Yoseph Janowski
By the Grace of G-d


Miracles are the unexpected.

When Syria collapses, just like that.

When, in just 10 days, Israel takes down Hezbollah.

When Sinwar walks right into Israel’s hands.

When Israel stands up to the world.

When so many Jews awaken to their Jewishness.

When Trump escapes assassination attempts, strongly wins a tight election, and warns Israel’s enemies to beware.

When everyone realizes that even a sophisticated army like the IDF needs the Almighty’s blessing to succeed.

When the Lubavitcher Rebbe warned against giving away land, because of the danger; and then everyone saw on October 7 that sadly he was right.

When Israel trusts in G-d to protect them from surrounding enemies, including Houthis and Iranians.

When Chanukah arrives, and we light the candles, when it’s dark, illuminating the outside world, every night adding another light. So that the entire world witnesses the miracle of achieving freedom from tyranny.

Miracles. The unexpected. A time to be grateful. A time to strengthen our optimism and trust.

Miracles. “In those days, in our time.” (Al Hanisim prayer on Chanukah and Purim)


About the Author
The author lives in Toronto, Canada. He has written for
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