The Eternal Jew’s Tale, #168, Abarbanel 4.5
In this episode, two short tales, one by Shimon ben Zoma, and one by Yochanan ben Zakkai.
The Eternal Jew’s Tale
Twentieth Era, Part 5, ~1483 C.E., Iberia
The Abarbanel Cycle, 4.5
The Ladder of Ascents, 5
Compiled by Isaac Abarbanel
With the help of the Eternal Jew and his wife Batkol
Third Courtyard, Imaginal Ascents
In them same years in Yavneh I heard Shimon ben Zoma give a drash* in the week of v’Yishlakh.** He taught: “Jacob’s story is a parable. Let us walk in Jacob’s steps to see Godwork in worldly events.”
* a teaching; ** Berraysheet/Gen. 32:4-36:43
Jacob was a quiet and sheltered lad, but seeing the brute and the blade and the blood [referring to Esau and to human violence], he lifted himself from cushions and tent and set off down the rocky road to find that vaunted holy home [Haran, or beyond]. Laid his head on the crusty earth, kedusha’s [holy prayers] rolling thru his mind to crack the klipas [shells; prior ages] enclosing him. Down, the angel minyans came, took his hand, and up they went [his first dream ascent, to the upper worlds]. There [in Haran, the upper worlds], Shekhina [Rachael], dancing flame, hot and shapely waiting for him. Seven levels [years] of kippurim [atonements], to open the first folds of the tents and unlace the embroidered garments [the sexual layers of holy wisdom] of her [Shekhina of Leah]. And seven more for the second fold [Shekhina of Rachel], who awoke the deeper desires in him. Now Shekhina is urging him on, to increase his family and increase the flock, [Jacob’s spiritual powers increase two times 2-fold] that it be strong and be fecund.
An age passes and Jacob has raised a holy host, strong in tents. Yea, eager they are to serve the Lor, and descend themselves into Adam’s lands [it is time for Jacob to return to Esau-humanity] and bring atonements to that waiting [weighty?] world. How can they do this? Come and see.
They descend to the river’s edge, where Jacob slips from Shekhina’s embrace [the Eretz is the border between the divine and human world]. There Adam confronts him, and wrestles him down to the ground, [Jacob wrestles with “a man”], who blesses him with a new frame [others say, a new name] — ‘welcome to your animal shell’ [so says the Adam to Jacob] — then calls down an angel lineage to implant a soul in Jacob. A moral compass is lain in him to breathe redemptions into the world. [Israel established as a priesthood]
From animal to angelic ways: that’s ma’aseh Merkavah.” [the work of Merkavah mysticism]
Still another great sage — Yochanan ben Zakkai — taught this descent, which he knew well, as gaon* in the academy:
* Hebrew: head; leader; glory
“I stood by the altar on the Temple steps facing Emek Yehoshafat*, the Tomb of the Prophets hidden by smoke, fire engulfing Jerusalem. I thought,
‘The place where God touches the earth will soon be rubble; the Lor will withdraw. These heavens will decay; they will be no more.’
I knew then I must go down to the earth below and pass thru that valley of death and life.
* valley east of the Temple Mount
“In my nefesh I was nauseous and faint. There was little of me left for this world. The *khevrah kadisha*, reciting psalms, placed me in a pine box, the vehicle in which I would ride to the farther worlds, now very near. My coffin passed thru the *Sh’khem* Gate, its timbers smoldering, one wall collapsed; past a field of bones that screeched and hissed; to the Angel of Death on his iron-clad horse. The procession halted. Psalms were suppressed.
*-* those who prepare a dead body for burial; *-* aka Damascus Gate
“The coffin was set down, its cover pried off. There, Belial was staring down. As I expected: a scarlet cape, iron helmet, festering eyes.
“‘Why should I let you pass beyond to sit before your Eternal One, among the remnant of your rebel race?’
“‘I know the only thing you lack. It will be yours if you let me pass.’
“‘What do I lack that you can give, you who are less than a vaporous wraith?’”
“‘You lack the glorious light of day, and true affection from the upper world.’
“A violent rage seized Belial. Even his legions cringed in fear, and a whorl of fire poured from his mouth, and all who are around him cried out, scorched. But I was inspired by the Lor-Is-Near.
“‘All fear you, but none love. Your mercilessness withholds from you the one thing you desire most. While it is true, I am mere wraith, but if you show me mercy and let me pass and I’ll be your advocate before the Judge.’
“That festering eye then dripped a tear. Is it possible Belial remembered those ages of light and joy?
“‘Go! And remember me to your Lor.’”
“And in that moment both of us saw a portal in the sky open and close.
Who will hasten and who will delay to enter a new age in the world?”
In the next episode Yose ben Khalafta prays in a forbidden place.