David Fernández Puyana
Ambassador and Permanent Observer of UPEACE

I stand with the victims

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Last Saturday morning Israel suffered an unprecedented terrorist attack from Hamas. They committed not only crimes against humanity, but also they commit the horrendous crime against peace.

I regrettably see how some organizations, commentators or politicians try to excuse or justify this abhorrent crime against innocent people. This is not the moment to make hateful speeches or generalizations, because they are insulting to all those mothers, widows or families who have lost a close relative in this terrible crime.

Now it is the moment to bring safely all hostages from Gaza, to bring security in Israel and the region, and also to protect those innocent Palestinians who are now in the crossfire. Our heart and mind should be with the victims, because they really deserve our memory, respect, empathy and recognition. There are not victims of first or second class, all are victims.

Peace will always prevail over the terror! Blessings to the sacred land in these difficult times! Let’s bring calm, love, solidarity and relieve to the families and victims! Let’s make justice and peace!

About the Author
Dr. David Fernández Puyana was born in Spain and is a practitioner and international lawyer specialized in international human rights law, international relations, peace studies, United Nations and civil society movements. He earned a Phd with European Mention and he has also a Degree on Law & Philosophy, as well as, some Masters on Human Rights (Essex, Alcala de Henares and Barcelona Universities). He served as adviser at the UNESCO Liaison Office and the Permanent Mission of Costa Rica to the UN in Geneva. As a legal assistant of the Chairperson-Rapporteur of the UN Intergovernmental Working Group on the right to peace, he was one of the architects of the Declaration on the Right to Peace adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2016. He advises Paz sin Fronteras and is Professor of Public International Law at Abat Oliba University CEU. Since June 2018, he serves as Ambassador and Permanent Observer of the University for Peace established by the UN General Assembly to the UN and UNESCO. He is also nominated Gender Champion.
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