Iran’s Path: From The Mullah’s Tyranny to Freedom
The HRH Crown Prince has arrived in Los Angeles at the behest of the “PACAN” Foundation (The Persian American Civic Action Network) and will deliver a speech on Friday, May 31, 2024, at the Nixon Library to commemorate the centenary of the Imperial Iranian Air Force. The efforts of the “Pakan” Foundation are commendable. Logically and impartially, it must be stated that the only prominent and influential opposition figure in Iran is the Iranian Prince, Reza Pahlavi.
These days, the entire world recognizes that the regime ruling over Iran is autocratic and despotic, embodying a dreadful and dark theocracy. A regime that silences voices, breaks pens, and stifles breaths to prevent any dissent. The heirs of Khomeini’s terrorist uproar, with their false values, have led Iran to ruin.
A profiteering group wielding the language of bullets and batons, akin to the Islamic SS, rules over this culturally and historically powerful country. To this day, hundreds of thousands of Iranian youths lie in cemeteries, having cried out for freedom, while hundreds of thousands more are disabled, grounded, or blinded, victims of the mullahs’ regime. Appropriate memorials for these eternal names have yet to be erected; although some are occasionally forgotten, their images persist on social media—as if this nation must only construct posters of death. The mention of this tragedy is painful, but for Iranians both at home and abroad, a history of misery and sorrow has been repeating for 45 years. The Middle East is entrenched in continual crisis and bloodshed. The tragedy of an endless war and the destructive wave of terrorism have culminated in a storm.
Iranians, both within the country and abroad, suffer under the regime’s oppression and see injustice, often distracted by minor issues. At times, it can be said that in the current disastrous era, both the domestic and expatriate communities are incapacitated, self-lost, and inactive. A deadly stillness and a night of darkness prevail in Iran. The paths of the victorious and the defeated are unclear.
However, the common thread is that Iranians lament the era of the Shah and recognize that after the dark and destructive upheaval of 1979, they lost everything. It was a fire in which Iran burned. Although many countries in the world played a disastrous role at critical moments in history, stabbing the Shah in the back.
Two months from now marks 44 years since the Shah’s death, and this week, 35 years since Khomeini’s death, the first shameless Supreme Leader in the structure of the Islamic Caliphate of Guardianship.
The Shah’s name is still beloved from the land of the silent and the ancient, spanning seven thousand years. The name of the Shah is a messenger of Iran’s glory, and Iran is on the path of progress—the Shah was a kind patriot. The name of Khomeini, meanwhile, conveys death, blood, destruction, slaughter, imprisonment, and execution—Khomeini was a vile, bloodthirsty charlatan.
Although 1400 years have passed since the first Islamic Caliphate’s attacks on the Persian Empire, the current regime in Iran clearly symbolizes those barbarians from 1400 years ago. Throughout history—the pages of Islamic history are filled with betrayal and crime.
Ferdowsi speaks of “the serpent-eating demon-faced,” and in the Shahnameh, the Serpent King ruled for a thousand years, feeding two youths daily to the serpents on his shoulders, totaling 700,000 victims. But Khamenei, the dust of the earth, has sent thousands from within prisons or the dark pits of silence to their deaths. He has always been more voracious in bloodthirstiness than the ancient Zahhak.
Regarding 1979, whether among a few Iranians, supporters of the mullahs’ regime in Iran, or among foreign powers, there is still no courage to cross the real distance in consequential thinking. Many figures of the Iranian opposition are not sincere in their thoughts. Their concern is that they do not move beyond 1979, lest this corrupt, savage, and rebellious regime be overturned. Inside Iran, too, no one takes the support of Western countries for the Iranian national movement seriously. Expecting fate from foreigners is fanciful. The Iranian public is familiar with unfulfilled promises in the defense of human rights and has lost its trust and belief in foreign powers and their sermons on democracy to remedy the evil affliction ruling over Iran.
