Let Freedom Ring!
Over half a century ago, hundreds of thousands of Americans celebrated their freedom at the Woodstock Music & Art Fair’s Aquarian Exposition, or simply “Woodstock.” These young, peace-loving Americans were advocates of individual autonomy, limited government, laissez-faire economics, freedom
of speech, and civil liberties under the rule of law. They were the “Liberals” of the day.
African American Jimmy Hendrix, Indian Ravi Shankar, Mexican Carlos Santana, Native American Robbie Robertson, the ten women and the three members of the LGBGT community who performed at Woodstock did not depend on affirmative action or “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI).” Their invitations to perform were merit-based. And no one viewed the predominately white middle class audience as racist oppressors by birthright.
The festival organizers had prepared for an audience of 50,000. Attendance was eight times that number.
Highly volatile political issues were dominating the minds of the attendees and the creative consciousness of the performers. These included civil rights, the erosion of the environment and the raging war in Viet Nam. For some, this would be their last hurrah prior to being awarded a one-way ticket to Hanoi. Despite the explosive state of affairs, there was no violence and no one was burning flags, looting businesses, destroying property or defacing historic monuments.
On the contrary, these classic counterculture “liberals” honored the nation that afforded them liberation and freedom. According to the Journal of Emergency Medical Services, the most common injuries were foot injuries sustained by festival goers who took off their muddy wet shoes.
Jimi Hendrix’s psychedelic Star-Spangled Banner saluted the nation that afforded him success. Richie Havens led hundreds-of-thousands of handclapping, foot-stomping liberals in the chorus of his hit song, “Freedom.” Folk singer Tim Harden covered Bobby Darin’s, “Simple Song of Freedom” and visiting from across our northern border, Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young paid homage to those who fought and died for freedom in their ballad, “Find the cost of freedom, buried in the ground.”
No Jew-hating genocidal cries from the crowd silenced the performance of Arlo Guthrie, whose mother was Yiddish poet Aliza Greenblatt and whose distinguished Rabbi was the controversial Meir Kahane, founder of the Jewish Defense League. No BDS groups called for the boycott of the festivities held on the occupied land of Jewish conservative republican Max Yasgur who supported the war in Vietnam. “If the generation gap is to be closed, we older people have to do more than we have done.” said Yasgur, a dairy man like Tevye, in a New York Times interview (1).
Among the hundred-thousand-or-so university students in the crowd, none were praising the barbaric terrorism of the newly formed PLO, PFLP, or the Muslim Brotherhood which gave rise to Hamas. And none of these “liberals” were condemning Israel for their capture of the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, the Old City of Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights after being brutally attacked by its neighbors (only to return much of it in delusional dreams of peace).
By today’s standards, these “Woodstock Generation Liberals” would be considered right-wing conservative nationalists. They would be condemned by those who have hijacked and redefined the term “liberal” to soften their antiliberal Marxist agenda. The New Democratic Party’s left-wing “progressive liberal platform” is frighteningly reminiscent of its early days.
When Democrat Nathan Bedford Forrest served as the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, his paramilitary mercenaries served the Democratic Party’s interests. These Politically motivated Jew-hating masked cowards gathered to intimidate, inflict violence and silence opposing viewpoints.
Today, these same racist thugs have traded in their white hoods for Keffiyehs and their perversion of Christianity for that of Islam.
When Republican Abraham Lincoln defeated the democrats, constitutional amendments abolishing slavery and granting of citizenship to freed slaves were passed with overwhelming Republican support despite overwhelming opposition from the democrats. By the turn of the century, hundreds of Black republicans were elected to state legislatures and 22 Black Republicans served in the US Congress. The Democrats did not elect a Black man to Congress until several decades later.
Fast forward to 2009. Barack Obama’s election should have marked a significant turning point in American history and the mitigation of racial disharmony.
Instead, Obama’s socialist strategies, falsely labelled as “liberal” widened the great divide. Americans became more deeply divided on race then they have been in decades, and the trend continues today under the guise of Affirmative Action, “DEI” and Critical Race Theory.
“If you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.”
The Big Lie Theory (German: große Lüge), often credited to German Nazi Party’s propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels was first described in Hitler’s Mein Kampf. It theorized that people could be induced to believe “a big lie” because they would not believe that someone, “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.”
