Arlene Bridges Samuels
In Essentials, Unity

Is it Smart for the United States to Stand with Israel? Absolutely!

Arlene Bridges Samuels
Arlene Bridges Samuels AIPAC Policy Conference
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AIPAC has proven for decades that really diverse people can stand together on existential, important issues. Standing together is needed now more than ever. The restoration of our US citizenry’s well being and as a force for good and Israel’s safety and its massive innovations, the US and Israel linked together is not only smart politics. It is a necessity.

When the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) hired me as its first Southeast Regional Christian Outreach Director in 2007, an exceptional privilege awaited me. AIPAC’s foresight as a historically Jewish institution to welcome Christians, Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians into pro-Israel advocacy was not only an act of unity but has turned out to be urgent especially since the October 7 massacres and kidnappings. Glancing into the rearview mirror after retiring nine years later in 2016, I remain indebted to AIPAC for being a pro-Israel advocate before and after my position as its first outreach director. And for modeling that relationships matter!

AIPAC’s leadership and training have embodied a rare coalition of diverse people with only one shared goal: strengthening the U.S./Israel relationship in Congress among both Democrats and Republicans. AIPAC is (and since 1954 has been) an American organization laser-focused on one purpose only: to work with the administration and members of Congress to benefit both Israel and the United States of America.

Education, facts, and relationships have powered AIPAC’s influence taking hold more prominently from the 1990s onward. AIPAC was often described by many as a political action committee focusing on the last three letters of its acronym, PAC. It was not, yet now is.

However, in a timely decision in 2022 amid the doses of poison polluting American politics, AIPAC expanded by adding two political action committees: the AIPAC PAC and a super PAC called United Democracy Project. In this election cycle, both Republican and Democratic donors are contributing to AIPAC’s PACs for current Democratic and Republican members of Congress and candidates running for office.

AIPAC donors are interested in one simple fact: Is the legislator or candidate a demonstrated supporter of stregthening the mutually beneficial U.S./Israel relationship? Recently two House members, outspoken against Israel’s right to defend its existential attacks supported by the Islamic Regime, have lost their primaries: Cori Bush (D-MO) and Jamaal Bowman (D-NY). A great outcome for AIPAC and pro-Israel advocates. lhan Omar survived her democratic primary in Minnesota.

In my staff position with AIPAC, I informed and engaged pastors, churches, and Christian leaders in businesses, ministries, and national organizations throughout the Southeast and beyond. For nine years I communicated one foundational message to Christians: We must follow in the footsteps of famous biblical trailblazers whose stories we love. Moses was an ancient lobbyist when he repeatedly approached Pharaoh to “let my people go.” Esther prayerfully took a political stance while hosting a dinner to honor her husband King Ahasuerus. There she revealed Haman’s genocidal plot to murder her people, the Jews.

Because Moses and Queen Esther acted on God’s directions and strategies to lobby two powerful leaders, the Jewish people miraculously survive to this very day. This is politics at its finest, appealing to a leader with a life-altering request on behalf of Jews. After October 7, Christians living today find ourselves at a turning point in world history with Israel and the Jewish community now more than ever, as a global centerpiece. Our alliance with the Jewish community is growing stronger as we Christians are becoming bigger targets of the cancel culture.

Given that politics, U.S. Congress, and the Biden/Harris’ rampant policy errors in our economy, sovereignty, and funding of Iran are so unpopular today, is there any sense in Christians following ancient Moses and Esther into controversy and chaos today? The horrors of October 7 provide our answer.

Whether or not you are an advocate for Israel though AIPAC or another effective Jewish or Christian organization,it is essential to understand the benefits for the United States in supporting our greatest ally, Israel. The small nation of Israel is an island of democracy and freedom in a sea of dictatorial regimes. To estimate the benefits that Israel offers the U.S. is next to impossible. However, it is a decidedly enormous return on investment.

One of the key benefits to Americans is Israeli intelligence, which helps us with our own security and counterterrorism strategies. As drug and human trafficking cartels, violent gangs, and known terrorists flood our open southern border under the Biden/Harris administration, Israel’s intelligence capabilities are a vital benefit.

