Luca M Damiani
Author/Artist - Kiss&Arrow : "A Kiss to the Way We Are - An Arrow for Direction" - [Art + Op:Poetry&Questions]

Kiss and Poppies

'Kiss and Poppies' Luca M Damiani - Kiss and Arrow 2023 -
'Kiss and Poppies' Luca M Damiani - Kiss&Arrow 2023 -

You might know that 

There are many tensions

For Armistice and

Remembrance Day.


Pro-Palestine loud marches

Will be taken place in London streets

Along with the quiet 

Events of British memories.


Lots of discussions

About what should 

And what should not

Be allowed. 


Lots of factions,

Well, just two,

Tell us how, when and what

We could do.


I am for freedom.

So, I guess, 

I am for letting 

Any march be. 


However, I am also for respect

For values of the British,

For pausing in the memories

And for a good social taste.


As a dual citizen myself,

I had to learn my way

To see what I first didn’t know

Of unique and special British days.


I had to learn

That it is important

To pay respect on that weekend

And to just pause and stand-by.


It is important

To be quiet


And open-hearted.


I have seen pro-Palestine

Marches during all these weeks, 

And they are certainly not

Giving a peaceful feel. 


We should understand

That many people

Are not feeling safe

By all these chanting steps on British roads.


Some marching voices

Are for “Ceasefire”:  that is good! 

But can you also add

“Release the Hostages?” – thanks!


Some marching voices

Are for “Free-Palestine”:

Well, we could expand, 

with “2 State Solution!” – lovely!


Some marching voices

Are for “Jihad”:

I am sorry,

“Straight to jail”.


Some marching voices

Are for “Hamas” –

OK, British Passport back

And go away.


I haven’t seen one, I say one, Flag for Peace.

You know, those colourful flags we often use?

Not just one

Nor the colours. 


So, I ask: 

Should we still be able to march

Even when we bring fear

To the social common atmosphere?


Where is the Peace

In all of this?

Where is the right and peaceful

Way to be?


All in all,

I don’t think the march 

Should be banned

And freedom should be supported.


In a way that is what

Freedom is all about,

And we should stand for it

There is no doubt.


I do not think 

Should be up to the Government 

Or Police

To make the call.


But I do think it is the pro-Palestine

Marches organizers

That should thoughtfully and respecfully

Take a pause. 


A pause to 

To respect our traditions

Even more when those traditions

Are highlighting why we are free.


People died for our freedom.

People died fighting hate.

People died standing firm.

People died every day.


And we need a pause.

Just for two days.

For remembrance of

All of that. 


We need a pause to recite

“God Save the King”

Rather than chanting

“From river to the sea”.



We have freedom,

And with that, 

We also have responsibility.


And in this case, 


Would be to understand

That it’s OK to pause.


Just to stay silent. 

Just to stay put.

Just to hold up a Poppy flower

Of our deep British roots.

About the Author
Luca M Dami­ani is an Artist, Author and Uni­ver­si­ty Fel­low, focus­ing his ongo­ing cre­ative prac­tice and research on new media, neu­roscience, technology and nature. His work also crosses over with invisible disability, human rights and social design. Luca has a neu­ro­log­i­cal dis­abil­i­ty (impair­ment of cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem func­tion) and has had var­i­ous visu­al art books and aca­d­e­m­ic arti­cles pub­lished, as well as being exhib­it­ed inter­na­tion­al­ly. Luca has worked and col­lab­o­rat­ed with insti­tu­tions such as BMJ Med­ical Human­i­ties, Mozil­la, Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al, BBC, Sci­ence Gallery, Com­put­er Arts Soci­ety, Dis­ney, Uni­ver­si­ty of the Arts Lon­don, Yale Uni­ver­si­ty, Jewish Book Council, TATE, V&A and more.
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