Everyone knows the misguided, naive, and malicious policy of the United States in 1979 brought disaster upon Iran. Even today, the lights and shadows of Iran’s history are not seen through an American lens. For instance, Andrew Young, the U.S. representative to the United Nations, said, “Khomeini’s movement was influenced by the American democratic system, and Khomeini was a saint of our age.” Or Richard Falk, from Princeton University and a White House advisor, said, “The religious regime is
not fanatical and is a model of democratic order.” Or Richard Cottam, an Islam scholar at the University of Pittsburgh, said, “Khomeini does not seek power and does not govern but goes to Qom.” Lastly, William Sullivan, the U.S. ambassador, said, “Khomeini has returned to Iran and will surely play the role of Gandhi.” With fanciful thinking, they closed their eyes to undeniable realities, and today these individuals are the disgraced of history. The United States did not deal with mullahs, and whenever it has in these 45 years, it was with profit-seeking calculations, and the Iranian people were the victims.
Some Western countries and the United States think that waging war against mullahs means waging war against Islam, which is sheer folly and naive joking. Unfortunately, with evident malice and ignorance, they judge Iran. But the tested truth in the pages of world history is that Western countries, like America, do not have accurate information about the mullahs’ book and the evil of the religious government. International reality, Iranian reality, and the reality of the Iranian people do not align. The last interview of the late Shah of Iran, a long-time friend and ally of America, said, “America has a self-harm complex. It treated its friend hostilely but bows to those who insult and threaten it.” And today, his words are correct.
However, when the nation is serious, the method will change, and there is no choice but to accept reality. The prevailing thought in Iranian society is that this regime, out of breath, medieval, and run by religious shopkeepers, must be eliminated through a national uprising. In the history of Iran, Shah Sultan Hussein Safavid gave his place to Nader Shah, and Ahmad Shah Qajar gave his place to Reza Shah. Both were real warriors of the country’s fate. Although we do not expect the reappearance of Nader Shah and Reza Shah—each era has its expiration—if a united nation rises, the Iranian nation is always the ultimate victor, and the knot is untied by its own hands, not with the help of foreigners who are unaware of the interests and benefits of the Iranian nation.
Iran has been destroyed and rebuilt several times. Uprooting the foundation of the mullahs, overthrowing a government of death and terror, and destroying the regressive and octopus-like regime of the mullahs without foreign help is difficult and prolonged, and this is the sad era of the Iranian nation. But is the country ready for a new birth? The puzzle of Iran’s present and future is hidden. Perhaps it is better for the Iranian people to roll up their sleeves and, in the oppressive and merciless conditions of Iran, tear down and bankrupt the regime of mullahs. The history of the national uprising in Iran is neither more exceptional nor more complicated than the history of uprisings of various nations of the world. Iran’s fate is inevitable. And fortunately, there is an endless reserve of patriotism and responsibility.
But it must be noted that the evil sect and Gog and Magog of the turbaned clerics do not sweet-talk and do not return to their clerical chambers and are even willing to invite foreign forces into Iran but remain in power. The current military dictatorship might even lead Iran to disintegration. Although the people of Iran want a civilized, democratic, anti-terrorist government supportive of human rights, you cannot fight such savage beasts with non-violent struggle. The mullahs themselves said in 1979, “With a regime that knows only the language of power, one must speak in that same language.” This regime is cannibalistic, similar to many historical precedents.
For example, from the time of Shah Ismail to Shah Abbas, the tradition of cannibals was official at the Safavid court—a group of 12 people from those who angered the Shah would tear them apart with their teeth and eat their flesh (written in the literary history by Dr. Safa and the book Diwan Adl Abbasi, etc.). Or, during the time of Fath Ali Shah Qajar, Mohammad Baqer Shafti was there who beheaded 120 people as corruptors on Earth and enemies of God—by his own judgment, and of course, at the time of his death, he was the wealthiest person in the country. Today, the story of financial corruption and savagery of the “first government of Allah on Earth” has crossed the borders of this divine government, becoming a tale that is on every market head.