The strong friendship between the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the U.S. military produces shared technologies and techniques that benefit both nations. By pioneering innovative technologies that include cyber defense, sensors, electronic warfare systems, and battlefield medical support, Israel helps save American soldiers. Both militaries share know-how to improve equipment and tactics.

The U.S. also benefits economically, since more than 75 percent of security assistance to Israel is spent here in United States’weapons manufacturers—which helps create thousands of excellent American jobs. Israel is a crucial location for the War Reserves Stock Allies-Israel program. The United States owns and manages weapons worth $3.4 billion—stored in Israel for U.S. military use. With the Middle East teetering on a more expansive level of war—and American military assets in the region—a stockpile is invaluable.

As our only long-time ally in the Middle East, Israel defends itself by itself and does not ask for American boots on the ground. This diminutive nation is forced to spend more on defense as a percentage of its GDP than any other nation in the industrialized world. Nonetheless Israelis are indeed grateful for the U.S. Congress, American Jewish and Christian supporters, and our security aid for them to operate more substantially in the air, on the sea, and above and below ground.

One of AIPAC’s staff and volunteer activists’ most important roles annually is to begin an important process by interacting with Congress’ House Appropriations Committee to make sure Israel receives its annual security aid. As Israel now fights an eight front war-Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Iran, and social media war, security aid primarily funds Israel’s purchase of weapons needed to defend itself.

For those of us who consistently pray for Israel, we can thank God that our Congress performs the vital function of keeping the Jewish people safer in their homeland. And in turn, as our greatest ally for the United States we face growing, out of control lawlessness.

Politics on behalf of the U.S.-Israel relationship can for Christians then become a holy act in a secular context.

For pro-Israel Christians who either disdain politics and the U.S. Congress—or who are discouraged with perceived congressional inaction—read this next paragraph closely. Jewish, Christian, Black, Hispanic, LGBTQ, and Asian members of AIPAC are imitating ancient successful lobbyists who risked everything. Thus far in 2024, AIPAC worked in Washington to pass the largest security funding in Israel’s history including a new weapon, the $1.2 billion Iron Beam, Israel’s emerging laser system that will intercept rockets and drones at a fraction of the cost.

AIPAC and its activists have educated Congress with many facts that have produced excellent legislation. Highlights include bans on funding UNRWA and the anti-Israel UN Commission of Inquiry; the No Technology for Terror Act restricting American technology to Iran; sanctions on groups like Hamas that use humans as shields; and the Mahsa Amini Human Rights and Security Accountability Act, which holds the Islamic Regime accountable for the brutal repression of its citizens.

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These are but a sampling of what Congress is enacting legislatively despite the far-left members of Congress led by the terror-supporting Squad and an administration which has abandoned common sense. Some Democrats are now abandoning their own party,among them the brilliant Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr. and security-minded Tulsi Gabbard. Former President Trump is welcoming them along with many Christians like me who are conservatives and Republicans.

AIPAC has grown into an organization of more than 4 million pro-Israel Americans living in 435 congressional districts who are working to strengthen bipartisan support for the U.S.-Israel relationship. While America is more secure when Israel is strong, history repeatedly proves that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has preserved His chosen people for thousands of years.

About the Author
Arlene Bridges Samuels is a pioneer in pro-Israel Christian advocacy for twenty-five years in positions with Israel Always and Earl Cox-Israel's Goodwill Ambassador to Christians and Jews, SE Region Outreach Director at American Israel Public Affairs Committee, (AIPAC) and International Christian Embassy Jerusalem USA's project, American Christian Leaders for Israel. Since 2020, she is the weekley featured columnist at The Christian Broadcasting Network Israel, and frequent Guest Columnist for Allisrael News and The Jerusalem Connection Report. Arlene co-edited The Auschwitz Album Revisited. Traveling to Israel since 1990, by invitation she attends the GPO Christian Media Summit. She and her husband co-authored a new book, MENTAL HEALTH MELTDOWN, illuminating the voices of bipolar and other mental illnesses.
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