Eric Niederman

The 2 must-see Thanksgivukkah videos… (that you and your Bubbe need to watch)

Happy Thanksgiving, and Happy Chanukah (Hanukkah?)! Jewish holidays are always my favorite. Not just for the tradition and meaning, but for the hilarious videos that are inspired by them.

I usually contribute some crappy videos for every holiday too, but this Thanksgivukkah, I found myself not nearly as clever as the makers of these two videos, and I give them major props and kudos on a job well done and implore all of you to go and watch them if you haven’t already!

1. Chanukah Honey

This genius spoof gives Eartha Kitt’s “Santa Baby” the much-needed update it deserves. As of writing this post, the video has over 120,000 views, which is pretty impressive for having just been uploaded about a week ago.

It features some Semitic Sweethearts that get oddly specific about the features of their ideal Jewish mensch. Like, really specific to me (I was also beatboxer in my college a capella group!). Very funny, ladies. Keep it up!

You can buy the full album, Suck It Christmas!!! (A Chanukah Album) here:!!!-chanukah/id753057099

2. “Oils” – A Thanksgivukkah Miracle (Royals song parody)

This is another very clever Chanukah video, but this one is more specifically a perfect mix of that unique, once-in-a-lifetime occurrence of Thanksgiving and Chanukah (Thanksgivukkah).

This video has everything that a viral video requires. It struck two irons while they were both hot. Its timing perfectly syncs up with the now-popular hit, “Royals” by Lorde and with the occurrence of Thanksgivukkah.

At the time of writing this, the video has a little over 115,000 views and was also recently posted. It has clever lyrics and excellent production quality, which makes sense since it was made by a creative production studio. Great job, guys!

Check out the geniuses behind this video here:

About the Author
Eric Niederman is a Jewish comic. He performs standup in New York and also produces Jewish-themed comedy videos and parodies.
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