Carlos Cardoso Aveline

Muslims Want Peace in Africa

The Flag of Niger [Freepik]
The Flag of Niger [Freepik]

Allegations that the Islamic religion has incurable links to terrorism and violence are not confirmed by facts. The mechanistic labelling of a religion is never a wise thing to do.

Although the growing cooperation in recent years between Israel and several Muslim countries is ground-breaking in its powerful effects, it does not constitute an isolated reality.

All over the world, most Muslims are peace-loving people. In several African countries, including Niger and Nigeria, Muslims are actively defending peace against the Western-inspired warmongering that threatens the continent.

For those who are spiritually inclined, this is no minor issue. War is more than a social and economic catastrophe. It severely harms the spiritual progress of mankind. It is the most radical enemy of universal brotherhood. It reduces many a human being to mental states dominated by blind fear and thoughtless hatred. It should be avoided, although the arms manufacturers in the West may disagree with the friends of mankind in this point.

Fortunately, in Niger, Muslims pray for peace and unity. The new military government established in July 2023 has the support of the population and religious organizations. [1]

In the neighboring Nigeria, the Ulama Forum (a forum of Islamic scholars) defends peace and condemns the recent military threats against Niger. A public document of the Forum expresses its view of the present crisis in Niger.

“The Guardian Nigeria” reports:

“In a letter signed by 25 members of the forum and made available to journalists in Kano, they insisted that the Federal Government (of Nigeria), and by extension the ECOWAS, should retract from treading the undemocratic path of issuing threats as solution to the unfortunate development.”

“They called for more enlightened and more informed diplomatic protocols in assisting Niger Republic to restore its democracy.”

The forum added:

“Nigerian National Assembly should wake up to its constitutional responsibility of critically looking into this issue and exercising the necessary check on the Executive and prevent Nigeria from going into needless war.”

“Faith based organizations in the country, from across the faiths, should embark on preaching for peace in the region and maintaining the good neighborliness that has long existed between Nigeria and Niger.”

“The Ulama Forum calls upon the Muslim Ummah to embark on earnest prayers for Allah’s mercy in touching the hearts of our leaders so that they listen to the voice of reason and not to succumb to the influence of subterranean hands.”

“Subterranean hands” is an allusion to France and the USA, which have explored the natural resources of Africa and kept Niger and other nations in extreme poverty, while not helping them to defeat terrorism. This circumstance caused recent changes of government in several African countries which now condemn and reject Western domination.

The Forum of Islamic Scholars in Nigeria (the Southern neighbor of Niger) says:

“It is vitally important for the Nigerian government to consider its current formative stage and the security threats that are spread all over the nation which are stretching its resources and capabilities”, instead of rushing “into an avoidable conflict with a neighbor at the behest of global politicking.”

A clear reference to the warmongering coming from France and the US. The declaration proceeds:

“The Forum commends the latest diplomatic initiative of sending envoys by ECOWAS to engage the military leaders of Niger in a robust and constructive dialogue. This is indeed, the right way to go and it should be explored to the maximum extent.” [2]

Recent events in Africa unmask the dirty secrets of Western neocolonial practices. International life renews itself. A new era of mutual respect is emerging worldwide. African Muslim organizations want peace, order, political stability, respect for human rights, and national independence, so that terrorism loses its influence in the continent.

Some of the Western leaders suffer from a limited ability to see facts. They seem to be interested in sacking the natural resources of Africa and keeping the continent so poor and so divided that it cannot defend its rights, or preserve its cultural dignity. Western populations, however, see better than that and are natural friends of every country – regardless of religion or ethnical factors.

The next step in evolution is about universal respect and practical cooperation. Most religions are ready to promote brotherhood among sovereign nations, which will help create the moral foundations of a lasting peace. Fortunately, every form of ignorance is short-lived, and many a political leader is wise enough to adapt to new realities.


[1] The newspaper “Le Sahel” describes a recent collective prayer in Niger.

[2] The news is in “The Guardian – Nigeria”.

An initial version of “Muslims Want Peace in Africa” was published at the August 2023 edition of “The Aquarian Theosophist”, pp. 2-4. The journal is edited by Carlos.

Read more:

* The Fourfold Placenta.

* Berdyaev, On the Social Use of Falsehood.

* The World War in Our Minds.

* Awakening from the Opium Wars.

About the Author
Born in Brazil in 1952, Carlos Cardoso Aveline is a journalist by profession and author of the book “The Fire and Light of Theosophical Literature”. He has other works published on esoteric philosophy and ecology. The editor of “The Aquarian Theosophist”, Cardoso Aveline thinks Judaism, Jewish philosophy and Israel have important roles to play in the ethical rebirth the world needs in the present century. He lives in Portugal and directs the Library and Research Center of the Independent Lodge of Theosophists, whose associated websites include and www.HelenaBlavatsky.Org .
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