David Silon

The occupied territories

For these many decades of the Arab-Israeli conflict, and now with the mullahs in Iran and their Islamist proxies, Israel finds itself in a very precarious situation. But in truth, Israel will always find itself in precarious situations, and will never win against its enemies, not solely because of an intense bloodlust for Jews among the Arabs and Islamists – even though that’s certainly a major factor – and not because Israel is perceived as weak – indeed, Israel has probably the strongest army in the Middle East – but because Israel can’t fight all these forces alone. The Middle East is populated by a kaleidoscope of different indigenous peoples who presently live under illegal Arab occupation and they only dream of doing what Israel has done. It’s incumbent upon Israel to form alliances with these indigenous peoples to help them throw off the Arab yoke and in so doing, defeat the Islamists including the present Iranian government. A short summary of their present situations include the following:

The Coptic Christian nation is descended from the ancient Egyptians. In modern times, they have been associated with their Arab neighbors in fighting against the British for Egyptian independence. After independence, though, some of the local Arabs wished to make Egypt exclusively Arab. When the Muslim Brotherhood was founded in the 1920s, persecutions and intimidations of the indigenous Egyptians began, becoming the norm today with church bombings, massacres, and the abduction or rape of Coptic girls.

-The Kurds
The Kurds, descendants of the ancient Medes, were one of the first nations to adopt Islam. In the 1960s and 1970s, aside from their fights for equal rights in Turkey and Iran, they also fought the Iraqi Arabs for, at least, autonomy in the Kurdish areas in the north. Their struggle continued in the ’80s, culminating in the Arab massacre of Kurds at Halabja in 1988. Since the first Gulf War and the establishment of the no-fly zone in northern Iraq, Arab-occupied Kurdistan has maintained a semi-independent and prosperous existence, and will continue to do so as long as the Arabs are kept at bay.
-The “Marsh Arabs”
Descended from the ancient Sumerians, whose homeland was, centuries later, solidified into the marshlands of what is today southern Iraq, the “Marsh Arabs” have lived in that region since time immemorial. Under Saddam Hussein, the marshes were dried up and thousands were driven into exile. Today, they are returning back home, but, because of depredations by the Arabs, it will be generations until their homeland will be what it once was.
-The Assyrians/Chaldeans
The Assyrians are descendants of that ancient people and empire that later adopted Christianity in the 2nd century; Chaldeans were Assyrians who adopted Catholicism in the 16th century. Traditionally one of the most persecuted peoples in Iraq, the Assyrians suffered bloody massacres and expulsions by the Arabs in 1933, from which they have yet to recover. This state of affairs continues to this day.

-The Syriacs
The Christian Syriacs are descendants of the ancient Arameans. Since the 1920s, they have been suppressed and massacred by the Syrian Arabs. Today, they are probably the most oppressed group in Syria (other than the few Jews who are left there). Even though the Arabs have tried to stifle Syriac identity, their dreams of a liberated Syria exist today and are embodied in the outlawed Athurayo liberation movement.
-The Druze
Of both Syria and Lebanon, the Druze are descendants of various Middle Eastern tribes who were originally Muslim, but have, since the 10th-11th centuries, broken away from Islam, forming their own community. Long a powerful force in Lebanon, they eventually formed a majority in the Djebel Druze region of southern Syria. In the 1920s, an independent Druze state was established in Djebel Druze but in the mid-30s, it was ruthlessly extinguished by the Arabs and French. In the 60s, any remaining autonomy was likewise suppressed by the Arabs. They remain second-class citizens in Syria today.

The Maronites descendants from the ancient Phoenicians, adopted their present form of Christianity in the 7th century. Today, they are forced to share their homeland with Arab neighbors who want to kill them. During the 1970s and early 1980s, the PLO, along with the Lebanese Arabs, massacred tens of thousands of Maronites. Today, relations are tense, if not violent. As long as the Arabs remain in Lebanon, such a state of affairs will continue.

North Africa
The indigenous Berber (or more properly, Amazigh) tribes have been forced to adopt the religion of their Arab occupiers since the 7th century. Presently, they are resisting Arab pressure to abandon their cultural heritage and have been made refugees from their ancestral lands in Western Sahara. Since 1977, all attempts to assert Berber identity in Algeria have been ruthlessly suppressed. Today, the Kabyle Berbers in Algeria are either pressing for autonomy or independence for their region and it is hoped that once that is achieved, other Berber tribes will follow suit.

-The Nubians
The black Nubians have traditionally been the major group in the region. Their homeland once boasted a proud history of kings and warriors, but ever since the Arab invasion and occupation, they have been struggling for survival. Many have been forced into southern Egypt where, in the 1960s under orders of the Nasser government, they were displaced and their villages destroyed by the building of the Aswan Dam (which also adversely affected the local Egyptian Coptic population).
Imagine October 7th times 100. That’s the experience of the people of Darfur til this day. For decades, they have been abused and slaughtered by the occupying Arabs, represented by the Janjaweed (the Sudanese version of Hamas) solely because they are not Arab and because they are black (which doesn’t seem to bother Black Lives Matter).

(The African tribes of South Sudan, formerly occupied by Arab Sudan, many of whom are Christian, have been ravaged by decades of Arab onslaughts against them. Estimated deaths from these onslaughts range from 500,000 to 2,000,000.)

These are the facts of the Middle East today. With the exception of a minority of Arabs who respect the fact that they live in countries belonging to other peoples, probably a more desirable general Middle Eastern solution, particularly for Israel, is to have those other Arabs transferred back to their original homeland and return those former “Arab” countries to the control of their original non-Arab indigenous peoples.

About the Author
David currently lives in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles pursuing many interests. He is totally anti-Zionist and is a pro-Israel blogger who also blogs about the histories of the other Arab-occupied indigenous peoples of the Middle East and North (see His booklet, The Occupied Territories [by David Marc], about these indigenous peoples, is currently sold on Amazon.
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