Interview with the Ambassador of Ukraine in Israel (Part I)

David A. Rosenthal: Could you please elucidate the current situation with the war between Russia and Ukraine, and how the international community can help the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian government?
His Excellency Yevgen Korniychuk: The war has been ongoing for over two and a half years, during which time there has been no discernible change in the attitude of the Russian invaders. They continue to attempt to conquer as much territory in Ukraine as possible, pursuing two distinct goals. The initial objective was to conquer Kyiv and to effect a change in the country’s leadership. It is worth noting that, at the outset of the conflict, some international observers held the view that Ukraine would be unable to withstand the onslaught for more than two weeks.
Some commentators have postulated that the conflict could persist for several months. It is noteworthy that our unit has been stationed on the same front line for approximately two and a half years. The second objective was to displace as many civilians as possible from the country. This objective was accomplished through the regular bombardment of urban areas and the utilization of an assortment of missiles, including ballistic and other Russian-manufactured weapons, in addition to Iranian drones and North Korean missiles. It has been reported that Iran is supplying new rockets to the Russian forces, which could potentially be used to target civilian infrastructure in order to facilitate the survival of Ukrainian civilians during the winter. Nevertheless, the resilience of the Ukrainian people is such that they will not concede defeat. It is regrettable that the number of refugees has been considerable.
Those who have migrated to Europe. The figures in question exhibit considerable variation depending on the source consulted. Consequently, some have proposed that the figure is 5 million. An alternative hypothesis posits a figure of up to 6.5 million. A certain number of individuals have returned to Ukraine, despite having resided abroad for varying periods of time, including one year or slightly longer. Furthermore, a considerable number of individuals who have been internally displaced have relocated from regions in the east and south that have been affected by conflict to regions in the west and north. As previously stated, the city of Lviv has experienced a notable increase in population, with the number of residents rising almost twice as high since the onset of the conflict. This is attributed to the influx of businesses from eastern Ukraine, particularly from Kharkiv. The population of the Kharkiv area, originating from Donbas and Kherson, has relocated to Lviv and Western Ukraine.
In the course of discussing these incidents, it is regrettable to note that the citizens were subjected to nine hours of sirens in Kyiv last night. As a consequence of these circumstances, my daughter has experienced considerable difficulty in waking and attending school following such an eventful night. It is therefore imperative that action be taken to neutralize the missiles and drones, with particular attention paid to the Iranian-made drones. Russia is now manufacturing drones that are similar in design to those produced by Iran, but which utilize the same technology. Despite their efforts, the attackers were unable to achieve their objective of shelling Kyiv. However, the components of the drones and missiles that did successfully penetrate the airspace had a tangible impact on residential areas, with debris falling from the sky. It is not yet clear whether there were any casualties as a result of this incident. At this time, the relevant information is not available, but it is evident that the previous night was a disaster for Zaporizhzhia and Poltava, where a rocket was loaded on a civilian institute, where its students studied. Poltava is closer to the east, so it is closer to the war.
In conclusion, it can be stated that 54 individuals lost their lives in Poltava at that moment. It is, therefore, a matter of considerable regret that more than 200 individuals sustained injuries. It is curious to note that Ukraine is currently faring well amidst the ongoing conflict, in stark contrast to the prevailing sentiment that engaging in warfare is inherently detrimental to one’s well-being. It is of the utmost importance that we either engage in combat in a manner that is both effective and ethical, or refrain from engaging in it altogether. It is evident that we have no alternative but to proceed as we have done. This is an existential conflict, comparable to the situation faced by Israel. The situation can be summarized as a choice between two opposing forces. Therefore, we are compelled to consider the option of surrendering and pursuing a peaceful existence, given the imminent threat of violence and forced relocation posed by the Russians. This is exemplified by the Soviet invasion of eastern Poland and the subsequent annexation of these territories, which became part of the Soviet Union in 1939. This resulted in the occupation of eight oblasts/regions of Western Ukraine.
