Boris Lozhkin
President of the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine and Vice-President of the World Jewish Congress

The leadership of the WJC has been re-elected for another four-year term

Ronald S. Lauder & Boris Lozhkin. Photo by Jewish Confederation of Ukraine

The World Jewish Congress, uniting 103 Jewish communities around the world, including the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine, played an important role in consolidating international support for the defending Israelis during the recent conflict between Hamas and the sovereign state of Israel.

The 16th plenary assembly of the WJC discussed the necessary actions to minimize terrorist threats in the future, the growth of global anti-Semitism, the importance of preserving the memory of the Holocaust and a lot of other issues.
The same issues will be touched upon at the autumn, already the third, Kyiv Jewish Forum, to which I have invited all the participants of the Congress.

Congratulations to the WJC President Ronald Lauder, Chairman of the WJC Governing Board David de Rothschild, Treasurer Chella Safra, and all board members of the Congress who have been elected to another four-year term. I am honored to be Vice President of the World Jewish Congress. This is undoubtedly the best assessment of the activities of the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine and its role in the life of the world Jewish community.

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About the Author
Boris Lozhkin is a Ukrainian entrepreneur, philanthropist and author. He is President of the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine and Vice-President of the World Jewish Congress.
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