Uri Hirsch


In light of the latest Trump declaration about Gaza the following might be what that territory will look like in a few years.

First, if Canada and Mexico are bypassed, it could become the 51st state of the US, or it could become a US territory like Guam, Puerto Rico, and American Samoa.

After it is completed, it would contain, among other things, a very large resort called “Trump-Gaza,” world-class casinos, golf clubs and marinas. An international airport would be created to allow tourists from all over the world to enjoy this new “Mediterranean Rivera.”

A  huge amusement park would be built called “Disney-Gaza.” Of course, there would be the ubiquitous Chabad synagogues….possibly Chabad North Gaza and Chabad South Gaza.

Readers of this blog would surely be able to add many other places.

About the Author
M.Ed from a leading U.S. university. English instructor. Former Gabai in U.S. and Israeli synagogues. Lover of Israel. Member of the politically right in Israel.
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