Stephen I. Siller

Progressives Reimagined Hitler, Lied, and Lost, 2024 – Lessons for Israel and Jews Worldwide

Propagandists “reimagine” what they hate into whatever aligns with their message of the moment no matter how ludicrous. Reimagination language is used to maintain or to achieve power and in that process to denigrate their opponents. Lefty storytellers reimagined Trump and Netanyahu as “Hitler.” According to the Democrat-English Phrase Book: “Deplorable, fascist, piece of garbage: Anyone with whom we disagree.” Supposedly smart American Jews do not understand that calling Trump “Hitler” is “part of a well-coordinated propaganda campaign being waged on the American people by the left.

JD Vance once called Trump “Hitler.” An enlightened JD Vance is now Vice President-elect. Invective always fails those without Vance’s wattage or introspection. Propaganda about Trump being Hitler was shallow, desperate and ignored, especially when Democrats in difficult races told voters they support Trump’s policies and “bragged about [their] Trump ties in the final stretch.“ “The Hitler firebombing [of Trump] is the last gasp and seems to be Harris’ pathetic closing message.” Why did King Charles withdraw his 2024 Christmas message that elevated the WEF to be the globe’s Fuhrer as he denigrated the national sovereignty endorsed by Trump and Netanyahu? Did Fascism morph into the EU and WEF?

Lefties employ the same invective against BiBi, his ministers, the IDF, and their supporters. Examples: ICC lawfare and arrest warrants; US sanctions against “right-wing” Israeli ministers; calling Israel’s defense “genocide”; and calling Israelis Nazis. Harris and Lefty Democrats skipped BiBi’s speech to Congress, insulting former Hostages and IDF soldiers of all races and religions in attendance. That disrespect was no different from Pelosi ripping up President Trump’s State of the Union speech on national TV behind the President’s back. There is no need to reimagine what the Left thinks and does when it comes to America, Israel, President Trump, PM Netanyahu, and their supporters.

Jews whose ancestors are identified in family trees by “Killed by the Nazis” could have penned this op-ed: “Such casual use of Hitler’s name and imagery is a despicable insult to the memories of my gassed-to-death great-grandparents, my many great uncles and aunts, and to all 6 million victims of this fiend’s incomparable genocidal brutality. It is nothing short of psychotic to compare the architect of those atrocities to Donald Trump.” The psychotic Trump Derangement Syndrome and BiBi Derangement Syndrome know no bounds. “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder.”

“Reimagining” is propaganda by another name. Historically, Jews were excluded from the organs of the state and had to thrive as individuals, either alone or in their local communities throughout the world. WW2 changed that when the persecution of Jews by Fascist and Marxist Statists was exposed and rejected by the West, including by Western elites who themselves had excluded Jews from their institutions. Both US political parties embraced secular “liberal” Jews. In the Civil Rights era, many Jews accepted the federal (central) government’s role in addressing Southern Democrat racism and antisemitism. However, the individual Jew’s societal acceptance could not be dictated by the state, and only the achievements of the individual mattered, as in classic liberalism.

As more Jews became professionals and joined an expanding government, it was easier for them to accept that they owed their status to the state. In the 1960’s and 1970’s, that Statism was given a new name – “Progressivism.” “I saw the American progressive movement as the infantile sister of liberal movements that I respected. I saw it as an ally. That was a mistake.” Oct. 7 proved American and Israeli “Progressives” to be naïve at best and delusional at worst. Do Progressive Jews see themselves as ”Progressives” first, Americans or Israelis second, and Jewish a distant third? Jewish “Progressives” are “completely indoctrinated” and ignore the fact that “progressives betrayed American Jews.

David Mamet recently observed that “Theodore Herzl was an assimilated Jew. He saw the degradation of Alfred Dreyfus and reasoned his way to “The Jewish State,” the book that inspired the founding of modern Israel. Chuck Schumer, a Jewish senator from New York, blocked a resolution that would have prevented the Biden administration from blocking military aid to Israel and another to censure the International Criminal Court for indicting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Perhaps it is [the misguided] Mr. Schumer’s destiny, like Herzl’s, to bring Jews to their senses.”

Like many Progressive Jews, and Judenrats and Jew-Catchers before him, Schumer believes he is protected. Mamet: “The liberal Jew employs . . . cooperative passivity, demonstrating his lack of demand for full citizenship. Diaspora Jews were, and now are again, bluntly reminded that we exist on sufferance, which might be withdrawn if we don’t acknowledge it and make obeisance to the host—including, if required, indictment and sacrifice of our like. This is the engine of liberal Judaism’s dedication to a Democratic Party, whose sole benefit (to Jew and non-Jew) is staying the threat of exclusion. Jews have an unfortunate cultural sensitivity to the threat, which is why we are one of the last identity groups to remain Democratic.”

