Benji Lovitt
Because the Middle East is Funny

Peace deal reached before haredi protest

In a stunning breakthrough, Mea Shearim, Sanhedria and Geula designated as the future Palestinian capital

In an unexpected turn of events just hours before the massive haredi demonstration to protest the “draft bill”, a peace deal with the Palestinians was reached when Israeli negotiators offered the neighborhoods of Mea Shearim, Sanhedria and Geula as the future Palestinian capital.

In a formal statement from the American State Department, Secretary John Kerry said, “Everyone said a deal couldn’t be reached but I knew they were wrong. In fact, the Israelis couldn’t make this concession quickly enough. It was almost as if they were asking the other side to take the land.”

Negotiators on both sides met until late hours of Saturday night to hammer home the details.  The Israelis agreed to allow the return of a symbolic number of Palestinian refugees, and the Palestinians, the granting of full rights of citizenship to its Jewish citizens, along with their legal right to not serve their country, harass their female citizens, and throw trash on the ground at will.

After the announcement was made on, millions of Israeli citizens poured into the streets in celebration except for the haredi population who remained in the dark due to their ban on internet usage.

Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh said, “The time has come to live side by side with our neighbors.  Our days of working for the demise of the Jewish state are over.  Do not worry, my new Jewish Palestinian citizens, that is one job we will not force you to do.”

Co-written by Tony Jassen

About the Author
Since making aliyah in 2006, Benji Lovitt has performed stand-up comedy and educational programs for groups including Jewish Federations, Chabads, synagogues, Masa Israel Journey, and Birthright Israel. His perspectives on aliyah and Israeli society have been featured on Israeli TV and radio and in publications such as USA Today, Time Magazine, the BBC, and more. Benji has worked as a cross-cultural trainer with groups including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Masa Israel and is a popular presenter on the Limmud International circuit. During 2014's Operation Protective Edge, his humorous observations on the war led to his being called in Israel "the only reason to go on Facebook.”
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