Beth G. Kopin
Inches to Metric: Zionism Through Design

Inches to Metric: Understanding a Jihadist Killing Cult

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Fauda (Arabic for chaos), is a TV series depicting the two sided story of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The series streams on Netflix, has four seasons and is about to launch the fifth. Creators Lior Raz and Avi Issacharoff are visionary. I began watching it from our home in Jerusalem when it initially aired. After several episodes I could not continue; the series is intense, difficult to watch, and the circumstances are incredibly complicated/heartbreaking.

Fauda (Arabic for chaos), streaming on Netflix, about the undercover work of the IDF. Getty image.

In lieu of the war I decided to start watching it again, this time to its conclusion. I feel I owe it to the hostages, their families, the soldiers, and Israeli society. Why? To better understand; I’m in awe of Israel. Grateful to Israeli citizens, for their fortitude and willingness to live this intense life so Israel can exist. One could say Fauda is “art imitating life,” or simply life projected on the screen for Israelis and Palestinians.

The Israeli Secret Service is crucial to Israel’s survival.

I appreciate Fauda (click link to trailer) showing the humanity of both sides. The Israeli side: people working in the undercover Secret Service defending Israel from terrorists in tremendously difficult situations, risking their lives, and the toll it takes on their families. The Palestinian side: citizens recruited into the resistance, called jihadist (struggle by any means necessary against enemies of Islam) who want to die as a Shahid (martyr); and their family members affected by those hoping to bring about change.

How a society raises its’ children is very telling.

Shortly after Israel gave Gaza to the Palestinian people nearly 20 years ago, Hamas a militant-jihadist group was “elected” (all opposed to Hamas were killed) into power. They created a culture where assimilating into Israeli society was seen as traitorous; often resulting in murder.

The Gazan children were brought up on the myth that Israel stole their land. Schooling for the young was dedicated towards killing Jews. In many communities it was not what grade or award you received, it was how many Jews could you kill? Dying as a Shahid, was encouraged, bringing honor to G-d and family. As an incentive families were paid great sums by Hamas if they raised a shahid. Children as young as five were trained to wear explosive vests. The Hamas theory, by creating fauda (chaos) and misery, Jews will leave the region; even if it meant their citizens suffered. The insanity is exquisite. To see a chilling documentary on this topic, click on the link Kids Chasing Paradise produced by Clarion Project.

Child Jihadist. Getty Image

Israeli children were brought up believing, if they were just nicer, more open hearted, the Gazan Palestinians would “see the light” and want to make peace. The philosophy of land for peace worked for decades with Egypt and Jordan. Israel was hoping for the same with Gaza.

For years Israel had relaxed borders with Gaza allowing upwards of 20,000 per day to enter for work. All seemed to be heading in the right direction, peace/co-existence. The U.S. wanted it, Israel wanted it, the world was convinced it was possible. Why has peace held for decades with Jordan and Egypt? Since 2020, UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan, soon Saudi Arabia? Those countries recognize Israel’s right to exist. Since October 7, Israel has woken up to the fact that the narrative with Gaza needs to change. Until the Palestinian charter recognizes Israel’s right to exist, there is nothing to discuss.

Middle Eastern group think to Western group think, “oil to water.”

There are some basic understandings of the region: 1) Say one thing, think another, do something else. 2) Respect is earned through strength, appeasement is a sign of weakness.

For Western educated minds comprehending a jihadist killing cult is nearly impossible. The concept of open dialogue/debate, leading to a mutually agreeable compromise is incompatible with Middle Eastern reality. Attempting to eradicate Hamas/Hezbolla/Houti, from any region in the Middle East through appeasement is misguided, and will absolutely fail. Why does the media/U.S. seem focused on stopping the war, with no seeming demands from Hamas to give back hostages or surrender? Do they “groupthink” if the international community is nice to Hamas, their reign of terror will end? Or is it because journalists were taught, Western think, “make peace not war.”

I heard an analogy. Stopping the war prior to destroying Hamas completely, is like a fireman leaving a burning building with 20% of the fire still burning. We all know what would happen if the fireman walked away. Israelis know that leaving a partially functioning Hamas would lead to another October 7, more hostages in the future.

Almog Meir Jan, held hostage in Gaza for eight months was recently rescued by the special forces in the IDF. Almog was imprisoned in Abdallah Aljamal’s home, a correspondent for the Palestinian Chronicle, reporting on “news” from Gaza. His time in captivity is heartbreaking. See clip below.

As I continue to watch the series, I can hardy distinguish between reality, and the TV series. I guess that is the point. Seen below, a picture of the Fauda cast, Idan Amedi (second from right) was seriously injured while fighting in Gaza.

The cast of Fauda with Idan Amedi (seen second from right), critically wounded in the ongoing war with Gaza. Getty image

Pre October 7, Israel was counted as having among the happiest citizens in the world, World Happiness Report (WHR). Israeli’s are united in two crucial ways; they have a common purpose. No matter their job/career, all are helping to build the country, and know that Israel will move heaven and earth to save them. What other country in the world feels that way or would do that? There is no other. Am Yisrael Chai!


About the Author
Beth Kopin is a trained interior architectural designer from the US. She has experience in the design/construction world that spans thirty years, and works and lives in both Chicago and Arnona, Jerusalem. She commutes regularly between the two cities. She brings her work ethic, training and US standards to Israel. Beth has surrounded herself with extremely talented trades. Her design team developed a way to CAD (computer aided design) plans in both US and metric standards. This enables both the US born clients (some of which live in Israel, some as second homes), and Israeli trades to better understand the plans, ensuring a more fluid communication. She is able to help bridge the gap of cultural differences, manage expectations, relate often confusing metric standards, as well as all the basic elements of designing a beautiful and functional home.,
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