It’smore complicated than convenient

It’s one of the most complicated stories in the Torah.
Why does Yitzchok want to bless Esau, the trapper, as opposed to the straightforward Jacob?
What intuition does Rivkah (Rebecca) have as a mother that Yitzchok, the father, does not?
Why must Jacob dress like Esau to be blessed? What’s wrong with his dignified clothes and mannerisms?
In short, it’s complicated. More complicated than convenient.
The goal is to affect change in the world, to bring out its potential and uplift it from what it is to what it can be.
Thus, Yitzchok wants to bless his son, the hunter, to lift him up so he is not left behind. Rivkah has the same goal, but she knows her son and is aware that to change him, a blessing will be ineffective and insufficient; it will take the influence of Jacob over the course of two millennia.
But for Jacob to be an effective agent of change, he will need to go out of his comfort zone and spiritual cocoon. He needs to dress and at times look like Esau, meet him on his turf, and there relay his message.
Why must those who simply seek peace at times don the garments of war?
Why must our prayers and mitzvot be accompanied by tanks and M16s?
Why does the wish for peace need to be accompanied by the preparation for war?
In short, it’s complicated. More complicated than convenient.
The goal is to affect change in the world, to bring out its potential and uplift it from what it is to what it can be.
Thus, we understand that our ideals, teachings, preaching, and even prayers are insufficient. To effect real change in the world, it will require wrestling with it.
For the Jew to be an effective agent of change, he will need to go out of his comfort zone and spiritual cocoon. At times, he will need to dress and look like those he battles, meet them on their own turf, and there relay their message.
Our nations dream is to bring peace to the world. Our calling is to be a source of light. We are never to become Esau but sometimes we need to wear his clothes to effect him.
In short, it’s complicated. More complicated than convenient.