How will the war end?
A month after October 7th, I wrote an article outlining the three effects the ongoing war would have on Israel. Now, 10 months later, I believe that those statements still hold true and are coming closer to fruition, taking shape before us.
I anticipated that the three consequences of Israel’s war with Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran would be a new wave of global Aliyah to Israel, a redrawing of Israel’s borders, and a new level of independence previously unseen in Israel.
So, what are we seeing today, and what can we expect in the coming season?
A Massive Wave of Global Aliyah
In the book of Matthew in the New Testament, Jesus addresses Matthew, who has just struck an armed guard with his sword, cleaving his ear off, saying, “Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.”
While the application may seem far-fetched, the principle and lesson are the same: those who commit or tolerate violence will themselves experience and be the victims of violence perpetrated against them.
Today, we are seeing how democratic nations that allow public support for the extermination of the only Jewish state are themselves struggling to deal with rampant riots, escalating as their motives muddle and descend into mindless rampaging and pogroms.
Still, these nations refuse to define the root cause of the perpetrators’ actions, believing that principles, policies, and convictions are somehow inherent to ethnicity and therefore impermissible to critique lest they be accused of xenophobia.
Apathy in the face of violence, as the biblical parallel teaches us, will eventually lead to the downfall of all in proximity. Violence is rarely restricted to the initial victim and will soon affect the passive spectator as well.
Throughout history, the Jew has been labeled a scapegoat, turning escalating escapades into witch hunts of Jews. This era is unique, as the turmoil stems from the Islamist war against the Jewish nation, covertly disguised as humanism to appeal to Western virtuousness, leading to a rampant increase in violence against Jewish people in the nations in question.
Anti-Zionism, disguised as antisemitism, leads to pogroms. Pogroms, as seen in the Middle East, the Soviet Union, and Europe, lead to massive Jewish immigration. With an increasingly interconnected world, Jews are quickly running out of safe havens as anti-Jewish policies disguised as pro-Palestinian narratives are being evermore implemented globally.
Every Jew knows it and is part of it. My great-grandfather Yaakov, who died in WWII, was born in Ukraine. His daughter was born in Kazakhstan, and her son, my father, was born in Moscow. I was born in Sweden, and I am now raising my children in Israel, the only place Jews can freely be Jewish, united in their homeland as repeatedly prophesied by the Hebrew prophets.
Again, as the world suffers the consequences of turning a blind eye to festering evil, the Jews find themselves in the crosshairs of persecution once more. There are no more foreign countries to run to; there is only the ancient Jewish homeland, Israel.
As the prophet Jeremiah spoke, quoted in the book of Jeremiah 16:16: “Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the Lord, and they shall fish them; and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks.”
This coincides with the Islamic verses quoted in the Koran, in the Hadith, Book 41, Hadith 6985, saying: “The Last Hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.”
Today, we are seeing such persecution once again. However, as the God of Israel has promised over and over, having spoken to the prophets of Israel multiple times and even having foreseen this coming era, the sons of Israel will prevail and see the coming of the Messiah.
New Borders Drawn Through Conflict
Over the past 10 months, we have seen Iran’s proxy armies surround Israel on all fronts, launching massive amounts of rockets that go almost completely unnoticed by international media. Despite Israel’s incredible defense system, the Iron Dome, the ongoing threat is very real and very serious, with potentially catastrophic consequences for Israel and the entire region.
The United Nations, a frequent indirect supporter of Hamas oppression and violence in Gaza, has gone so far as to place the Iranian regime in its Human Rights Council. Iran, a dictatorial terrorist regime that hangs its critics and protesters by the thousands.
As international support is garnered by Iran to sponsor their proxy armies on the border through continuous victimization of Gazans in their propaganda war against Israel, the IDF will soon be forced to respond to the ongoing violence, which has in recent decades been normalized in the region.
Any other nation would take a terror attack, a rocket, or a public statement of harmful intent as a declaration of war. Yet, if all these things happen at once by several nations, it’s just a regular Monday in Israel…
As the conflict continues to drag on, with Israel making every effort to avoid a frontal confrontation and all-out war, tension will continue to rise until combat is initiated to secure defensible strongholds throughout the region, marking new borders.
This isn’t the first time Israel has been invaded and gained land as the offensive forces lost their foothold, and we are likely to see it again, drawing closer to a potentially prophetic greater Israel, where the borders of the 12 tribes were once drawn.
National Independence Through Abandonment
The Roman Empire fell in a spectacular fashion due to its culture deteriorating into gluttony and arrogance. The West, and especially Europe, is today experiencing instability in the region not seen since the Second World War due to mass immigration from cultures rooted in religious conquest and holy war. Democracy succeeds when its participants uphold a unified constitution. However, when parties within abuse democratic elections to infiltrate with foreign policies that undermine that democratic foundation, the nation rocks into conflict.
The rising tensions in the UK are a prime example of where pride, masked as virtue, refuses to ignore clear signs of coming detriment in order to achieve short-term contentment in the form of praise for supposed virtues.
History will most likely address it as such: if the downfall of Western democracy occurs due to Islamization, it will be because of its cultural arrogance in constantly seeking approval and therefore never confronting issues that might stain its own pompous, false virtues.
Where would this leave Israel? Without allies…
A national level of anti-Semitism in the form of anti-Zionism that would persecute the Jewish state in a similar fashion to a pogrom. Like in Nazi Germany, it begins with trade, marking shops and goods related to Jews, and later limiting access and travel for the Jews themselves. We’ve already seen it through the BDS movement, and we are seeing it through UN legislations against Israel, making every effort to criminalize Jewish self-defense and self-determination in Israel, and hence everywhere.
Israel, now home to massive new waves of Aliyah, will be forced to provide for its people in every sector, maintaining a first-world state of existence, including transportation, utilities, housing, industry and manufacturing, agriculture and food production, services, information technology, research and development, healthcare, education, social services, government and public administration, legal and judicial system, environmental protection, energy, culture and arts, sports and recreation, defense, and national security.
While I hope this day will never come, I am convinced it will, and I pray the necessary preparations will be made in due time to minimize casualties and suffering.
What is Israel to do?
Israel’s detriment, which will define how costly this war will be, comes down to how well we manage short-term and long-term gain—immediate and urgent conflict with future financial stability and peace.
Let’s address the Persian elephant in the room: Iran. Iran, which threatens Israel with a full-scale attack to obliterate Israel once and for all, is an immediate threat. At the same time, Israel is exhausting its resources maintaining a war on all fronts against an enemy that will under no circumstances yield to any negotiations for peace unless it is for their own survival.
It remains to be seen how events unfold in the Middle East. Until then, I hope that whichever path we tread will minimize casualties and bond the nation of Israel together, bringing the coming of the Messiah.