Consequently, the majority of the civilian population who were in opposition to the Soviet regime were promptly deported to Siberia or the other rural regions situated to the east of the USSR. This is illustrative of the manner in which Russia has been treating the inhabitants of the occupied territories. Those who survive the filtration camps are sent either to the Russian army to fight against Ukrainians. One might be forgiven for asking: It is likely that most of these individuals will reject this option and therefore face deportation or imprisonment. Therefore, we have no alternative but to remain steadfast and defend our country. Significant advancements have been made in anti-missile defense, particularly anti-drone technology. These developments have surpassed the capabilities available at the outset of the conflict, enabling the neutralization of intelligence and fighter drones, including the Iranian-produced: Shahed.
Although this drone is relatively inexpensive, it is nevertheless capable of performing a variety of tasks. It has the capacity to inflict significant damage. It is for this reason that the drone has been detected at a considerable distance and subsequently disabled. According to the data I reviewed this morning, the score reached 100% last night. This figure represents a significant increase from previous levels. Twenty drones belonging to the Islamic State were allied by the Israeli military, which had previously been attacked by Hezbollah and pro-Iranian forces in Iraq. One of these drones impacted the building over Tel Aviv, close to the US Embassy, just over a month ago.
One individual was killed and another sustained injuries. It can be stated with certainty that this is the same weapon. It is for this reason that I am continually reiterating to our Israeli colleagues that we are engaged in combat with the same adversary. Therefore, Iran can be considered a common enemy. Iran represents a common enemy. It seems reasonable to conclude that Russia is a common enemy, given the evidence that they have been working in close collaboration.
It seems reasonable to posit that this is a transfer of technology, particularly that which is of the greatest consequence to them, namely nuclear technology. This would appear to render Iran a more significant threat in terms of the probability of its acquisition of nuclear weapons in the near future. It is evident that Moscow is extending invitations to all Iranian proxies, which are engaging in significant interactions with Iran itself. Subsequently, ministerial-level exchanges and visits by the heads of the National Security Council have occurred. Furthermore, representatives from Hezbollah and Hamas have also visited Iran. Furthermore, the head of the Palestinian state recently undertook an official visit, which, from our perspective, represented a significant development. On the preceding day, Mahmoud Abbas, the leader of Palestinian autonomy, had arrived in Moscow. Simultaneously, the United Nations had delivered grain from Ukraine to Ramallah, thereby aiding Palestinians who are facing economic challenges. Ukraine’s assistance was “duly acknowledged”. Subsequently, Abbas arrived in Moscow on the following day.
It is evident that the current situation can be defined as a state of conflict. It is crucial to recognize that the underlying cause of this conflict is the same, regardless of whether it is manifesting in Israel or Ukraine. Consequently, it is imperative to acknowledge the interrelated nature of these two conflicts. I am curious to know your opinion on this matter.
D.A.R.: Do you believe that Russia has hostile intentions towards Israel?
H.A.Y.K.: Russia has made its intentions towards Israel clear. Russia has been demonstrably supportive of Hezbollah, which has aided adversarial parties. What further action might be taken? Should they deploy military forces? Indeed, it was the article that prompted the opening of the military checkpoint located just beyond the Golan Heights, situated approximately two kilometers from the current border limit. The question then becomes: what other recourse is available to them? One might inquire whether the optimal course of action would be for them to commence direct strikes from military bases. It is evident that they are complicit. Furthermore, an analysis of the propaganda employed by Hamas in the United States and Europe reveals the use of similar techniques to those utilized by Russia in disseminating information about the actions of the Israeli military in the Gaza Strip. These techniques aim to portray the Israeli military as being particularly brutal in its treatment of Palestinian civilians. It is evident that the Palestinian issue has gained significant traction in academic institutions across the United States and Europe, as evidenced by the proliferation of pro-Palestinian discourse and demonstrations. In contrast, Ukraine stands out as a notable exception in Europe, with a notable absence of such demonstrations. This is despite the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, which has heightened the visibility of the Palestinian narrative.