Tales from the Land of Milk and Misery
I wake up with the hostages and go to sleep with them. They are constantly on my mind.
Trump’s special envoy arrived in Israel and shortly thereafter Netanyahu authorized a senior Israeli delegation to travel to Doha. I hoped that this time they won’t return empty-handed. Time is running out. I fear for the lives of the hostages. Every day in the Hamas dungeons is detrimental to their health and well-being.
19 January 2025 was a good day. Hostages Romi Gonen, Emily Damari, and Doron Steinbrecher returned to their loving families. Tears of joy. Relief for these three young women. They were close to death, as close as a person can be. After more than 400 days of Hell, Freedom!!! 19 January 2025 was a good day. I wanted more.
26 January 2025 was another good day. Four young women soldiers, Naama Levy, Daniela Gilboa, Liri Albag and Karina Ariev were released. I followed closely Levy’s family in their strife to bring Naama back home and could only admire their relentless efforts. Naama penetrated my heart.
I want more. I want to see all the hostages released and unite with their loving families.
Every Shabbat evening, people gather in Zion Square in Jerusalem for prayers and singing, calling for the release of the hostages. At 19:30 they start a procession to Paris Square, where a small stage is set and a few people are invited to speak. Thousands of people have attended these gatherings, some do this religiously, coming each and every Shabbat since 7 October 2023. These events break my heart. Families and friends of the hostages speak about their loved ones, tell stories about memories that have when they were free, and cry their hearts out for the release of their loved ones. Government representatives do not bother to attend these gatherings. They are heartless.
During the processions, people chant slogans and hit the drums to penetrate the skies and reach God’s ear and heart. The noise is heartbreaking. People lost hope in reaching the ears and hearts of the politicians.
I hope Trump can put an end to the rabid violence and to the hostages’ terrifying ordeal. Biden was incapable. Trump makes promising pledges. I cross my fingers that he abides by his words and see that ALL hostages, with no exception, return home. And I hope most of them are alive. Specifically, my heart goes to the Bibas family. Little Kfir was nine months old when he was taken with his parents and 3-year-old brother Ariel.
I find it difficult to listen to the news in the morning. I need the energy to hear the avalanche of bad news, especially those related to the October 7 attack. One morning a woman soldier was interviewed about her ordeal. She suffered twelve bullets and the interviewer asked her how she felt, how she feels about surviving, what happened to her friends (knowing that the majority of them died), what kept her alive and other graphic, most insensitive questions. One needs a big stomach to listen and digest such news.
Former President of the Hebrew University, Hanoch Gutfreund, is the academic authority on the Albert Einstein collection that is kept in the university. I asked Hanoch to show me the collection and he took me to a room where Einstein’s writings are kept together with Einstein’s memorabilia. Hanoch showed me some interesting writings in which Einstein corresponded with people all over the world and the academic article that brought Einstein fame and glory. It always feels special when I hold hand writing of people who influenced humanity greatly.
Falastin vol. 1 no. 21 (1 February 1930) includes a letter that Einstein wrote to the editor. It says: “The future of mankind must rest upon the foundation of mutual understanding amongst all nations and that aggressive nationalism must be overcome”.
I highly recommend visiting the David Citadel Museum. I visited it many years ago and was impressed. Recently it was refurbished and the result is an even more interesting museum. It is one of the best museums in Israel. It tells the history of Jerusalem through the ages. Make time to visit the museum during your next visit to Jerusalem and I highly recommend to book a guided tour with no extra cost.
One of the people I appreciate in Israeli politics is Dan Meridor. I appreciate his fine mind and integrity. Dan joined politics for the right reasons, to do good on a large scale. We met at his home for a long chat and discussed current affairs. Dan also has many stories to tell from his rich political life. He misses politics a lot and, like many people, is extremely worried about the wrong trajectory that Israel is undergoing. Dan feels that his life project has been undermined considerably during the past two years. The destruction is immense under the so-called leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu.
I continue to receive positive feedback about the conference I convened at IIAS. People felt empowered and encouraged to speak about peace during these violent times. The conference gave them some hope, some light. It is important to change the lingua franca from violence to peace, from destruction to construction, from hatred to compassion.
My lecture at Prospects for Peace Following the 7th of October Attack is available at
The conference recording is available at
Kehilat Kol HaNshama denoted 40 years of existence and I was happy to attend the celebrations that included a beautiful classical concert. This community endorses peace, tolerance, humanity and friendship. I feel at home with people who share my values.
I received an invitation from the Yedidya Community to attend the lighting of the eight candles of Chanuka which was followed by public singing led by two female singers. I love to participate in public singing and this one was truly special. The singers sang beautifully. The community joined the singing. And in the spirit of the horrible reality in which we all live there were constant references to the Hostages, to the war, to the fallen soldiers. We all pray for the return of the 100 Hostages home, safe and sound, and to the end of this disgusting long war. When we sang Prayer for Peace for Israel I became emotional and tears came to my eyes.
We endured some sleepless nights. The Huthis in Yemen fired missiles indiscriminately at about 4 am. Millions of Israelis rush to the nearest shelters. Some got injured because they were disoriented and fearful. I have a secure room in my apartment. I am fully aware of its limitations. Life in Israel is far from normal and easy. I miss British tranquillity.
I received an invitation to deliver a lecture at the University of Haifa, my old home where I spent twelve years of my life. I spoke of US-Israel Relationships since 1948. After the lecture, one student representative rose and thanked me, giving me a small present that says: You Are Peace, Your Home Is Peace, All You Have Is Peace. Very fitting.
At Haifa I met with the City Secretary and the University of Haifa President to discuss the annual conference of the Association of Israel Studies that will be held at the university in early July 2025. Both have pledged their kind support to ensure the conference success. Recently, due to high demand, we have decided to extend the deadline for submitting abstracts for the 41st AIS Annual Conference. The conference will be held at the University of Haifa from July 7-9, 2025, and we want to ensure everyone has ample opportunity to prepare their proposals.
New Deadline for Abstract Submission: February 5, 2025
Submit your abstract by clicking on the link below:
I took the Rakvelit to the University, straight from the downtown train station. When I lectured at Haifa, I had to take two buses to go to the university. Now, 20 minutes of an enjoyable ride and people arrive at the University of Haifa. Wonderful vision and implementation.
Former tales were published on 26 December 2024, Times of Israel,