Inna Rogatchi
POST-HARMONY Special Project

Heart Made of Scars: Tisha B’Av and Art

Michael Rogatchi (C). The Way of Jewish People. Indian Ink, oil pastels on dark-blue cotton paper. 40 x 70 cm. 2017.
Michael Rogatchi (C). The Way of Jewish People. Indian Ink, oil pastels on dark-blue cotton paper. 40 x 70 cm. 2017.

Artistic reflections on Tisha b’Av

Art Works: Michael Rogatchi(C), Inna Rogatchi ©.

This year, 5779, or 2019 for the rest of the world, on August 9th, a very special Shabbat is coming, the one that gets straight into Tisha b’Av, 9th Av, ‘a marker’ in our Jewish annual calendar resonating with so many tragedies throughout our long and unique history. 

The tragedies ancient and so very fresh and recent ones, all essentially painful, with the present ones are getting into one’s heart with no anesthesia, with one more scar added to our common Jewish heart. Sometimes, one can think that our common Jewish heart made of scars, that those scars are the very tissue of it. Having survived all those scars and living with them, Jewish nation is unique in its endurance. 

What’s the secret of this endurance? In my view, it is our dialogue with the Creator, very personal one for every single Jew, even not religious one, and often shared and collective one for those who are members of the religious communities. It is our Torah, the source of wisdom, fairness and kindness. It is our heritage, our traditions, our values, our fundamental humanism based on it all, and originated from those sources of life for Jewish people. It is our heart learned in generations. The heart made of scars. And our memory lives it its own landscape, for almost six thousand years by now. 

Inna Rogatchi(C). LANDSCAPE OF JEWISH MEMORY. Watercolour, crayones a encre on original archival print on cotton paper. 50 x 70 cm. 2017. Shining Souls collection. Outreach to Humanity project. The Rogatchi Foundation.

It is a common place in a Jewish studies to refer to all those numerous and major calamities that did occur on 9th Av throughout the history. And it is registered in our mind, as a part of our general knowledge. But when an artist reflects on this chain of solemnity, it gets into another dimension. Our neutral knowledge being visualised all of the sudden gets the volume. Importantly, it is not a volume of an amplified selfishness of an artist, but it is a volume of shared emotions, shared memory, and shared experience of our people.  This is what a real, non-egoistic, even anti-egoistic art brings to us. 

The art reflections on the theme of the 9th Av in this review gets us to the destroyed for many decades Hurva Synagogue with its standing lonely Arc so vulnerable and so memorable that it has become a part of our love to Jerusalem, even after Hurva has been restored in all its splendor. It is a rare case when a ruin can command all-consuming love, but in Jerusalem, it is natural thing to happen. The work is part of the Permanent Art Collection of the Municipality of Jerusalem. 

Michael Rogatchi(C). My Stones: Jerusalem. Oil on canvas. 110 x 90 cm. 1993. Permanent Art Collection, Municipality of Jerusalem, Israel.

It also gets us to the formatting Jewish history – and Jewish character to large extent too – expulsion from Spain, this art study speaks on Toledo, the origin place of my paternal family. The expulsion of Jews from Spain back in 1492 formed not only our history and character substantially. It did affect the history of Europe, the history of the world, the entire route and impulse of mankind’s development in many respects. One can feel the void of Jews, our culture, tradition and our heritage in Spain till this very day. It is palpable there, and still be deeply sad, five centuries on.

Michael Rogatchi(C). TOLEDO. 1492. Oil on canvas. 70 x 90 cm. 2005. The Rogatchi Art Collection.

Gush Katif in 2005  had happened the next day after Tisha b’Av, and the hearts of many people bled then. Not all of them, clearly, and maybe it was even a minority. But the tragedy it was for Jewish people on the Jewish land, and there is the art that reflects on it, as well, on this fresh Tisha B’Av wound. 

Michael Rogatchi (C). SPIRAL OF FATE. GAZA. 2005. Oil on canvas. 70 x 90 cm. 2005.

What’s left of the Beit Hamikdash, both of which had been destroyed on Tish b’Av is the priceless corn-stone of Judaism, the Kotel. The feeling of the Kotel is absolutely individual, and if some editor could come with a special anthology in which the reflections of many talented and special people on the Kotel would be collected, it would be one of the great readings ever, in my opinion. And the memory accumulated in the Kotel’s stones is the guarantee of our survival. 

Michael Rogatchi (C). KOTEL MEMORIES. Oil on canvas. 45 x 125 cm. 1999. The Rogatchi Art Collection.

What the Kotel does to us? In my perception and experience, it settles setbacks, all of it, of whatever character, and it as if cleans oneself from inside. Why it is? Because most of the innumerous number of people visiting it day and night are coming there with their best intentions. Human energy does not disappear. Especially from such unique people as the Kotel. This is to speak only on the tangible aspect of the Kotel.

Inna Rogatchi(C). Prayer Hour II. Watercolour, crayones a encre on original archival print of original fine art collage. 70 x 50 cm. 2017. Shining Souls collection. Outreach to Humanity series of projects. The Rogatchi Foundation.

The stones of the Kotel, and the spirit hovering there is always there for us, it always ready to listen to every one of us. 

On the eve of the 9th Av, Tisha b’Av, I am just thinking: are we ready to in-tune ourselves to the Presence of the Kotel in our lives? Hope so.

August 2019.

About the Author
Inna Rogatchi is author of War & Humanity and co-author of POST-HARMONY special projects originated in the aftermath of the October 7th, 2023 massacre in Israel. Inna is internationally acclaimed public figure, writer, scholar, artist, art curator and film-maker, the author of widely prized film on Simon Wiesenthal: The Lessons of Survival and other important documentaries on modern history. She is an expert on public diplomacy and was a long-term international affairs adviser for the Members of the European Parliament. She lectures on the topics of international politics and public diplomacy widely. Her professional trade-mark is inter-weave of history, arts, culture, psychology and human behaviour. She is the author of the concept of the Outreach to Humanity cultural and educational projects conducted internationally by The Rogatchi Foundation of which Inna is the co-founder and President. She is also the author of Culture for Humanity concept of The Rogatchi Foundation global initiative that aims to provide psychological comfort to people by the means of high-class arts and culture in challenging times and situations. Inna is the wife of the world renowned artist Michael Rogatchi. Her family is closely related to the famous Rose-Mahler musical dynasty. Together with her husband, Inna is a founding member of Music, Art and Memory, M.A.M. international cultural educational and commemorative initiative which runs various multi-disciplinary projects in several countries. Her professional interests are focused on Jewish heritage, arts and culture, commemorative art, history, Holocaust and post-Holocaust, October 7th and post-October 7th challenges. She is author of many projects of the commemorative art, and of several projects on artistic and intellectual studies on various aspect of the Torah and Jewish spiritual heritage. She is twice laureate of the Italian Il Volo di Pegaso Italian National Art, Literature and Music Award, the Patmos Solidarity Award, the New York Jewish Children's Museum Award for Outstanding Contribution into the Arts and Culture (together with her husband), and the other recognitions. Inna Rogatchi is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Jewish Community of Helsinki and Finland. Previously, she was the member of the Board of the Finnish National Holocaust Remembrance Association, and is member of the International Advisory Board of The Rumbula Memorial Project ( USA). Her art can be seen at Silver Strings: Inna Rogatchi Art site -
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