Leon Moscona

The Current Messiah as a Saviour King – II

G-d creates Adam, Michelangelo Painting. Source: Michelangelo Painting Wallpapers - Top Free Michelangelo Painting Backgrounds - WallpaperAccess

The Current Messiah descends from Tiferet in the World of Creation to Tiferet in the World of Formation in order to guide humankind to the new Heavenly-Jerusalem cosmic cycle. Naturally, the first step is for the people to agree and embark on the Exodus from the material, earthly world. This requires neutralising of the negative Lucifer, Ahriman and Antichrist energies. The Lucifer energy is based on the hard ego-complex with all its negative qualities. The Ahriman energy deforms the wholeness of human society by causing rampant nationalism, consumerism and materialism. The Antichrist energy aims to deform the wholeness of the Universe and is characterised by violence, murder and all kinds of heavy abuses in the areas of drug use, sexual practices and power.

The human beings have a free will and they may not agree to start the Exodus. Everything however depends on G-d, and because the ascent to the higher worlds is the Will of G-d, then everybody sooner or later  has to comply with it. Nobody and nothing cannot obstruct the Will of G-d, because G-d is the Origin of Life: if the people resist the new Exodus, they will be left for different waves of evolution. The emanation of the new Heavenly-Jerusalem cosmic cycle is the Will of G-d and it will be fulfilled. Of course, G-d will take care of every single being and will provide the necessary conditions for evolution, but He will not stop His Plan, because of some ego-centric human disobedience!

We could compare the present situation in the world with the Exodus led by Moses thousands of years ago. The living souls from the four corners of the Earth (i.e., the people ready for the Exodus are like the Hebrew people, while the rest of humankind could be like the Pharaoh and the Egypt’s army denying the Exodus). Then of course, the plagues will come, one after another, until the Exodus is allowed! Most probably, the Pandemia Coronavirus, the wars in Ukraine, in the Middle East and other places on Earth, the global warming, the destruction of Nature and the Environments are like plagues, which have to awake and ‘force’ humankind to start its Exodus.

The Mission of the Current Messiah as a Saviour King will be to lead humankind to the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. Here the Ten Divine Blessings coming from G-d will play a crucial role. Now I will again quote these Ten Divine Blessings  (included in the Post, From the Ten Divine Commandments to the Ten Divine Blessings, from October 28, 2022) with some comments.

The fundamental Kabbalistic book Zohar teaches that the first Tablets emanated from the Tree of Life, but that Israel, by worshiping the golden calf, ‘was judged unworthy of benefiting from them. Therefore, Moses, following the divine command, gave the people other Tablets, which came from the side of the Tree of Good and Evil’ (…this is permitted, this is forbidden). [Leo Schaya, The Universal Meaning of the Kabbalah, Unwin Paperbacks, 1989, p.15].

Naturally, when humankind enters into the new cosmic cycle of evolution, the Divine Tablets will come through the Tree of Life! Then they will receive the content of Ten Divine Blessings. They will be for all of humankind and will bless us for life in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth!

According to the monumental scheme, Fig. 81 – EVOLUTION by Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi, quoted in my third Post from October 21, 2022, the new cosmic cycle has to develop in the World of Creation, i.e., between the Self (the reality of the human soul) and MetatronMetatron is the place where Tiferet of the World of Emanation (Azilut) meets Keter of the World of Creation (Beriah). From a Kabbalistic point of view, this is the place of the manifested CREATOR: from Metatron upwards is the un-manifested essence of the Absolute. Therefore, humankind must raise its spiritual vibrations and establish itself first at the level of the Self, i.e., in the reality of the human Soul and then to continue its ascent up to the reality of the Heavenly Jerusalem (i.e., to enter the Great Mysteries: The Schools of Spirit). The Heavenly Jerusalem is the functional place of the incarnate Messiah (CURRENT MESSIAH) and of Archangel Michael.

The two processes – the ascension of humankind from the level of the Self and the impulse from the CREATOR for the new cosmic cycle – are most closely, organically connected. They are realized by Ten Divine Blessings for the Sefiroth in the World of Creation! In this light, the Ten Divine Commandments (coming from the Tree of Knowledge of  Good and Evil, and regulating the life of humankind in the lower two worlds, i.e., in the World of Formation and the World of Making), have to be ‘elevated’ to Ten Divine Blessings, which are coming from the Tree of Life and develop the new cosmic cycle in the World of Creation.

Below I will informally use the Sefirotic Tree in order to present the Ten Divine Blessings in accordance with my spiritual journey, lasting more than 50 years, and our collective work in the Mystery School of the Spirit for the past 25 years. The Ten Divine Blessings for the coming new Heavenly-Jerusalem cosmic cycle of evolution could be listed as follows:

                                        Tifereth in the World of Emanation – Azilut;                                               Keter in the World of Creation – Beriah

               Union with the CREATOR

 Binah                                                                                         Hokhmah  

Participation in the Divine Wedding                                       Co-creation with G-d

Gevurah                                                                                               Hesed              Experiencing the Day of Resurrection                                Meeting the New Comings


Entry into the Heavenly Jerusalem

Hod                                                                                Nezah 

Building the Seven Temples of Life       The Testament of the Divine Rainbow


Transforming the Earth as a Garden of Paradise


Blossoming of the Human Soul

The Kabbalah is a very accurate spiritual science, although there are many interpretations of the Sefiroth and the Paths in the Kabbalistic Tree. Naturally, the Kabbalistic correlation of the above Ten Divine Blessings is the subject of a special analysis. In this material however, I am simply using some of the basic characteristics of the Kabbalistic Tree in the World of Creation to introduce the Blessings. If we delve into the Kabbalistic writings of Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi and Leo Shaya’s interpretation of the Sefiroth (in his book The Universal Meaning of Kabbalah), we can substantiate the Ten Divine Blessings and their relationship to the legendary Ten Divine Commandments. My Posts,  From the Ten Divine Commandments to the Ten Divine Blessings (October 28, 2022), and The Ten Divine Blessings in the New Cosmic Cycle somehow clarify this task.

More information about the Ten Divine Blessings could be found in the description of the series of ten Posts about the Ten Heavens in the Heavenly-Jerusalem cosmic cycle. In fact, quite a few of my Posts, such as Exodus and the Rainbow of the New Covenant, The Ultimate Goal of the Exodus and the Initiation of Enoch and others as well, are on the level of the Mission of the Current Messiah as a Saviour King. The listed above Ten Divine Blessings emanated from the CREATOR in Keter of the World of Creation (Beriah), and have their own spiritual content. They are presented in more than twenty of my books, in our fourteen International Assemblies on the sacred mountain Rila in Bulgaria, in our website (, in the documentary film Revelation (You Tube channel TheRevelation215), in hundreds of talks, meditations and celebrations, in articles, media activities, numerous plans and projects of the registered The Path of Truth Society and other materials.

So, conveying the Ten Divine Blessings, which reveal the Ten Heavens in the new Heavenly-Jerusalem cosmic cycle is the Mission of the Current Messiah as a Saviour King! In order to receive them however, the people have to commit themselves to the energy of Divine Peace, Light, Love, Wisdom and Truth! This is the beginning of our great Journey to the new cosmic cycle!

About the Author
Leon was born on August 15, 1941 in Sofia, Bulgaria. His family was victim of a Holocaust Ghetto. His father Issak Moscona became a distinguished author of many articles and books about the Sephardic culture. Leon is on a spiritual journey for more than 50 years. Achieving Enlightenment, he described it in more than twenty books, many articles, and more than 500 lectures in various countries in Europe and USA.
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