Looking for Clarity
I am baffled by the world’s reactions, responses, and ultimate behaviors post October 7th.
Perhaps I should not be, as I grew up on the Holocaust stories, as I am part of a large second generation group.
We all played the “ what if “ game as children. We were aware.
I never had the experience of having grandparents, as my parents were orphaned by the Holocaust .
And yet…
I believed the world was past this, there was this bit of naivety that what my parents went through was ugly enough, and the world had actually learned something from this dark history.
For goodness sake the Shoah survivors did thoroughly try to educate the world, to bring awareness to the world about what evil could bring.
Their voices were very loud and clear to all. They resonated with strength, and hope, and a regard for all of humanity.
I am so baffled by the behaviors towards Jews and Israel, behaviors that are so one sided, truly racist, and would NEVER be accepted towards any other group of people, and would be revolted against.
And yet..
The clarity that I must grasp, is that it will take time for the lies to start to dissipate, that we as a nation represent something that many people have slid away from : G-d, a strong and moral belief system, truth and honesty, integrity, a guarded tongue, a desire for growth, building, not destroying nor bullying.
I feel fortunate to be part of a special nation . We seek to preserve a holy identity , and want to protect our given land of identity.
I do believe that when the fog will lift, and the truth emerges, and peace will be reborn, Many will feel quite ashamed.
While recently sorting some of my parents ( zl) documents, I came across a line that my mother had written during the Holocaust :
” Why don’t they hear our cries ? And yet.. We stand for the truth “.
The clarity is in the truth.
Peaceful shabbat, easy fast, and may the truth always protect us.