail Haniyeh, Yahya Sinwar, Khaled Mashaal, Ghazi Hamad, Mahmoud al-Zahar and Mohamed Deif – must be promptly added to the “Red Notice” list.
Our mentor, Simon Wiesenthal, had for decades, addressed Interpol, seeking to bring Nazi war criminals to justice. The excuse for not doing so was Interpol’s Constitution, Article 3, forbidding the Organization “to undertake any intervention or activities of a political, military, religious or racial character.”
It took 40 years after WW2, for Interpol to begin supporting the prosecution of Nazi war criminals… Will we have to wait another 40 years to prosecute today’s Nazis?
Interpol has already followed-up with our request for “Red Notices” on five Iranian terrorists – who have since become officials of the Islamic Republic – responsible for the 1994 Buenos Aires AMIA Jewish Centre bombing that left 85 dead and over 300 wounded.
As in their case, also Hamas leadership figures travel to several Interpol member-countries. They should be arrested on arrival, extradited to the competent jurisdiction and prosecuted for criminal offenses listed under Interpol’s purview: “terrorism”, “war crimes”, “organized crime”, “crimes against children”, “firearms trafficking”, “corruption” and “financial crimes”…
By putting these criminals on a “Wanted” list, Interpol could make history.