Right sentiment, wrong star, Billy Joel
OMG, I am seeing stars.
Billy Joel wore the yellow Star of David to make a silent statement at his show in Madison Square Garden on August 21, 2017 in New York City. This elicited an emotional response from many of my friends who proudly shared pictures and articles of the event.
I greatly appreciate the sentiment behind what he did, as so eloquently expressed by Christie Brinkley via Instagram:
And on the day of the Solar Eclipse a yellow star appeared on the jacket of another kind of star with a clinched fist that seemed to be gripping painful, no excruciating, memories of loved ones who wore that star to their death. May that star also remind you today of the gold stars pinned to the jackets of soldiers for their bravery and valor for fighting an evil so hideous even the gold stars in the sky were afraid to shine. Thank you Billy for reminding people what was …so it may never ever be again.
However, I can’t help but feel sick to my stomach seeing the yellow star no matter what the intention.
The yellow star was intended as a badge of shame forced upon our people in times and places when we had no choice but to acquiesce.
Today we have options.
Today we are not helpless victims.
Today we have a country.
Today we have a flag, a symbol of pride.
If we want to make a statement, and we should, let us display a star but not a yellow badge of shame forced upon our chests covering what is deep inside our hearts. Let us take that beautiful blue star stitched on white fabric and raise it over our heads, heavenward, displaying our pride and faith in our people, our G-d and our country.
The yellow star cries defeat.
The blue and white clearly proclaims, Never again!