Some Past February Events Impacting on Jews or Israel
“My Father’s Jewish, my mother’s Jewish, I’m Jewish…”
As has been true for every month; Februaries past have seen more than their share of heartbreaking tragedies for Jews and Israelis. And I sadly get to remind people of these low points.
In February 2002: Those almost immortal words “My Father’s Jewish, my mother’s Jewish, I’m Jewish…” The final words uttered by kidnapped Wall Street Journalist in Pakistan, Daniel Pearl (who was murdered – beheaded on video, February 1st).
Exactly one year later (February 1, 2003) came the Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster – one of those “Where were you when?” moments, which saw among the seven killed Astronauts, Israeli Ilan Ramon who had survived his years in the IDF including the 1981 raid on Osirac, to perish in space.
In February 1997 came the event which in many ways propelled the IDF withdrawal from Lebanon: Two Israeli troop-carrying helicopters collided on their way to Lebanon, all 73 soldiers and airmen aboard were killed.
The very essence of Israel and Judaism’ roots to the region: In 1955 – Israel acquired 4 of the 7 Dead Sea scrolls.
In Israeli politics: In 2001, Ariel Sharon Defeats Ehud Barak to become Prime Minister. (Eighteen Februaries previously (1983): Ariel Sharon had been forced to resign as Israel’s Defense Minister after Israeli Inquiry into Sabra and Shatila.
Two other terrible events involving Israel: February 1994: Baruch Goldstein’s heinous slaughter of some 30 Muslim worshipers in Hebron. And in 1973 – Israeli fighter planes accidentally shot down a Libyan civilian Airliner over the Sinai Desert killing over 100 people.
Beyond Israel but obviously very-much impacting on Jews or Israel. In February 1898: Emile Zola was imprisoned for his letter, “J’accuse,” re Alfred Dreyfus. In 1933, Adolf Hitler had come to power in Germany at the end of January. A couple of weeks later came the mysterious Reichstag Fire.
In February 1979 Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Iran after almost 15 Years in Exile. A couple of weeks later; the Army had stepped aside for Khomeini. And the executions began (and the hatred of Israel and Jews.) In mid-February 1979, Iran handed over the now-evacuated Israeli de facto “Embassy” in Tehran to the PLO’s Yasser Arafat. Ten years later: In February, 1989, Ayatollah Khomeini issued his “Fatwa” again Salman Rushdie and his publishers over “Satanic Verses.”
The end of February, 1991 saw the end to the (first) Gulf War while in 2003 – US Secretary of State Colin Powell presented evidence to the U.N. concerning Iraq’s material breach of U.N. Resolution 1441.
In the World of Terrorism: In 1969: At the Palestinian National Congress in Cairo, Yasser Arafat was appointed head of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).
In 1993 came the First World Trade Center Bombing. In 1997, Ali Hassan Abu
Kama, opened fire on the 86th-floor observation deck of New York City’s Empire State Building. In 2005: Explosion (probably by Hezbollah or Syria) kills former Lebanon PM Rafik Hariri
In the “broader world” beyond Israel or Jewry: February 1933 saw the attempted assassination in Miami, of President-elect, Franklin D. Roosevelt (Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak was killed in the attack). 1950: Senator Joseph McCarthy launched his “Anti-Communist” crusade in Wheeling, West Virginia. ..1959: Fidel Castro seized power in Cuba (and there hasn’t been a free election since!)…1960: Greensboro Lunch Counter Sit In. 1962: U2 Pilot, Gary Powers was released by Russia while in 1990: Nelson Mandela was freed from South African Prison.
Finally: In the world of Washington DC Organizations focused on Israel (two of which I used to work for!) In February 1985: The just-founded Washington Institute held its first Policy Forum with Dennis Ross/Published Dennis Ross’ “Acting with Caution: Middle East Policy Planning for the Second Reagan Administration.” And in February 2008: The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) moved to its new (self-owned) headquarters in Washington DC. The first time AIPAC had owned its own building.
In February 2012: Jennifer Laszlo announced she was departing the Israel Project (TIP). Former AIPAC Spokesman, Josh Block was selected as Laszlo’s successor at the Israel Project, which closed down in 2019. And looking way back: In 1977; the organization “Breira” whose spiritual successors live on, held its one and only national conference in Washington DC.
The shortest month had some historic moments. But in reality; one can point to moments of tragedy for Israel and Jews; whichever month one looks back on.