S.K.I.E.S. Zionism at its very best
One day several years ago, when I was a patient in the Herzog Hospital Rehabilitation Unit, Roy Scher, a very dear friend, came to visit me. He never came empty-handed but this time he brought me a very special and exceptional gift. With a twinkle in his eyes, he presented me with a new idea and invited me to work on it with him. As he spoke, I realized that we had not yet approached the realm of an idea but rather, that of a concept. Before we could think through anything with together, I needed to conceptualize and grasp the hidden essence of his thoughts. The essence was not really hidden to me. Simply put, Roy was offering me the opportunity to work on a project presenting Israel at her finest. He spoke about an Annual Global Conference in Jerusalem, which would present to the world Israel’s innovations, value & strength in such areas as Health Care, Eco Sustainability, Space and Social Impact, and Education. These Annual Global Conferences would serve to strengthen the bond with Diaspora Jews while continuing to celebrate the Abraham Accords.
As I listened to Roy, my thoughts shifted and centered on how these Conferences could help free Israel from the image of a pariah State imposed upon her by Academia and Geopolitics, thereby allowing her to shine and to be the “Light unto the World”, which Hashem has intended her to be from Biblical times forward. Then, we grappled with the most delicate yet difficult problem facing the implementation of such an idea: how we approach and include the two fundamental tenets of Israel’s existence: Judaism and Zionism, in a world more Antisemitic and anti-Zionist than ever before. Once the concept was defined, we shifted to the questions of how to present Israel to the World, upon which strengths we focus, whom we identify to participate, in which venue to present this, and how to fund it. So many hours, days, and months of conversation, and work followed that first dialogue between Roy and me.
The initiative is the result of serious brainstorming between team members Prof. Daniel Hershkowitz (Past Founder), Naomi Hadar, Menachem Greenblum and Roy Scher. Native-born Israelis and Israelis by Aliyah, together they developed the vision, mission and purpose of this project, which raises the Zionist banner by spotlighting Israel’s achievements globally. These achievements elevate the beautiful side of our beloved Israel by sharing knowledge and innovations, whose purpose it is to bring about positive changes which will benefit of all mankind. Israel as well as Jewish communities worldwide are facing global antisemitism and anti-Zionism. Now is precisely the moment to proudly show to the world Israel’s innovative value and strength.
When it was time to name this initiative, the Founders were as innovative in their choice as they were in the development of their project. Its name is in fact an ACRONYM, whose letters present both the Mission and Goals of this project: S.K.I.E.S. Sharing Knowledge & Innovations. Experiencing Success.
At the center of S.K.I.E.S. is an Annual Global Conference in Jerusalem which will highlight trailblazing innovative ideas and their innovators. It is known that Israel is recognized throughout the world, including the Arab nations, as the prime source of finding the best solutions and innovations for the advancement of humankind. I have been involved with S.K.I.E.S. and this Conference since their inception over two years ago and I have the honor of being an active member of its Board of Trustees.
SKIES-Sharing Knowledge & Innovations, Experiencing Success, is an Israeli Amuta/Non-Profit which is planning to showcase the top innovations of Israel globally. The first annual S.K.I.E.S. Conference will be held at Binyanei HaUma in Jerusalem, September 8-10, 2025. The timing of this event is critical, as Israel emerges from the war and seeks to improve her standing in the world, reboot her economy, and give Zionists a cause to celebrate, while reconnecting them to Israel. The structure of the event will be a combination of presentations, lectures, brainstorming sessions, networking opportunities, and exhibits by top talented companies, universities, and governmental agencies. The final day will feature tours of innovation breakthroughs across the country
The S.K.I.E.S. Planning Committee features some of the most experienced and accomplished conference organizers from across Israel. S.K.I.E.S. 2025 will be held at the Jerusalem International Convention Center, the preeminent facility of its type in our capital city, with event planning expertise provided by conference production company Think Content.
The focus areas of the first Conference will be Health Care, Eco-sustainability, Space, and Social Impact. The target attendees are foreign governmental ministers and their staff, business professionals, entrepreneurs, and Zionists, with an emphasis on including the younger generations. S.K.I.E.S. is partnering with Israeli governmental officials, academics, business leaders, and top event planners, to ensure the Conference will be delivered with excellence, as is worthy of the State of Israel. Our confirmed partners include Hadassah, Rakia Mission, Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Office of Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion, Shizim Group, Teperberg Winery, and Think Content Events.
S.K.I.E.S. recently began its fundraising efforts. Funding is needed quickly to be able to begin our media campaign, put down deposits for our Launch event in May and S.K.I.E.S. 2025 Conference in September. Therefore, we are reaching out to request financial support. Tax deductible receipts will be furnished to those who are based in Israel, the US, and the UK. (Other countries will be added soon). Here is the link: https://skies-israel.org/donate
We would greatly appreciate all contributions and kindly ask our friends to let their networks know about S.KI.E.S. We truly believe that S.K.I.E.S. will be a critical component of helping Israel emerge from the war, restore her place among the nations, and reboot her economy. The general website for SKIES is www.SKIES-Israel.org.
It is my honor and my pleasure to be a part of this marvelous initiative almost from the outset. I hope to see many of you at our opening Conference in September 2025