Hitler wrote Mein Kampf in 1925 and made it clear that Jews existed on sufferance. Did America choose not to believe Hitler or simply not care that he identified Jews as the source of Germany’s and the globe’s ills? A 2012 Atlantic article reported that some German Jews financed Hitler: “Edgar Mowrer, the Chicago Daily News correspondent who was basically run out of Germany in September of 1933 [Hitler took power January 30, 1933], kept advising Jews, ‘Get out of Germany!’ There’s a scene in the book where Mowrer is having lunch with [a] group of Jewish bankers in Germany, and it becomes clear that each of them has given some money to [the] Nazi Party at the urging of non-Jewish industrialists. They were told it would be a way of protecting themselves a bit, and they believed it. Just like a lot of Americans, the German Jews thought, ‘This can’t really be happening.’”

Money and societal status did not protect the German Jewish bankers against the reality of Hitler’s race laws and concentration camps. Like the German Jewish bankers, many monied Left-wing American and Israeli Jews today believe their “Progressive” credentials and wealth insulate them from the pro-Hamas crowd. Nazism said Aryans were superior to everyone else. “Progressives” feel the same superiority. Nazis dehumanized Jews as do the Hamas terrorists Progressives embrace. Nazi language removed Jews from public service under the “Law to Re-establish a Professional Civil Service.” “Professional” meant “Aryan.” Merit-based employment was “reimagined” to mean Aryanization even though Hitler and most of his coterie failed the blond-blue-eyed Aryan test.

Progressive Jews ignore the marriage of Socialism with Big Business that underpinned Fascism and Marxism, underpins today’s Democrat Party, and always subjugates the individual and identifiable communities of individuals to an all-controlling Big Government. Bilderberg Group “participants take part as individuals.” Progressive Jews delude themselves that they are “centrist.” Trump and BiBi understand that “for a Leftist there is only one principle that is unalterable. That being the getting and holding-onto of power – by any means necessary. The Left does not care about truth, especially when it stands in the way. . . . [P]eople who are not Leftists . . . do not understand Leftism . . . . [and] fail to grasp that [they] are playing by the rules with people who do not respect any rules except insofar as those rules benefit them. And the moment they do not, the rules of the game change.”

Hillary Clinton’s 2016 “Basket of Deplorables” wasn’t sufficient so the 2024 Democrats went nuclear with their Hitler, Nazi and Fascist name-calling, capped off with Biden calling Trump supporters “Garbage.” Progressive Jews such as the “Second Gentleman” and Vindman inflamed the Hitler rhetoric. Bernie Sanders promised a radical leftward shift in US policy towards Israel if Harris won. All ignored Holocaust survivor Jerry Wartski who, having no need to reimagine Hitler, refuted the Lefty libels in less than two minutes. Two-thirds of Israelis agreed with Mr. Wartski.

In their thirst for power, and by demeaning the Holocaust and its victims, Progressives, including too many Jews, ignore the fact that the Holocaust was history’s greatest theft of European Jewish life. culture and wealth. Like Nazi-reimagined language, Progressive attacks continued the “anti-Trump jihad [that] has rested on one lie after another.” Mimicking the Nazis, today’s Progressives offer no facts, only invective, hatred and lies, and project their own totalitarianisms and evils onto their opponents.

According to Jonathan Turley, “[t]here is a point where ‘reimagining’ everything from the police to democracy becomes less of an exercise of self-evaluation than self-delusion.” Those delusions explain why Progressives dishonestly appropriate “genocide” for their own nefarious reasons, just as they call their enemies “Hitler” and “Garbage.” Do Progressive or anti-Zionist Jews agree with America’s and Israel’s enemies, and why? How deep do their delusions go?

Harris and Blinken love to say, “Let me be clear.” Let me be clear: The Left, including too many Jews, were desperate to hold onto power, and attempted to subjugate the individual to the Big Brother Blob. They failed twice to impeach and to convict President Trump; failed to bankrupt him with excessive and illegal fines and millions in legal fees; failed to keep him off the campaign trail by locking him in NYC and Georgia courtrooms; failed to keep him off ballots; failed to jail him; continually defamed him; and twice failed to assassinate him.

The Israeli and Global Left are using lawfare and character assassination against Netanyahu in the same way they attacked Trump. It failed against Trump and will fail against BiBi — Just ask the majority of Americans and Israelis. All voted to restore America and Israel, whose values attracted our ancestors to emigrate to those Promised Lands, with no need to “reimagine” Hitler, America, Israel, or anything else. Israel is a Miracle as is America, and there is no need to reimagine that!

About the Author
Stephen I. Siller is a Manhattan-based international lawyer, instrument-rated pilot, open-water scuba diver, and accomplished glassblower. His views are personal and not those of any firm or other organization with which he is affiliated.
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