Syria — so quickly
As we ponder the lighting-fast events of the past two weeks, we are amazed.
And it all follows on the heels of Israel’s triumphs against surrounding enemies.
It’s a new Middle East. And it’s a new us. We — observers of wondrous transformations — have ourselves been transformed.
Life doesn’t seem to be the same. It’s a new world; and we watch, amazed, transfixed, as it unfolds.
Sitting down, thinking about it, I find myself sometimes thinking about how incomprehensible it all is. Yet there it is, right before our eyes.
The other day I went to an appointment. “Are you a Rabbi?” the receptionist asked. “Wouldn’t you say that everything happening now is a miracle?”
“Things like this haven’t happened for hundreds of years,” was the first thing that my friend excitedly exclaimed when I called to say hello.
People are very taken by it. Suddenly a tyrant who had oppressed and murdered his people, and who facilitated the transfer of arms from Iran to Israel’s enemies, has flown away.
Suddenly Iran has been booted out.
Suddenly the world and Syrian rebels realize, that Israel’s wondrous victory against Hezbollah, was instrumental in toppling Syria’s regime.
Suddenly everything has started to seem bright. And we just stare, fascinated.
So what’s next on the horizon?
Maybe a world of peace and Redemption.
It all seems to be happening so quickly.