The liars are winning, the genie is out of the bottle
Sometimes we need to face sad facts before we could find solutions
I need you to keep hope because the news I’m bringing is bad, bad, bad.
For honest people, the contrast between reality and make-believe has never been starker. Fake it until you make it gets a whole new meaning.
A con artist became US President. You can fool some people all the time, all people some of the time, but not all people all of the time. So, he lost his reelection bid. But it was a close call. Now, he’s finally finished, as I blogged before, but it has cost us dearly. It brought us Russians invading Ukraine, and while I write, they’re only stepping up their war crime efforts.
He fought climate change disaster prevention and a pandemic by calling it fake news and declaring war on facts, science, and objectivity.
I told you we entered a new Era though no one else seems to notice. The new Evil spirit is being dishonest. Turns out, we ain’t seen anything yet.
Not so long ago, I blogged about cheating accusations setting the whole chess world upside down. The mess is not yet settled.
I shared recently all my puzzlement about what to think of the value of machine-produced, creativity-like, fake great Art.
The crypto Ponzi scheme is crashing, as I warned 5 years ago, while big investors, saying all is fine, still try to get out what they stole. One of the pack’s leaders failed miserably at doing just that and was detained, broke. When the whole make-believe market goes down, mostly poor people will go hungry, and no one in Capitalist society cared about them anyway.
In the past couple of days, just after the election, a winning candidate’s bubble burst. He allegedly falsified his resumé, his roots, and who knows what else. There are simply no laws to undo his election. In any other job, he would be sacked in one second flat. This brazenness has never been tried by someone standing for national politics, besides by Trump, and no one checked because no one would dare to lie so much—in the past.
And just today, it’s far worse than ever before. A new free app has made it easier for some people to cheat on tests while being harder to catch. The news is never so bad or it could be worse. This bot self-improves. So, whatever paper it writes in a year will be more sophisticated than today.
So, why bother with honesty? It’s unpopular. It makes you a loser. Why not join the white-liars and the con artists? Let’s call truth and facts obsolete?
This world of fake is based on Hollywood, on religions that lie, on the prominence we give to politics where lying is state of the art, and on physics that works with models that no one can follow.
Humans have only one future and that’s based on facts, reality, justice, findings, honesty, integrity, openness, decency, truth, accountability, etc.
Honest people and everyone are heading for the Dark Ages II.
Yet, eventually, the light will shine through.
If we can’t win from the lies now, at least, let’s honestly document how bad it became so future generations can learn from this—if we’d survive.
Very Fine People—on Both Sides of the Table
Tromp entered a new era, and he doesn’t know it.
- It used to be that the more scandalously he talked, the more he got free publicity.
Since he caused many of his favorites to lose at the midterms, his revolting tongue registers. This includes anti-abortion, pro-Putin, and pro-insurrection.
- It used to be that Jews are naïve and take anything revolting he says with a grain of salt.
Those times are gone. After his clear association with antisemites for his January 6 coup attempt, Jews got cautious.
To dine with one of the leading antisemites of the hour, and afterward to say only ‘Never heard of him’ opened many eyes. Why not: ‘How gross’?
Jews have a memory. We’re the only People with a recall. Trump is done.
What I like best is that Gentile Americans stand up against this. And not even to help the Jews. But, because they understand the role of a non-Jew is to stand whole-heartedly with the Jews period. Good for them!
The Tea Party is over
Populist right-wing baseless intolerance must not be an option for Jews
It behooves everyone in US politics, and in the GOP in particular, to denounce any bigotry and hatred that is spread in their name.
Therefore, as an Orthodox Jew, it behooves me to condemn Orthodox Jews who, in the name of Orthodox Judaism, align themselves with the over-privileged and populist, neo-fascist fringes of US politics.
I can even go broader and say: Not for nothing, most US Jews vote left-wing. Emulating G^d about Whom we say on Chanukah: “You delivered the strong into the hands of the weak.” Concern for the socially weak is just up Moses’ alley. Jews should always be against untethered Free Speech and maximally small government. These are ‘ideals’ of those who ignore the weak and want the most ‘freedom’ to exploit and oppress.
Some Orthodox-Jewish opinion makers seem scared of liberalism, progressiveness, modernity, newness, etc. Not consistently, of course, or they would never appear on TV or the Internet. But, when it suits them, they align themselves with ultra-conservative Christians and Republicans, and so reduce Judaism for all to see to some sort of anachronistic cult. Why then not join the Pennsylvania Dutch or Amish? This is a degradation of Judaism. (I’m not belittling the Pennsylvania Dutch and Amish here. I’m just saying that Judaism’s Calling is much broader than that.)
I write all of the above mostly to draw attention to this excellent analysis of the cold-heartedness and unfounded hatred coming from a US Orthodox-Jewish neo-conservative populist who dirties the airwaves with his intolerance and snap opinions based solely on a mean-spirited animus. Please go read this breakdown. It is a storm of fresh air.
We also see Orthodox Jews cozying up to anti-social GOP extremists like Trump, but who are less mean and more naïve. But, they also muddy the good name of Judaism that expects us to be part of the most compassionate Movement on earth. Yes, they may speak out for LGBTQ rights and against genocide, and this is important, but that cannot whitewash their warm and close association with reactionary bigots.
And, of course, we need to reject most those Republican politicians who claim to be Jew-ish who have no connection with the Chosen People at all.
The silent majority of Jews in the US needs to distance itself more loudly from these anti-compassionate Orthodox-Jewish opinion makers. Conservatism is not our goal or god. Our Creator taught us differently than letting self-interests prevail. Let’s stand for kindness more brazenly and not be too tolerant of the intolerant. As the Sages tell us: Those who are nice to the mean will end up being mean to the nice.