“If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period,” lied President Obama when campaigning for support in his speech to the American Medical Association on June 15, 2009. Obama’ s Marxist policies produced his doomed-to-fail-from-the start, “Affordable Care Act,” supported by 86% of democrats, and one republican. It was a boom for big pharma and big insurance companies and a bust for American citizens.
Socialized medicine is not “liberalism,” it is socialism, and the easily predictable results of the Obama mandates are in:
- An increase in the cost of health care.
- An increase in the cost of health insurance.
- An increase in the cost of out-of-pocket deductibles.
- An increase in Americans’ dependence on the federal government
Another, “The government knows best” Marxist policy disguised as “liberal” was Obama’s Federal Housing Project, the “Home Affordable Modification Program” (HAMP). HAMP had a detrimental effect on black wealth and did more for big banks than for homeowners. Nearly one third of the recipients defaulted and six million families lost their homes (2).
In contrast to the failures of America’s first Black president, under Trump’s republican administration, black poverty reached a historic low, almost nine thousand “Opportunity Zones” were created in minority communities, a fund to deploy $1 billion in capital funding for minority-owned businesses was enacted, funding was increased for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), and more than $500 million in loans was provided to HBCUs through the Capital Financing Program. In 2018, a budget deal was signed which forgave more than $300 million in debt owed by four HBCUs impacted by natural disasters (3).
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them (our children) to do the same.” -Ronald Reagan
Half-a-century ago, General Secretary Gorbachev saw the light and succumbed to President Reagan’s challenge, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” The Harris/Walt team must have missed Reagan’s other proclamations declared at the Berlin Wall on June 12, 1987.
Almost a decade prior to Harvard’s Young Democratic Socialists (HCYDSA) joining forces with Pro-Hamas activists in declaring that calls for Jewish Genocide are acceptable “dependent on their context,” the Harvard Crimson published a column penned by Laura Nicole. https://www.lauranicolae.com/
“Many in my generation have blurred the reality of communism… my classmates will graduate with the impression that communism represents a light-hearted critique of the status quo, rather than an empirically violent philosophy that destroyed millions of lives.” (4)
Communism is a sociopolitical philosophy based on Marxism. It is a dangerous ideology which has tortured and enslaved millions of its enemies and is responsible for the death of over one hundred million people. It is a failed ideology. Karl Marx was an idealistic visionary whose theoretical philosophies were contingent upon absolute humanism: man is the supreme being. As such, the seductive plausibility of Marxism was predicated upon an atheistic world view. His sincere desire to make the world a better place for all humanity lacked a basic understanding of competition, rivalry, and greed. Karl Marx’s romantic dream has been proven to be a hellish nightmare.
“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” was leisurely coined by Ralph Waldo Emerson and defines Kamala’s inherited Marxism. Her father, Donald J. Harris is a, “…combative Marxist economist,” whose, “…writings are sprinkled with obscurantist theorizing.” (5)
While the Torah tells us that we are not responsible for the sins of our fathers, G-d also reminds us that children are responsible for their own unrepented transgressions (Ezekiel, Chapter 18). In Kamala’s case, let the truth be known, she was ranked the most politically left of all senators by the non-partisan GovTrack organization (6). Harris has promised government-mandated price controls disguised as “anti-price gauging,” she is offering a $25,000 gift to first-time homebuyers and supports $1.7 trillion in government handouts. These iterations are socialist policies designed to increase the power of the federal government, promote “wealth redistribution,” and take away state and individual autonomy. (7) This is not liberalism. It is Marxism.
Harris just does not get it: America’s free-market system is what makes America the land of opportunity. The toxic milieu promoted by price-control enthusiasts breeds endemic corruption and has damaged every nation where it was applied. It took eastern Europe decades to recover from the devastation. Harris’ economic policies are more in line with China, Cuba, and Venezuela than the United States of America.
German economist Professor Franz von Findelstein, an expert in Marxist-Leninist political economy concluded that in Soviet Russia, “the Bolsheviks created a fiction of a new miracle-making economic system based on price controls.” They then exported this fantasy to America, “in the hopes of using it as an instrument for subversion” of capitalist systems. It rapidly took root in academia and left-wing political groups.
