Michel M.J. Shore

The World Is in a Lifeboat Unaware

The World is in a Lifeboat Unaware

The world is in a lifeboat unaware,

That thought, speech and deed must pay the fare,

To repair past errors without despair;

Otherwise, the world is in a lion’s lair


With storms raging here and everywhere,

With many, yet, complacent and unaware;

Time is running out of the hourglass’ fare;

Yet, it can be overturned with care.


Clouds, storms, hurricanes, tornadoes do snare;

Yet, the challenges can be met, if we dare,

Not to capitulate to lies but expose them bare;

For that we need the strength of courage, so rare.


Then take up the clear, noble task to tear

The distortions of truth to shreds and repair!


About the Author
Michel M.J. Shore is a retired judge of the Federal Court of Canada and recently made a home in Israel. He is the writer of several published books and poetry collections.
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