William Barclay

The Genocide in Palestine Is a Lie

A protestors carries a sign, with an Israeli and Palestinian flag and a heart in the middle, during a demonstration outside the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands, Thursday, Jan. 11, 2024. The United Nations' top court opens hearings Thursday into South Africa's allegation that Israel's war with Hamas amounts to genocide against Palestinians, a claim that Israel strongly denies. (AP Photo/Patrick Post)
Pro-Palestinian Protestors Outside the International Court of Justice (ICJ) (Times of Israel, 2024)

Since the most recent outbreak of the Israel-Palestine Conflict on October 7th, countless political actors and pundits have endeavoured to exonerate Hamas and condone the murder of innocent Jewish people by invoking the ghoul of a looming Israeli genocide.

For instance, in her report, Anatomy of a Genocide, the United Nation’s Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian Territory, Francesca Albanese, states that “…Israel’s executive and military leadership and soldiers have…[attempted] to legitimize genocidal violence against the Palestinian people.” and that “Israel has strategically invoked…[international humanitarian law] as ‘humanitarian camouflage’ to legitimize its genocidal violence in Gaza.”

However, it is foolish to suggest that the State of Israel has ever attempted to eradicate or genocide the Palestinian people.

Firstly, the Israeli army actually proactively endeavours to safeguard and protect Palestinian civilians. In fact, the Israeli army will often forego its own vital objectives, in order to prevent any loss of civilian life.

For example, during Operation Protective Edge, the State of Israel observed a total humanitarian ceasefire for two days, July 26th and July 27th, respectively, specifically in order to safeguard the lives of Palestinian civilians and help shuttle humanitarian aid into the Palestinian territories, despite the fact that Hamas continued to attack Israeli civilians and bombard Israel with rockets and mortars throughout the ceasefire. In addition, the Israeli military even “…set up a field hospital at the Erez Crossing, on the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip…[specifically in order to] provide humanitarian care to Gazan civilians…”

Verily, decades of data and countless international studies have explicitly confirmed that “The problem is not that the Israeli army is unusually brutal…if anything, the opposite is the case.” and that “[Israel’s] armed forces take exceptional care to avoid civilian casualties. If a house is going to be bombed, a call is placed…explicitly warning civilians to get out…The real bomb that’s then loosed on the target is…a [small] munition…specifically selected to contain damage to the target and spare the neighbors.

In fact, despite the best efforts of countless partisan political actors and organizations, even the obscene lawsuit that South Africa recently levied against the state of Israel with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has remained utterly unable to at all connect the state of Israel to the crime of genocide. As Joan Donoghue, the President of the ICJ from 2021-2024, has been forced to repeatedly and explicitly confirm “[The ICJ] did not decide…that the claim of genocide was plausible,”

Moreover, Israeli organizations constantly provide humanitarian aid and medical services to Palestine, in an effort to improve the ‘life chances’ of the Palestinian people, despite the brutal violence, terror, and hatred that Palestinian terrorist organizations enthusiastically cultivate against the state of Israel.

For instance, since 1995, “…Israeli doctors acting through Save a Child’s Heart have been giving kids from around the world, including from the Palestinian Authority (PA), Iraq, Jordan and other Arab nations free life-saving heart operations. Since the organization first started 2,300 children have been treated, and almost half are from the PA, Jordan and Iraq.”

Furthermore, “Food and supplies are shipped from Israel to Gaza six days a week…Millions of dollars worth of international food aid continually flows through the Israeli humanitarian apparatus, ensuring that there is no food shortage in Gaza…Israel also coordinates the transfer of medical supplies and school equipment supplied by UNRWA including notebooks, school bags, writing implements and textbooks, and laptops for Gaza schoolchildren.” In fact, since the most recent outbreak of the Israel-Palestine Conflict on October 7th, the state of Israel has helped to facilitate the transfer of over 1 000 000 tonnes of humanitarian aid and 800 000 tonnes of food into Gaza and the Palestinian territories.

Evidently, it is impossible to honestly claim that the state of Israel endeavours to attack, eradicate, or genocide the Palestinian people.

Rather, it is readily apparent that the nation of Israel has remained determined to safeguard the Palestinian people and to improve the ‘life chances’ of all Palestinians, despite the brutal violence, terror, and hatred that Palestinian terrorist organizations enthusiastically cultivate against the state of Israel.

Moreover, although countless North American political actors and pundits furiously preoccupy themselves with abolishing the state of Israel and enthusiastically condone Palestinian terrorist organizations from afar, the Palestinian people themselves are not at all immediately concerned with affecting the ouster or annihilation of the state of Israel.

Instead, the Palestinian people desperately desire to rid themselves of brutal organizations such as Hamas and the PLO, as well as tyrants like Mahmoud Abbas.

In 2022, for instance, scores of Palestinian people and pro-Palestinian activists inundated Twitter, in order to proclaim their hopelessness and confirm their dire plight to the world via the hashtag #TheyKidnappedGaza. Even Amer Balosha, one of the modern era’s most courageous pro-Palestinian activists, bravely risked his own life in order to publicly reveal that “Hamas has billions of dollars in investments in many countries, while people [in Gaza] starve to death and migrate in search of work…”

Therefore, although countless political actors and pundits have insisted on attempting to indict the state of Israel for the genocide of the Palestinian people, it is clear that anyone who earnestly desires to help the Palestinian people and ameliorate their plight must inevitably endeavour to confront Hamas and the other the terrorist organizations that preside over the Palestinian people, rather than baselessly attack or indict the state of Israel.

In fact, the turmoil of the Israel-Palestine Conflict has exposed at least one kernel of truth:

No earnest ‘Palestinian ally’ could ever bear to support Hamas.

About the Author
William Barclay is a political theorist and private consultant. For over a decade, William has worked together with political actors, organizations, and community leaders, in order to help successfully achieve various urgent political objectives and inform emergent human rights discourse throughout North America and Europe.
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