After incubating for decades, Marxism has festered and flourished to become a prevalent American political agenda. These communist precepts disguised as “liberal visions” and “progressive policies” now control the economic platform of the Democratic Party. According to Spanish economist Dr. Bautista Quixano, Harris along with other Anti Liberal leftists have adopted Lenin’s term, “progressive” to describe their economic agenda. Lenin too, labelled newer stages of economic and social development as “progressive”.
“No Marxist will forget… The establishment of a separate and new state, of new frontiers, etc., resulting from a successful uprising, is progressive,” wrote Lenin in 1916. The 2024 “woke” agenda echoes Lenin’s progressive allusions to “equity” and “social justice.” (8) Lenin recommended that the “Party” control the price of housing and food supplies. Under his watch, debt, waste, and a momentous economic crisis soon led to the collapse of the system. Hunger and poverty became the norm.
The left-wing of the democratic party, its patrons and its “squad” support, finance, and defend those who oppose classic liberalism. They have tolerated and encouraged Black Lives Matter riots, defunding the police, Antisemitic rallies on college campuses, and they unapologetically prioritize the plight of the Palestinians over the hell of the hostages.
To add insult to injury, Kamala’s liaison to the Jewish community is Anti-Israel Ilan Goldenberg. Her “Arab Outreach Director” is Antisemite Brenda Abdelall who claims that Zionists control American Politics (and whose mother founded the anti-Israel propaganda-spreading American Muslim Council’s, Ann Arbor branch). Harris appointed veteran Israel critic, Rev. Jen Butler to conduct outreach to the faith community and Harris’s national security adviser, Phil Gordon is the subject of a congressional probe into his ties to members of an Iranian government influence network. The Kamala Antisemite of the Year award goes to her liaison to the Muslim and Arab Communities, Nasrini Bargzi. Among Bargzi’s accolades, she accuses Jewish students of “organized bullying” for suing universities for antisemitic harassment, she requested that the United Nations Human Rights Commission cease their investigation into campus Antisemitism, and she recommended that marines who fought terrorists in Iraq be charged with murder. (9)
Harris’s policies towards Israel are the antithesis of those of the previous administration during which time the United States recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem, and brokered peace deals between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco. In 2019, the “Combatting Anti-Semitism Executive Order” which codified antisemitism under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed.
The Democrats Anti-Liberal Agenda: The Abolition of Political Freedom of Choice.
In America, those desiring consideration for the Presidency go through a series of interviews, town hall meetings, petitions, signatures, state primaries and caucuses. Then, based upon the number of votes they receive from the electorate, they are assigned a certain number of delegates who will vote for them at their party’s convention. And voila! The winning candidate earns the privilege of representing their party in the national election.
But not among the Democrats. At the DNC, there was no democracy, no fairness, no options, and no choice. Just Kamala Harris. And while the sweet nectar of joy overflowed from their goblets, their Kool-Aid filled cauldrons saturated the hall with anger and hatred culminating in President Biden being overthrown in a coup d’état.
The heinous history of the Nazi Regimes “Strength through Joy” campaign should serve as a cautionary tale, not as a role model to be replicated.
The Democrats Coalition of Catastrophe kick-off in Chicago was reminiscent of the Third Reich’s Strength Through Joy (Kraft durch Freude, or KdF) campaign. Harris did not need to directly quote the Nazi’s “strength through Joy” slogan. It is her deceptive propagandas policies which mirror the Nazi’s 1930’s labor organization marketing ploy. The stated goal of the Nazi campaign was to create a “joyous national community” based on Nazi ideals and loyalty to Hitler.
That is what Harris’ campaign accomplished in Chicago. The DNC was not about selecting a candidate, economic policies, porosity at the border, geopolitical volatility, or rampant crime in the real world. While the partygoers were eating, drinking, and being joyful, there were seventy-four arrests, thirty shootings, a couple of stabbings and six homicides in the area.
The Democrat’s manipulation of the media to market their conniving campaign of joy was another page borrowed from the Nazi propaganda playbook.
NPR, the bastion of progressivism and breeding ground of Trump Derangement Syndrome declares, “Harris and Walz re-introduce Joy to the democrats.” According to the New York Times, the Harris campaign is being “…fueled by Joy.” Vanity Fair proclaims that the “Harris-Walz Ticket wields Joy against Donald Trump.” Salon states that Kamala Harris is, “Bringing back the Joy,” while The Washington Post concludes that, “Harris and Walz seize on joyful message in contrast to darker Trump themes.” The Rolling Stone concludes that Kamala Harris,’ “…New Politics of Joy is the Best Way to Fight Fascism.”
