Hostage deal: My rant on it.
Trump said that if the hostages currently in gaza were not released by the time he gets inaugurated (in about a week from now), there would be “hell to pay.”
This got both Yisrael and Hamas on the edge. Now, few days before Trump becomes president, both sides are scrambling to make a deal work and they just might.
But do we want this deal? And more importantly, is this deal good or will it come back to haunt us with another October 7 attempt just around the corner?
Because that’s the whole point for those of us who oppose this deal. There are very ugly attempts by the left and the leftist mainstream media to paint those opposing the deal as delusional messianists ready to let the hostages rot for the hope of staying in gaza indefinitely and rebuilding Gush Katif.
Nothing could be further from the truth and these incriminations are nothing short of disgusting.
No one wants the hostages staying for one second more in this hellhole. The idea that we are ready to let them in so we can settle the Gaza Strip again is ludicrous. As if we’d really want to build homes in the Gaza Strip knowing Jews are lingering in underground tunnels. No, anyone wants to see the hostages out but we differ in views over the methods of achieving this goal and the consequences of a deal. I know those pushing for it try to make it an emotional issue, so people don’t think too deeply about the shortcomings of a ceasefire with untrustworthy scums like hamas, but since it could affect millions of people, we have to be able to think rationally about it.
For me, Hamas demands are not a problem. If they want all the prisoners released and stay in power we should let them. To get one Jew out I’d be ready to sacrifice the 2 million people in gaza.
Hamas demands for me are not a problem because I know what to expect of them. They are bloodthirsty jihadists with a genocidal, Jew hating ideology. Therefore I expect from Gaza only 2 things: more lies, and never giving up their attempt at trying to do another Jewish holocaust.
The problem for me with hamas demands is the Yisraeli reaction and especially, the Yisraeli left.
What I, and all those who oppose any deal, fear is that the predominantly left wing establishment like the press or the Shin Beth and Mossad or the upper echelons of the IDF, will ONCE AGAIN, push to not respond to every hamas or Hizbollah provocation, and ONCE AGAIN, we’ll just let the released terrorists get stronger and stop them only in the most extreme cases, and ONCE AGAIN, hamas will prepare another October 7 that we will be ill equipped to deal with, and ONCE AGAIN, hamas will kidnap people knowing the campaign the left will make to give in to their demands and ONCE AGAIN we will go back to October 6, 2023 as if we’ve learned nothing.
If I knew for sure that this shameful page of our collective madness is turned forever and from now on, the smallest attempt by any of our enemies will be met with an immediate and crushing response, in this case I would have zero problem with any deal presented.
Why should I care for murderers released if I know that the moment they get out we will hunt them down mercilessly and shoot them all?
Why should I care if hamas stays in power when I know that every smallest attempt they do to mess with us, we’ll rase to the ground a gaza neighborhood?
Why should I care for Hizbollah sitting at the border if the moment they try to build a tent on our side we will burn it down with all the people inside?
You see, the problem is not our enemies, it’s us. Like wolves they smell our weakness, our hesitation, our fear of American pressure. and when they smell this weakness, they pounce.
Therefore we must radically change our approach to dealing with our enemies.
No more: “Let’s give a chance to diplomacy.”
No more: “Let’s give a muted response because Washington asked for it.”
No more not reducing gaza to rubbles because the rockets they shot just happened to not kill anyone.
No more “Let’s not bomb Beirut because Hizbollah ‘just’ shot rockets at Kiryat Shmona and not Tel Aviv.”
No more.
We must understand that to survive here, we must stop to think like Westerners and start to think like Middle Easterners.
We’re not ‘keeping the moral high ground’ by not utterly destroying our enemies, we just feed the beast and call it for seconds.
It’s very important that from now on we make clear to both our friends and enemies that Yisrael post-October 7 is changed forever.
We have a new red line and any deal in the region will HAVE to take this new red line in consideration. We must not show hesitation or quiver about this. If we do, we’ll never be feared again in the region and if muslims do not fear us and our response, they WILL try to annihilate us. It’s in their culture and religion and the West should absolutely stop being blind about that.
Yisrael’s deterrence has to be at its peak at all times.
Everyone around us must think that we’re too crazy to deal with. It’s the only way they won’t try to attack us and ironically, it’s the only thing that will give a chance to a true and lasting ceasefire with a real prospect for long term stability in the region.
Anyone who does not want to see these islamist groups utterly defeated does not want peace, they just want quiet for now so they don’t have to deal with the mess here.
Don’t even try to pretend you want peace because if you’re OK with the people who openly said they will try to do October 7 again and again stay in a position where they will be enabled to do just that, you don’t want peace and stop coming in front of cameras and lying like a hypocrite that you do.
I don’t want to see October 7 happen EVER AGAIN, therefore I will do anything to prevent it even if it means opposing a hostage deal.
It’s simple numbers ladies and gentlemen. 98 people against a few millions.
Of course I want to see them back, do you think I’m not horrified knowing the sexual violence these poor girls are going through at the hands of these barbarians? Do you think I’m not appalled knowing that a one year old baby is a hostage?
I want them out more than anything, I just don’t want others to go through the same thing.
However there is a middle path, one that will insure both the immediate release of ALL hostages, dead or alive, and the assurance that we will not permit the pre-October 7 reality to happen ever again.
This middle path can be achieved by switching the disc in our collective mind and present a new front to the world, friends and foes alike, where we make clear that we are not, nor will ever be, the same, and from now on the gloves are off and we will never put them back.
No matter the consequences.