Elise Ronan
Justice, justice, you shall pursue....

How does a ban on Moslem immigrants into the US, suddenly become about Israel?

Apparently the new Trump administration has produced an Executive Order that has managed to bring together leftists, conservative lawyers, and the ACLU. What an amazing feat and it only took one week. This should be in the Guinness Book of World Records for the quickest meltdown of a Presidential administration ever.

It didn’t help that the order banning people based solely on where they come from was produced on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, A day, by the way, that the Trump administration forgot to remember was about the singling out of Jews for simply being Jews. Ignoring the evils of persecuting people merely because of their religion, where they come from, or their ethnic heritage seems to be problematic for the Trump administration. They have lost the entire purpose behind the importance of remembering the Holocaust.

In taking the approach of banning all people from certain countries no matter if they have been vetted or not, the Administration has targeted people simply based upon their nationality. Yazidi and Jewish refugees who were set to come to the United States, from Iraq and Iran, have been turned around. Doctors, and graduate students have had their visas revoked at the airports. Chaos has ensued at United States ports of entry.

Then in the middle of this American kerfluffle, some Israelis have decided to interject themselves and make this truly American Constitutional issue about them. They ask if it’s ok that certain Moslem countries ban them, and some even go so far as to ban Jews. “Where is the outrage?” they ask. Why are there no mass protests on their behalf? Apart from the fact, that when certain incidents occur, there is international attention, in truth the world knows, when it comes to theocratic regimes, it is not dealing with countries dedicated to human and civil rights. On the other hand, maybe the Israeli government itself is to blame for their own malfeasance in ignoring this issue. Maybe, also, not everything is always about Israel, or the Jewish people. Just saying….

Meanwhile someone needs to remind these kvetchy Israelis, that Israel doesn’t equate it’s refugee policy with the lowest common denominator, so why should the US? Israel has a policy of helping Syrians refugees at the border, raising money to help them, and even now taking in Syrian orphans. Heck IsraAid is one of the leading refugee assisting organizations in the world.

But the US should stop helping refugees, and only think about raising a balagan about Moslem countries that ban Israelis and Jews? Really? Really? Why?

The US Constitution isn’t a document that should be equated with the ignorance and hatred emitted by theocratic, despotic Islamic regimes. We in the US have a standard of decency that we hold dear. There are civil and human rights that we take seriously. This Executive Order also presents questions of Presidential overreach, that is just as important today, as it was during Obama’s administration.

To my Israeli friends who are watching this US Constitutional issue play out in such dramatic form, I suggest you don’t make this about you. It’s not. This is a serious issue for the United States of America.

It has to do with who WE are as a country.

It has to do with WHAT kind of nation we, in the USA, want to live in.

It has to do with the primacy of our founding document the Constitution of the United States, the separation of powers, and the rule of law.

It has to do with our democracy, and where it is headed.

It is our fight for our future, and for the nation we want to be.

About the Author
#RenegadeJew ...Elise's specific background deals with the practical aspects of raising special needs children. She has over 20 years experience advocating for her sons and others. Her motto: Don't put off the important things. Stand up for what you believe in. Do what is right and honest. Have patience. Have self-respect. Be kind. And above all BE BRAVE. Elise is a graduate of Boston University Law School and a Certified College Transition Coach for Persons with Asperger's Syndrome. She blogs under a pen-name to protect her sons' privacy.
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