Frank Coutinho

Tourism in Israel and the Dead Sea

Tourism is one of the largest industries in Israel, and one of its major sources of income. It is estimated that around 3.6 million tourists arrived in Israel in 2017, which is a twenty-five percent growth from 2016. One of Israel’s most popular tourist attractions is the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is a saltwater lake that is bordered by Jordan to the east and Israel and Palestine to the west and its surface and shores are 430.5 metres (1,412 ft) below sea level. The Dead Sea is world famous for its extremely salty water and nutrient-rich mud. The salinity of this lake makes it a harsh environment for plants and animals to survive in, hence its name. Many people from all over the world visit the Dead Sea for natural remedies and to benefit from its healing properties to improve the quality of their skin, and even relieve problems like eczema, psoriasis, fluid retention, and aching joints.

The waters of the Dead Sea contain 35% of minerals per liter. These minerals are the secret to the Dead Sea’s healing properties, and they affect the skin and body in many ways. There are approximately more than 21 different types of minerals found in the water, which includes magnesium, calcium, potassium, bromide and sulfate. Experts say that these minerals can help people resolve their skin problems. Sodium is an obvious element located in the Dead Sea. While we’re often told by doctors to limit our intake of sodium, sodium is still a very important electrolyte that has a large role in the absorption of nutrients, blood pressure, fluid balance, and the transmission of nerve signals. Calcium is known for its role in developing healthy teeth and bones, and it can also play a role in the regulation of hormones, blood circulation, enzyme stabilization and body weight regulation. Potassium is another important electrolyte found in the Dead Sea, and its positive charge can conduct electricity within the fluids of our body’s cells. This is a mineral that is crucial to maintain our heart’s rhythm, hydration, our body’s pH balance, and muscle contractions. Magnesium on the other hand, is responsible for the Dead Sea’s skin-hydrating properties. Magnesium binds with water, and makes it easy for the skin to absorb and improve its permeability. Magnesium is also a potent anti-inflammatory, and is involved in more than 300 different body reactions and processes such as energy production, DNA repair, muscle movement and cell signaling. Magnesium is a very important mineral found inside of the body. Magnesium also relaxes the body, and fights against depression. It also strengthens the body’s bones and even improves people’s sleep. These are just a few top minerals found in the Dead Sea, there are still many others. There are many guides and experts that are available to help you during your trip to the Dead Sea to ensure you make the most of its healing properties. When visiting the shores of the Dead Sea, visitors can even use sand resistant products to help them cope with their trip.

In conclusion, the Dead Sea is one of the most famous travel destinations in Israel, and is visited by tourists and health enthusiasts alike. The mud and the waters are filled with high mineral content such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, and this explains why this lake provides so many beautifying and healing properties.

About the Author
Frank Coutinho is passionate about business and entrepreneurship. After studying Business Management at university he started his own e-commerce company. He enjoys reading the daily business news, especially news on startups and the technology industry. In his free time, Frank enjoys reading, soccer, hiking, and watching documentaries.
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