The Iranian society and the world are under the influence of toxic propaganda and relentless sophistry. A 520-year brainwashing has been done in Iranian society. About 200,000 mourners and reciters of eulogies are active in the country, inviting the community to mourning and lamentation. In fact, the mullahs came to power with lies and governed based on lies, breaking the backbone of Iranian society. After
a regime change, years of mental and psychological housecleaning are needed. The school of brainwashing needs to be shut down, and mental and psychological rebuilding will take a long time. Naturally, a clear intellectual and cultural foundation is needed. But the authentic culture, free from vulgarity, lies, superstitions, and the vulgarities mixed by the mullahs into the Iranian brain, must be cleansed to escape from a culture of darkness.
Iranian society has paid a heavy price for a mad experiment in political Islam. Iran, instead of triumphantly entering the third millennium, dragged its society from the pinnacle of flourishing to bankruptcy, and today a society afflicted by demons awaits a miracle and has become a victim of destruction, infamy, bankruptcy, and condemnation.
Unfortunately, the Iranian opposition is not effective, active, healthy, dynamic, and decisive. They are ineffectual and full of weaknesses. Many of them are dishonorable refugees with false militancy; that is, they have lost the way of visible struggle and are not true risk-takers. These traditional credit beggars and government-enamored masked individuals are the weakest and most false opposition in the world. These dishonorable and stateless political dwarfs, in this dangerous staging, are incoherent and contradictory, neither bringing the Iranian nation to national sovereignty nor returning national pride to Iran. This fruitlessness and waywardness do not meet the social and cultural needs of Iran. In all these years, the act of liberating struggle for many of them has been a joke. This type of fruitless struggle has no precedent anywhere in the world. It must be said that it is not the regime that is strong but the spiteful, malicious, short-sighted, foreign-worshipping opposition that is weak and evasively, hostilely, and calculatingly stays out of the real field of action. A group of foul-mouthed and abusive individuals also wait for the death of Khamenei and the power struggle of his successors and the possible emergence of an Islamic coup plotter to then sing eulogies. And of course, professional corpse-eaters—do not provide the possibility of uprising. They do not refrain from the left and the right to decisively enter the field of action and have the will to change the regime.

Except for the Prince—everyone participated in the dance and celebration of February 11, 1979. All the false claimants of struggle, that is, the unreal and theatrical opposition, greedily rode on Khomeini’s noisy train, both ticketed and ticketless, and have now disembarked. Those who opened the way for the fortress of horror have today become the hooting owls in the tumultuous market of the opposition. In this tumultuous market, they still act with indulgence, resentment, failure, humiliation, vulgarity, and fanciful dreams, taking up arms against the monarchical system. On the 28 centuries of Iranian monarchy, one cannot put an end point. Iran has centuries of glory and greatness and has not been lost in the struggle of history.
Prince Reza Pahlavi on November 9, 1980, in Cairo, under the constitution of Iran, assumes his royal mission. Now, assisting in regime change in Iran is akin to the liberation of Iran and the rescue of the deprived, a task performed by Cyrus the Great. After all, from the Sassanian monarchy to the Pahlavi monarchy, monarchy is a fundamental part of our national history and identity, and the commander of the liberating struggle—the Shah. The spiritual backing of the monarchy in Iran throughout its 3000-year duration, and the indomitable cultural backing, is a heavy support that is currently not finite, although the inclination towards monarchy is not eternal. But the enduring reality of contemporary world history is that the Pahlavi fingerprint in every aspect of civilization and culture is evident in the past 100 years. Even the rusted sword of mullahs’ censorship and lies could not dim the Pahlavi glow, although our nation, with all its history of culture and national value and civic authenticity, is often forgetful and asleep.
In these critical times for the fate of national life, Iranian society is also facing amazing crises in economy, society, ethics, and industry. From the unholy mass suicide of the nation and the annihilation in the suicide operations of 1979 until today, patriotic unity has not formed such that a national liberating uprising would succeed. Iranian nationalism has a chance of victory when it emerges as an organized force. Like 500 years ago, when the 800-year Muslim rule in Andalusia, Spain, ended. The Spaniards expelled Boabdil, and this is a lesson for Iranians to be able to send the Islamic regime model and the government of the Deputy of the Hidden Imam or the nocturnal government of the Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist to the trash bin of history. In this critical period of destiny, the path of this regime, with all its abnormalities and grim-facedness and international isolation, is a dead-end and condemned to exit the cycle.