The DNC was reminiscent of the Third Reich’s censorship and celebrations of Jewish Genocide. While the Democratic Party was putting on the ritz at their high-priced Hollywood-style coronation of their queen, Antisemitic pro-Hamas rallies were granted permits to congregate and protest outside the venue.
“Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves” -Abraham Lincoln
While Jew haters were granted the right to protest and spread Jew-hatred, permit applications from Jewish groups including the Israeli American Council (IAC) were denied. This is Antisemitic censorship, as perfected by Hitler, Stalin and now, The City of Chicago. It is no wonder that Kamala Harris’ Human Rights Campaign president Kelley Robinson refers to the US Constitution (which guarantees our right to assemble and speak freely) as the Founders’ “little piece of paper”. Every American should be outraged. (10,11,12)
Marching alongside the celebrating Marxists and young, white, pro-Hamas “liberals” are various Antisemitic groups including Black Separatists and radical Islamists who have formed an Anti-Western, Anti-Liberal Coalition on a quest to abolish individual autonomy, economic freedom, political freedom, and freedom of speech. The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) proudly waved their banners alongside the pro-Hamas supporters outside the DNC while their members rubbed elbows inside at the party. Meanwhile, Tim Walz declared in admiration of Lenin, “Don’t ever shy away from our progressive values. One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”
There is nothing “neighborly” about socialism.
In June of last year in Washington, D.C. a conference sponsored by the Democratic Socialists of America was titled, “How We Win.” Over 50 politicians attended, including senators, members of city councils, and those who sit on school boards while influencing the education, and manipulating the malleable minds of our children. Bernie Sanders addressed the group via Zoom.
“This is the largest gathering of socialist elected officials in decades,” exulted Maria Svart, executive director of the DSA Fund. The 100,000-strong DSA membership has elected over 150 socialists to govern in various levels of government. According to Svart, among their goals is learning, “how to shift power from the owning class to the working class.” (13)
We as a nation must not confuse “Classic liberalism” with the “New Progressive Pseudo-Liberal Marxism” which makes a mockery of the term “Liberal,” is offensive to Classic Liberals and is confusing to the malleable minds of our youth.
To the Classic Liberal of the 60’s, “Woodstock signifies the coming together of all tribes,” proclaimed Carlos Santana.
Conversely, today’s neoliberal woke progressives are Marxists whose platforms promote animosity between tribes, government tyranny and economic collapse behind a façade of freedom and a smokescreen of joy.
At the Woodstock Music & Art Fair’s Aquarian Exposition, over thirty artists and groups performed hundreds of songs, the vast majority of which conveyed messages of love, peace, and the “…coming of the age of Aquarius.”
In contrast, one prophetic song performed by John Fogerty’s Creedence Clearwater Revival serves as a warning to those seduced by pseudo-sophisticated socialists promising a better world based on Marxism’s dystopian policies.
- https://www.nytimes.com/1969/08/18/archives/farmer-with-soul-max-yasgur.html
- https://theintercept.com/2017/12/08/barack-obama-housing-policy-racial-inequality/
- https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/trump-campaign-press-release-fact-president-trumps-policies-have-delivered-for-black
- https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2017/11/20/nicolae-one-hundred-million/
- https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2024/07/25/revisiting-the-work-of-donald-harris-father-of-kamala
- https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/kamala_harris/412678/report-card/2020
- https://amac.us/newsline/economy/the-soviet-legacy-of-harriss-price-control-plan/
- https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1916/carimarx/5.htm)
- https://freebeacon.com/elections/kamala-harriss-new-arab-outreach-director-said-zionists-are-controlling-american-politics/
- https://www.foxnews.com/media/pro-israel-group-deeply-disappointed-after-city-chicago-allegedly-ignored-dnc-march-permit-requests
- https://www.foxnews.com/us/dnc-chicago-windy-city-rocked-violence-even-migrant-gangs-good-behavior
- https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/chicago-dnc-protests-arrest-totals/
- https://prospect.org/politics/2023-06-21-socialist-emergence-democratic-tradition/