The Illusion of Progressivism
In every election cycle it becomes clear which candidate actually wants the good of the people. It is when we see one of them suddenly making some changes to their rhetoric in order to appeal to the other side. In earlier times the disagreements were of an intellectual nature, one would be pro-war and lead their charge with wisdom and conviction, while the other would do the same to defend their stance. Those were political wars of free speech out in the open and their dialogues were recorded and stored in the archives of our nation. They were filled with substance and each side had something to be proud of.
But today the Republican party has stuck to their traditions, which is no wonder since they call themselves conservatives, they conserve the old and keep it fresh. While the Democrat party has gone totally progressive, meaning moving forward from the dumb old days into a future of stripes and rainbows. They have neglected the entire premise of free speech, so it is no wonder why they reject free debate. Their progressivism has led them away from intellect and has pushed them into the euphoric physical freedom fantasy. The people on top are making money on the backs of struggling children and brainwashed teenagers, all the while giving them the illusion of a dream that won’t benefit them for more than a few weeks.
When the mind is removed from a person and they act upon their whims they should be cared for with more intensity and not be allowed to act upon their inclination. Unless one can intellectually argue their position they should not have any access to life changing and altering surgeries or even ideologies. Their minds are naive and gullible and they have no ability to form sentences thanks to the abolition of free speech. You cannot call someone a name because that would be racist, but if you don’t call me by my preferred name and pronoun then I am permitted to rage, loot and kill in order to protect the only thing that gives me some meaning in life at this current moment.
Words have been misconstrued and violence has been interpreted as words, the only ones who benefit from such a system are the ones with intellect sitting at the top implementing those ideas for their own benefit. They are willing to sell out entire generations for them to have some extra pocket cash at their next influence peddling scheme event. They too are short sighted with their agendas and work toward instant and self gratification. They care about bringing pleasure to their current state no matter what problems arise in the future, because the problems of the future are theirs to monopolize on as well. This is called the System, and it is this system that is built on lies and deceit that once exposed will beg many high profile individuals for reasonable explanation for their actions.
By twisting words around and making it illegal to question authority they are simply protecting their inevitable fall from their high and mighty thrones. And in order to protect their interests they will go to any length, no matter how repulsive or cruel, just to keep their flow of fortune protected. But how can they accomplish this if their entire success is built upon the bedrock of democracy? Wouldn’t that require ripping up the values of our constitution? Which brings us to the next problem they face, if they are willing to tear down all we hold dear, they would surely work tirelessly to abolish the voting rights of its citizens who can potentially risk their evil plans being exposed with a new or incoming administration.
And as we saw in the 2020 election cycle, as long as they can get away with lying they will do that. They have gone as far as saying that men can become pregnant, they have even been successful in allowing men to beat women in boxing matches on the world stage. Their lunacy has been announced publicly, but we have no right to say anything or else… All of their newfound progressive ideas have been debunked intellectually, but it doesn’t seem to be getting through to the other side since they have no capabilities to think critically. In 2020 they still felt the need to place a somewhat functioning person who can try and articulate their intellectual position, but it was clear at the debates that their only way of getting to the finish line was to claim that their position was pro-oil and pro American worker.
Mr. Trump at the debate shouted, “I have videos of you saying that you will ban fossil fuel and fracking, and here you say that you have never said such a thing!” The lies being told on that stage were so apparent to all but those with potatoes mush as brains have already made their minds up, and those on the fence bought the lies. Those undecided voters are in many cases those who are undecided in other areas in life as well, they are ‘wishy-washy’ in their beliefs and have a hard time making the right decision in life. They have trouble knowing where their line is in the first place albeit they still lead somewhat successful lives. “Should I vote with my best interest for the next few years and risk being lied to by the system, or should I listen and critically break down my choices and make a decision that will benefit myself, my family and my nation for the next fifty years?”
The simple argument to any leftist nowadays is, “Are you trying to dumb down my intellect?” They have taken every truth and cast it aside. They don’t want their lies to be exposed and wish for their utopian day where all that will matter is their control. It is already happening and they have imprisoned good people for associating themselves with the side of truth, but when the truth hits back they get KO’d in such a fashion that they have to quiet down their vigor. When someone is truly protecting the truth they would get up and fight for what they hold dear and true, but in their case we see how they were willing in an unconstitutional manner to remove a sitting incumbent and replace him with their new puppet of choice.
Just as they lied about his cognitive decline and that this was the country’s most progressive administration, they are lying about the charisma and charm their new person possesses. And if their foundation is built on a lie they will stop at nothing in order to bring it to reality. They were defeated at the debate and saw their gig go up in smoke, they regrouped and out of the ashes they rose with a new lie to feed their thirsty base. They have no majority and they have no moral explanation to their cause, their compassion has done nothing to secure the livelihood of the majority of their citizens. They have turned the white house into a Hollywood reality show and as long as they get ratings they will feel good. And if lying in their position in order to bring in a few more votes, then so be it. It is clear that lies are from the side of evil and evil has many tools in his arsenal which will be used to protect that lie. But my question is this, “If you are suddenly pro oil, and are willing to entertain the ideas of the right, why then aren’t you running as a Republican?”
David Lemmer is an Orthodox Jewish Author and Hypnotherapist. Watch his videos on YouTube @Lemmer Network and find his books on Amazon. He can be reached at