Kneeling and offering the other cheek

It’s not a truce. It’s not a ceasefire. It’s not an agreement. It’s none of that. It is just another way to terrorize Israeli society.
The return of hostages in dribs and drabs, the abuse of the kidnapped young women until the very last minute. A deliberate suspense to keep the Israeli population under unbearable anxiety.
These monsters, these terrorists do not deserve to live.
There are two types of hostages in this tragedy. The hostages in the hands of the Palestinians, and the hostages in Israel who are imprisoned by their emotions to the point of allowing themselves to release murderous monsters, rapists, and child beheaders after more than lifetime condemnation.
As long as Israelis negotiate with Palestinians who thrive on terror, terror will not cease. As long as Palestinians are educated on the price Israel pays for each Israeli life, terrorism will be seen as a profitable business. Take one Israeli and grant free pass to whatever you want.
There are no truces that can be made with terrorists, monsters, irrational destructive animals. This kind of being only retreat with pain. They only stop attacking when they are dead.
Israel has stopped inflicting pain and killing these monsters. Besides, Israel has never ceased to feed them with water and food, to indulge them with energy and all kind of provisions.
It is the height of self-sacrifice. It is the height of immorality.
As far as I know, Jews don’t kneel and don’t offer the other cheek after being punched.